The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1883, Page 52, Image 10

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March, 1883.
moil attractive spott that visitors will be likely to
seek. There are an acre and a half close to the
canyoo of the great fall ; another tract of the tame
aize, 25 fret from the lower falls ; two acres at
Mammoth springs ; another spot on Madison
river, near the western boundary of the park ; an
other i qnnrter of i mile (torn "OM Faithful,"
and another a few feet from Soda Butte springs.
The prescribed cost of the hotel at Mammoth hot
springs, to include the cost of electric light ma
chinery, furniture and outbuildings, is $200,000,
Other hotels and buildings, to be approved by
the Secretary of the Interior, are to be erected in
the vicinity of the Tower falls, Riverside geysers,
Yellowstone lake, Soda Butte springs and the
great falls.
The value of eiports from Victoria and New
Westminster in 1SS2 was $3,489,281.
The penitentiary at New Westminster is to be
enlarged by the addition of a wing, at an expense
ol $100,000.
A new wharf 140 feet wide and 600 feet long
it being contracted at Shoal Point, for the
accommodation of the Victoria shipping.
A prorest of freeiing fish for exportation has
been patented by S. U Kelly, of V ictoria. It is
proposed to form a company to engage in the bus
iness Real estate in Tort Moody, the Pacific terminus
of the Canadian Pacific road, is in good demand.
One agent in a few days told forty lots for the
aggregate price of aliout $5,000.
British Columbia it attracting far more atten
tion in Kngland than heretofore, and the people
there are beginning to appreciate the magnitude
and wealth of that great country, of even the
geography of which they are culpably ignorant.
New Westminster it considering the question
of borrowing $jo,ono for the purpose of improv.
ing the streets building a city hall and market
place, purchasing a steam fire engine, and donat
ing a bonus to 1 grist mill and a barrel factory.
The municipality of New Westminster extendi
frot Kraser river to the IT. S. line, and
IJotquare milra of excellent land, one-half ,,f
whkh it yet unoccupied. Bcsidei the thriving
town of New Westminster on Fraser river, there
resettlements in Clover valley, possessing trhool,
church, and postal advantages, and through which
the proposed railroad from the international line
to New Westminster will pass.
An aUtract of fishery returns for British Co
lumUa for 1KS2 shows the following: Total value
ft IMS. St.S4j.675; 1XS1. $1.454.2,; iMKUtt
JjSiJSJ- NumUr of ca of salmon packed
1K2, 255.061; 1SS1, i77lJ76; incrfllC( 7?
Estimated value of plant, steamers venels, nets
etc, $229,670; canneries and other fishing estab
Uthmen.s $402,00,; total, S6JI.670L Employed
26 Ueamert, tteam auuluuin j Khooners from
$ 10 70 tons; 652 fishing boats 2$o cedar canoef
79 aailors 2,705 fishermen. 2,431 shoremen.
Tfc wonderful rapid,,, of constriction on the
Cad. rtatK U 'y o U mamuined, but
UceeesL 10.000 orculan hs.e bet,
announcing the nrgenl demand for Uborert!
Wage, fc carriers kewM, pi j,;
nutJm$l.Joto$,o,pday. It -announced
that lorur before the through line is completed
branch roads will lie commenced, affording steady
work for several years. A dispatch from Victoria
says that 400 mechanics have been secured and
400 more are wanted; that 1,000 laborers are on
the way and 2,000 more have been engaged
Many aic accompanied by their families
That portion of British Columbia called the
Kootcnay country, and to which attention is
now being drawn by efforts of capitalists to
secure a charter and land grant from the Provin
cial legislature for a transportation company to
develop its resources, is well deserving the interest
is has created, tot years it has been known to
the men connected with the greaUIudson's Bay
Company, and more than twenty years aeo at
tracted general notice throughout the West bv the
discovery of valuable placer diggings. Placer
mining has been carried on alone the Kootenav
river quite extensively ever since, and the discov
ery of exceedingly rich quartz ledges is the primal
reasoi for the formation of a railroad and steam'
boat company. The Koolenay river rises in Brit.
ish Columbia, flows southerly into Montana and
Idaho, and then sweeps north aeain. across the
international line, and discharges its waters into
rsootenay lake, and thence again into the Co
lumbia. The project of the company is to navi-
gaie tne lane and the Columbia river with steam
ers and to connect the two by a railroad fortv.five
miles in length. The Carmine country consists nf
belt along the Kootenav river from the -nth
parallel north fifty miles, with a varying width of
. suicu mues, oeine rolling hills and bottom
amis covered with bunch erass and W;
light, sandy soil. Along a series of lakes near
".e river, ., a valley thirty by fifteen miles one of
u.c most oeautuul portions of British Columbia,
un. ' B00d Brass- wa,er ant timber.
Wheat, oats, potatoes, corn. onmn.
.... - - - , avails, ana
all kindred products of the finest quality can be
produced i abundance. Salmon reach this point
m countless numU-rs from the Columbia, despite
frit rilllile nn.l i II .1 1
: ' ,aus ,nal are encountered on their
journey rom the ocean. The pas, severe winter
't the only one in the two decades of its settle
men. that cattle and horses have , I'l "?
good condition without other feed than the ranges
supply, n,, u , me ranges
, .', " "m,u5 wo live theie are
friendly, peaceful and self-snsiaini.,.. . .....
"Si u" a little
" cattle and horses. They
Cr. the ... .
funding i 1)ca , " region
whir. . r ' ' cll mounli n sheep
h"e goat, fox. fisher, mint, . P'
y".ndo,,er,and,he, r Z'J
of the finest quality SUnai0hVh -iIrr
" , C ,enyin.0 the lakes and thus to
the Columbia, ,nd ,,, .. u.1 5 l
- the erratic course of th? '"I?'
open up the mineral, timber . ,,u 1 0
rcetof this reon i ,he nr aen,cuI,ural de
portation enmn.!5 D ' lhe obJect of the Iran..
'ortWraneleha! . .
I ' Wl
now enter at
With their usual enterprise Wells, Fargo & Co
have established express offices at Fort Wrangle''
Sitka and Harrisburg. It will be a long time
before they meet with opposition.
San Francisco capitalists are investing money
in Alaska both in the fisheries and developing it,
vast mineral resources. Two canneries .in
established by them this spring at Carter bay. -
The Northwest Trading Company is erecting
large canning establishment in Alaska. Ar,n,
t t wind
is being put up at Cape Fox. near the r,;(:.i.
- - - - - HH0U
Columbia line, by the Cape Fox Canning
of Astoria. ' '.'
It is reported that tin ore has been disenv.,.
in Missoula, Montana. '
Good pay dirt has been found on Romie
Oregon, above Ellensburg, ;
Preparations are being made for usine hvdraiilie
power in the mines on Skagit river. ,
The old tailings at Jacksonville. Oreeon. are
being worked over with good results.
A new reduction company has been incornn.
rated to build works at Virginia City, Montana.
In January 6,508 tons of Carbonado ennl we,.
shipped from New Tacoma, and 12,552 in February.
A twenty-stamp mill will be erected this snrinir
in the Collar mine, in the Maiden district, Mon-tana.
The Far West and Davitt mines on Deer creek
in the Wood river region, Idaho, have been sold
for (40,000.
The Silver City Avalanche names sixteen mines
in Owyhee county, Idaho, that have nrndured
Several new ledees have been discovered in th.
Banner district, Idaho, the ore assaying from $67
to $i,35i per ton.
Tay dirt, averaeine $1,000 to the set nf tim.
bers, has been struck at the old dirrrincs nf Hark.
erville, British Columbia.
Alaska produced $240,000 in rmld in 18R2. nrl
only $15,000 the year before. This vear the
yield will be much larger.
It is reported that the Union Conner mine of
Del Norte county. California, h.. K..n nl,l in
Eastern capitalists for $80,000.
the mines around Marvsvill. t (nlflti'i art
flourishing. , The Doc Parker lode has widened
out to four feet of free gold ore.
Nine hundred and m.n . .m-
Ployed in the coal mines on Vancouver island.
who earn from $3 to $5 per day.
There is but little
aa iiiv lUVUIiintiw
Southern Oreeon. and th. min.r. ,;n .,ff.r inr
lack of sufficient water before long.
A large body of superior maimelir iron ore hat
recently been discovered within fifteen miles of
niontesano, ChehalU county, W. T.
lhe discovery is reported of nf nlati-
num on Wood river, near Cm. nf the
ore has been reduced with splendid results.
Activity is beine shown in .),. His-
tnct, Madison countv M.-. .. . n,.m.
, '-J I suwuiaufl, m
f of Promising claims are being opened up.