October; 1882 1 8a THE WEST SHORE. I . . .1 -J efarf a ffamo. H r ranuai was ucu itM""- mm n iumwit. r - .m MrAIH.ter Stout hearts and stalwart arms were 'P'1- ,u ... ,.,,1. and always with success when built a saw mill at Nesquaiiy, on wiw j -i -" ' WB u,, t0 the , M.AlliMcr's creek, and from this mill the first economy ano 7""' "'T" awed lumber was dipped from Puget Sound . lea .aoor o, " " n. ,h fall of the same year. Pile, and hewed Um- , ' ' .. "r '7. Some of th be, we sn.pped -me yea, at v.nous places a gre. improve " on Puget Sound from Neah Bay to O.ymp.a. more aar ng on . pi.- . ... mill . hu It at Seatt e bv loe to tne snores u. uic HenryLYeslerin 1853, which turned out from bovine adjuncts they penetrated the forests with ' ........ j MAAeA maHs. and soon the wilderness became 1 of Oregon, aid started a law ne.r Olvmoia. In 1851, Mr. 10.000 to 15.000 feel per day, . tl.it mall commencement a Great indllS try has sprung up which, with the exception ol coal, it the greatest and most immrlanl of all ..1 1,.,. tint hive liren dcveloMcd on PuL'et Sound The primitive methods of logging and sawing the timber into merchantable product! has been super seded by the mott modern improvements of the eastern states, altnougn 11 nas been lounci that the fir it tougher and a more difficult wood to cut than the soft pine of the eastern states; and requires in some degree a different treatment. Fir is radically different from eastern nine and should never be confounded with il by being tilled nine. The fir of the Baltic always soken of commercially as fir, and more closely resembles the fir of Puget Sound than any other coniferae. The mills of Puirel Sound at uresent have a capacity for turning out the following number of teet ol lumber per diem: MilL Feet. Port Gamble 150,000 Port Ludlow 150,000 Utsalsdy 75,000 Port Madison '. 92,000 Port Blikely 150,000 Tacotna 150,000 Sealwck 6?,ooo Milton 30,000 Port Discovery 60,000 New Tacoma it ooo Stetson k Post al Seattle 20,000 Cotmans' at Seattle 30,000 . A small water mill has been started at What com which cuts about 13,000 feet per day Most of these mills are run at their full caoa city, a great demand for lumlr having sprung up since the close of the Chilian war. This. anl the great demand for railroad supplies, has made the lumber traile very prosperous durint iftfh with a prospect of an increased business nest vear It is Inteiesting to see the change which has taken place In the logging business which is the first commencement of the process of turning the forests into boards and other building materials. IUaU3. tttix owwt. . 1 resonant with the loud cries ol tne-mui-puncners, as the ox drivers are termed, urging their slow stepping teams to more activity. Hand logging .1:11 lni os (hp trees alone the imme- 31111 v-v7i 1 l 1 11 j " " ' - a diate shores became scarce, the method was aban doned, and from i860, during the war, and to tne present time, logging is done by camps consisting r I. ...!.L - i,nraB nf 01 six or eicm men wuu iu w uu 1 uiliiih have heen increased to camDS of twenty men with five or six yokes of cattle. In cnm. nUrei skiilded roads run into the timber two or three miles. In other places, tramways of five or six miles have been built, and horses, mules or steam engines are used to haul the cars laden with huge logs and timber. At Tumwater logs are brought by the Tenino branch railroad any required distance, and at Tacoma by the steam cars from the Puyallup valley and on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. At Port Discovery, Ackerson, Moore & Co. are building a railroad eight miles lone to extend southward to Quilcene bay, and on the Snohomish river, Black man & Brothers have a railroad five miles lone with a steam engine to haul their cars. AN UNEXPLORED TIMBER REGION. The finest timber region in Western Washing ton, at present but little known, is the vast coun try lying west of the Willamette meridian which, commencing at Portland, runs due north past Port Townsend. Between this meridian and the Pa cific ocean is an area nearly as large as the six ivew England states, composed of the mountains of the Olympic range, rich in mineral resources, ami a vast rolling country densely covered with the most magnificent growth of statelv firs that can be found on the American continent. A rail road along the west side of Hood's canal, mm. mencing at some point on the Northern Pacific near fckookum Chuck and continuing on to Port iuvtry ana rort Townsend, will make the whole of the vast region of Western Washington available to commerce, bv branch rnA. .u. - j .vHua ivi MIC Chehahs valley, and from Quilcene bay by the north slope of the Olvmnir. foothills, which terminate their northern shores The fir logger, found the timber trees RrowinJ t lCrminate thcir aot& sh mil. to ih. ..1... ..... .,. mK on ca Strait. This ereat timh., :. thr, men with . boat for transportation, and J? c forests the eastern side with only axe. and handspikes, and perhap,. 7 ,a' mil"on feet oftim cncul saw, ft tools, would select such timber c " rr0ln lhe dens growth as suited their purote contiguous to the water Ttv Urn mi .1 fir.1 1. L r . . , , ,Itn 0, j)ueii bu( iikj ni iu.ny 01 me trees large enough at the butt fur mill lop they could generally iecure a cut .unHaomy ,ong 1 a MU ,Ut, nJ , w. ; au me rivers named are capable of .bl Hle of the remainder U the tree. The pile, e ? M f log5 ,0 th" ters of Pueet mldtomseU which conveyed them lh, are actively .t work on most .-re ihlPrUi,nf- Poducto, their gigantic firs which line th. k.-i.. -r . T:ITAV -amish 'Cnd e"' to the snow line of t he C.scad Rimini ... au . v aV-Ui . nvers named are capable float no miltu-. 1.. . . ":-apaDie loaded, the mill Ion were made lm lh lU, hen wiodwU lair. by dirt of hard labor wuh sweep, and w plcs oly wosUd U the rea,e null Very r, b, owed" in , " .T" N roads to the interior will add new markets to the great foreign demand of the present, the question naturally arises, "How long will it be, with this great and increasing demand upon the timber re-' sources of Puget Sound, before the stock of mark'- etable timber will be exhausted?" We see that the- vast pine forests of Maine have been shorn of their strength', and that whole districts of thtf finest pine lands of Michigan and other western states have been entirely cleared of their timber; and we also see the fact that in almost every in stance where the pine has been cut off, the suc ceeding growth is of deciduous trecsy such birch, maple, beach, oak and other hard wood. In fact the great lumbermen of the states east of the Rocky mountains already have turned their attention to the forests of Western Washington and pronounce them to be the source from whence in the near future the world must derive its sup ply of fir timber as well as other coniferous woods. This question has already attracted the attention of careful observers, and it has been computed that perhaps a hundred years will elapse before the present growth shall have been cleared off by the woodman's axe, even allowing no new growth to occur. But it is very doubtful if the fir of Washington Territory will ever b exhausted. It possesses not only a wonderful vital ky but is different from the pine growth in the ' east, in that it perpetuates its own species While the pine of the eastern states, as has been stated, is succeeded by a growth of deciduous trees, the fir of Puget Sound is always succeeded by a growth of fir, and so rapid is this growth that instances are not rare where fields, cleared from the forest for cultivation, and afterward aban doned, are covered in a short time by a growth ' of young firs which spring up like weeds, and in two or three years produce an impenetrable thicket, which in twenty years will grow treei from twelve to fourteen inches in diameter. THE WASTE OF LUMBER AND HOW IT CAN BE UTILIZED. The waste of lumber at the saw mills is enor mous. With the mill men the question u not how to utilize the saw dust, slabs and other refuse, but how to get rid of it. Some of the slabs are sawed into laths, some into firewood for the steam tugs, and the balance burned up in kilns of never ending fires. In all the mills the sawdust it utilized as fuel, and the surplus, of which there it much, is used for filling low places in the tlreets.. Slabs and sawdust are used for building piers, and. wherever the sawdust comes in contact with the salt water mud on the bottom of the bays, ill de composition generates sulphuretted hydrogen g of most unsavory smell, and baleful influence to health. It is probable,' however, that many year, will not elapse before this waste will be remedied. : The saw dust will be utilized by reducing it to a pulp for paper stock, a use for which iti tough fibre is peculiarly adapted, and the slabs converted into a variety of small wares. A few yean ago it was announced in scientific journals that a French chemist had discovered that good brandy can be distilled from fir sawdiu after it has been treated with a solution of wlphuric acid. It is not probable that at present there will be any distilleries on Puget Sound to put the Frenchman's discovery to a practical test, but it an evidence that fir sawdust may be put t? " profitable use other than as paper stock or ' packing crockery ware, or making roads and pi' '