The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 01, 1881, Page 241, Image 15

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    September, 16S1.
tHE WfcSt SHORfc.
Vancouver, to my mind, is the
pkasantcst spot on t!.i cU-i ii coast,
as it is also the oldest. It used to be
the headquarters of the Hudson Bay
Company, when that company was
supreme from California to the North
Pole. A prettier piece of land, or one
better adapted for the purposes of com
merce, could not have been selected.
It lies on the north bank of the Co
lumbia, a stream which drains a water
shed nearly twice as large as France,
being about 400,000 square miles; its
distance from the ocean is about 95
miles, being six miles above the con
fluence of the Willamette, 1 3 miles by
water from Portland, but only 6 miles
from the same place by land. In low
stages of water, that is to say when the
river docs not flood the low land, a
steam ferry crosses the Columbia to
the south shore, a distance of one mile
and a half, every half hour. Not less
than eight steamboat departures take
place daily from Vancouver for Port
land or for the up-river country. It is
a point very convenient of access from
every quarter,
This place is composed of two parts
one is the village proper or the business
portion of the place, and aside from
being located on the shores of th
second river in the United States,
river celebrated for its important su!
mon fisheries which supply this de
licious fish to every part of (he United
States and Europe, has little to distin
guish it from many thrifty similarly or
as favorably located in the western
country. The streets are wide; the
sidewalks are only plunked along th
lower part of Main street, for Vancou
ver, with its population of aoo with
the garrison or 1,480 without it, is only
a citv in embryo. The town has a trim
aspect and is growing, slowly, it
true, but steadily; real estate has nevtr
business in Portland would come and this beautiful scene, mirroring her
reside here, this place being by fur the I image in the rapid river below; keep
more healthy of tV.c two. Vancouver your cart ojau to ti.i ln.ino.iy of soutui, ,
would naturally In-come to Portland I your eyes open to the harmony of
what Oakland is to San Francisco or I beauty; then you will seek your home I
Evnnston to Chicago. At present, the I with a heart intoxicated with happiness
me required by the boat from here to 1st thinking that the world Is so fair. I
,'ortland is about one hour and a half,! have seen great cities, mountain scenery
whilst by rail it would only take 15 or land roaring waterfalls, hut nothing ha
ao minutes, since the distance, as stated lever reached the tender strings of my
above, is only six miles by land. I heart like the dying day at Vancouver
Hutthcirrcat attractions of Vancou- barmk, wml n",ur man wert
ver consists in the barracks, this bcinif vicin wilh Mch ,her capllvalt tht
the principal military iot of the wilh ,hcir niilfultl beaulle-
- 1 1 ... . . . t s a ' 1 . 11'
tTnll..,l Sl,il... nn ihli .. W.M . VV, in lllf MllttmUttt It-
y far the handsomest also. Imagine
an open front on the river for one mile
wilh a southern acct, a ground rising
y a very uniform and cusy grade and
affording all the way a charming view
VI 11 n.
Whatever may bo the outcome of the
numerous railroad schemes that are now
of the noble Columbia, not only on the Mnt planned In our midst, th (act
opposite bank to the hills back of Port- wi" rcm"ln "'"hanged that Lawlston
and, but also up the Imposing river for 11,0 J IO ",c ". com.
. . . I ....... .1. it... ... 1 .......... ... . 1. .. 1 . . . . ..
many miles a lovely ami extensive I ""
andscapc having in its back-ground the '" 01 Northwest.
towering form of Mount Hood, whose ewiston is not an accidental iocs,
brow Is covered with jierprtual snow- ' U "0 IwleliHj for Its flikt.
add to this some thirty or forty neatly 11,0 of hc' '
kept houses for ofliccrs' quarters, each wrougn me mexoramt operation or
with its climbing ivies, rosea, wisterias " original locator 01
and honey.suckles, each with it well ow, '" "Wring sagae.
kept fluwer-Uil and its flowing water ''X of !'""'. what y wert
to keep the whole lot fresh during the 1m,u1 whr" ihY l,Un,' th of
summer droughts (for, lw it said here, lhu Prcn Th ,ow" nu
no place is letter supplied with pure, " usuwesi iy me application 01 ar.
cool, sft water than Vancouver village MM llmuliil to Its nerve of trade;
or barracks); add to all this a large and lu Kr"w,h tliercfort, has been slow-
" 1 i A II. til
handsome para.le ground of a quarter ver7 conunuous, ami 11 win
ofamilein breadth by three-quarters M permanent becaust of Its .low
oi a mile in length, wilh a fine or. Iw'n ,or 1u" ntr""
riage drive around it, a highly kept MVHf h '''M1 transformation of
gravel walk along the neat picket fence Pw wnatcveriwveniage.nt may
in front of the houses; these, atom, " conferred upon It, into a thriving
would constitute a scene of loveliness oy yrr ' ltv
hard to match in this western country. Th. slow growth of the city com-
.... .... . iniemis nseu in our imigmcni as int
Hut many other thing still increase . , V ,
the natural attractions of this singularly
lovely p"t. Take your tea after your
mot hoicful sign connected with It
future. IMilston has been klentined
MfiiK I It rminlrif ihm Aim tw II
been here on the rampage; town prop- day . work is done;w..k o the far. fiM KUl,,cn, tm, 5, 0hl
ertyi. held at thi. day at readable rack,; s.t down u,k, one of the rustic 1
rate.; those who invest in real estate scats around the few towering inj -ff
will nerhao fad to make fortune in a children of the forest still left standing ?
It J IIICT W IWVH I,!!? Wtlll
few year, but they may be pretty cer-
tain not to lose money on their invest'
menu. Vancouver, from its pmition,
will alway be a pleasant place to live
in, and if the railroad from Kalama to
Portland, which i to connect the lat
ter nlace with the Sound, should pas
through it, as there i good reason for
believing it will, many people doing
- . ? .. .1 ...... .. f lk. n..l Ii.Imm tit.. I
. r . . .... Ivcsrs ol uniirintr indulrv. Etab
music or the mil.tary nan.i, rise. oo - U'wUlon h
like an anthem sung over the departing withstood the vicissitmle which char-
day; watch the growing shallow a acteriae tht era of the frontier; tht
they climb slowly up the Iwwry si.!e of has lcen Irinl by llmt, tcstt l7 Art
,, .11 1 .. 1 -i" '. r. and by sword, ami her tiistenct to-
Muum ..., wm " datk lkt strongest pro that she bM
ablaze with the burnished goWen hue BlJl mj W(t 4 m wufiimm in
of the setting ton; watch the palt moon ' t) elements required to makt a great
at its full a she maeticlly nc on jciiy ijwitlo fiiwi.