June, 1881. THE WEST SHORE. 7,M7 60 Irani on eseding. Th Mm partial bad but euon a 13-acr Held in brlejf which cropped 22 ton, equal to 1700. Twenty acre in uU Tanked 18 bu.hel par aora, and lold at 830 par t"n. Their Held of L'daian whit cmruU Jiu!ji4 10 ton to tha acta, and told at 1 11 per Um. Climatically, tha country u a very deainblcon to mak a hoina in. It ia not troubled with apt. demio or endemic diieaae, and although imallpox bate aeveral timet been brought her by fonugu vaeaela, tlit-y have never ipread. liritiah Columbia baa a population of 26,000, yet wa ttiid only 134 death rKtatred lor tha paat year, and only 104 lor tha year previous Thw lor oouiitiy where minimi, with It almoet unavoid abla fatal accident., u vignruualy proaecuted, I a remarkably favorable allowing tor the healthful Beat of the country. The total expenditure of the government for the year 1H80 waa t33,4y.V29. Ol thi the liberal um of mi fur the maintaining ol Mad ami badge, and 8I6.202.4.1, for educetioii.l purpottw. The very beat v idinc that thta com Dined natural dvantng, and the lilwral txpeti diture of the government for the good 01 the country are appn outed, and that liritiah Colum bia la rapidly gaining a population ol home maker, and ia not, a 111 it early hintory, com poead of a floating claaa, can be even fioin tha tal lowing table of children enrolled in th different public mIiooIi in the Province; YBAR 0. RNROLLRD 1872- 73 1.028 1873- '74 1,24. l74-"74 1,403 i7-'7tt ,m 1S70-77 i.iws W11 2.108 1878-'7U 2.3o lSTa-'oO 2.402 The Cuatoia lluua tatiatio alao mak a favor bl allowing for th Proviiio. Whilat In former year th import war larger than th export. lh latter xoeedd th former by over 8000,000 during isso. The laud law of th Province are liberal. Every actual Miller, tbe head of family, a widow, or aingl man over 18 year of age, can bomeetead 120 acrre of land north aud Mat Ol th Caacadee, or I'M) (ore iu any other portion of the 1'rovinoe Additional land can be puich.eed on ait year time at 82 60 per acr from the government or the Ca nadian I'aoilto Railroad tyiidicate. Th production ol th loreet era oak, aeveral vanetiea of ttr, hemlock, pruce. red and yellow cedar, yew, alder, plain and curly maple, ooltot Wood, aapen. Birch ami larcn. several larg mm mule are located in different aectioiia of th Pru ritic, and manufacture principally Mr lumber fur bom conaumption and lor export. 1 he Hilar rained wood are uacetilibl ol a high poliah, and are beli.g need to (otaeextaut la lb lurultur manulactorlr at Victoria. ' Th water of th many bay, In lata, river and lakea team with many variant of Bah. At pie, ol Hi Mlmon only 1 oanned lor export, but be fore many yran II auiiraoiacy will be diepuled by theoolacbou, a imall nth fruenting thne water) Properly Introduced, thouaeuda of eaake of Uiaae deliottfualy flavo1 Utile nth would annually Bud ready eal In the Uuited Htat and elaewhare Th oil of oolaehon la equally aSloaeloui aud ol plaaMBter Uate then cud liver oil. Halibut, aud, not, roeR cod, aotnovy, Mruiuea, Bounder, oy. ton, eraha aud prawn are plentiful in their on, whllet herring, during the epawnlng aot, raanrt la ianseoae Mhoole to the many lulela of Ue Oulf of Georgia. A company ha Juat been Of gaaiaed at Durrard Inlet to Manufacture Barring oil and convert the refuM Into B-b gaaao. A Mm tier MtoUiebmenl at fort aladlaoa kaa been doing prubUbi Boain lor a auaioer 04 year Oaea of all kind I abundant oa the Wanda a wall a lb mainland, and a number of Bxa kav aeroMulatod a auaipeteno I row banting, aluaa. Aa eaaailnalUHi ol I ha baealilal oolleeUoo of Brit lab Columbia mineral la th Meebanlca' Library, at Kw W.UioeUr, will euvivtnca any one that the country la rxh In Mineral, we took prtra lar not lot of turn l tpaotnteM of gold, eUvvr, sop per, irua. mvtI verwUea f anal, g.l-na, aoU akato and emrbuaato ol Ilea, Mineral plUb, pleat. baa-o. plallua, limeelo, iwiaaaj and 11 va Miamg k vigoruoeiy prwMted Tbe total aaav bar of at) enrird ia gold Mining la tha flu. vino daring IM0 wee l4; of Um 741 wre while. 1 be tlr yield lot tbe veer waa (I 0U 827 00. MmII mov the i2.ow,0Ui 00 la gold have bee take oajt. The aU Miaa gav MDkryaMat te) aJ Mate, avw a 1mm wattea. To. Ul amt,unt af coal mined during 1880, atUt 000 ton. Thi coal it of a auparior quality and Hud ready Mia in Han Franci.co and other markel. China and Japan are about to become ooneumer, and th Ihliui uim ul Uu lUuuaaud ton will U thipp to Hong Kong direct per tteamahlp Quint. iron or i lound in aeveral part of lh Pro vince; an ineihauatibl mine of mairnetlo Iron or vxiaU on Texada ieland. The or U now exported to Tort Townaend, U, H , and aftnr being there malted i told 111 th California marked. It t and to be good fur any iiurpia a lh beat Scutch pig, and auperior to it In muuy rmpect. A fortune await th man or company wro will ervrt tnielttng wnrka and Mlling nulla on Texada. The furnace could he run economically, a tinitier atmiiud on th Inland anl limeaton and coal are uear at hand, The foundrlee and maahin thopt in th Province ute conaiilereble Iron, and thou mla upon Ihouaand of torn of rail and imn fur rolling 1'iK-k will b rvruired for the Canadian Pacitlc railroad. Nearly the eutlie pnxtuot would, therefore, Bud a home maiket. All thai it needed ia eome good live man to organiiw a company. We have in our piataewinn a piece of copier or, taken from a claim a ehurt dia'ano from whei the Texada linn ore 1 being taken oul It aaaaye I7) per cent pure copwr, and eontaiii i0 per ton III ailver. Th mm 1 aeay of aoreee and con tain enough wealth to pay for a half down trail coiilinaotai railroada: it wauta oapital and ntr one to devi'lop It. The bt building atone on lh I'aoiIlK la quarried at Niinaimo In th eonalructlun ol th V. ft Mint at Han Kranol.ro, over 8,000 ton ol It were uaed and it haa atood tha teat aeveral veara Halt rould be profitably manufactured on Salt Spring I lnnd. A nuintier of brine tprlngt xiat there, wl.l h, by enaly.le, give 4.101 grain of Mil to every gallon ol briue. Crauberriea grow wild III marahy diatrinta, and when picked and packed in water llwhl oaaka, find a reaily mI In Portland and Man Pianclwo mar kite. It doean't require over 81'W aapital to b com a cranberry exporter, and a few year er latent and liitaliigeut wolk at It will mak any on independant W have thua Indicated what th country I ca pable ol doing lor lh Indualrloua, and whilat w ad via bo on to emigrate to Uilllah Columbia without mm capital, w claim that an liitelllirent and Induatriona man can Hud enough In the fle'da, Inrrat and water to lorm lh nuoleua fur an lude p indent fortune. Hrltlhh Columbia OHIrlal Dlrertorj. Hon. A. N. Kiciiaxii. Ucul, Cuvcmor. C'ArfAiN R. 0. Tati.ow ('rival hrcrelary. EXKCUTIVK COUNCIL Hon. G. A. Wai.km . . Pmldrnl. " Koxkbt IImvkn " T. IIavil II 11 nr 11 ., Clctk. LKCISLATIVK ASSKMIlLY. Hon. Fkm'K Wii.i.iamu, Hpcahtr. Tiiointon Frit, Oct. JUDICIAL KSTAIiLlSHMKNT. Hon. Ht 1 M. II. Ilwikig, Crilcf Jualbr. " II. I. P. CaeAtt, PuitiM JiMlge, " J. II. CiAr " " " J. F. MifkkiHHT, " " " A. R. rUTON " " DOMINION COVF.KNMENT. Hon. J. W. TiUTCH, C. M. C, Agent. II. S. Kokbuck Ktcrrtary. C M. Itoviu.g, ..Pilvala Kctrrtary. CUSTOMH. Hon. W. o. llAMLir Colbxtov, C. S. Fikiaix) Chief Clerk. POST OFFICK. K. W'ALUl'a, loctof aiMl Poalmaaler, Vkrtorl. K. FLkUlltk Aat'l laapectiiT, MARINE AND FISHF.KIF.S. f. RtvKLV, Agmt. A. C AHI'tltoM iHpCtuf taf Fetturrtt. Term airl' Jaly b-lll be ma avaUbly by lie C F. CWawalL IN1-AND REVENUE. C. T. Dopont Iiupcctor. II. B. GiWIl. Collerlrti. INDIAN DEPARTMENT. I. IK0T. Cot. IVwki.i, M.I),,..Suiilnlrmlcnt. Hamilton MorrArr Clctk. PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENTS. PKOFI.VCAL SKCI!KrAKi"S PHAHTMHST. Hon. T. Haul Humhiimyii, Provlniial Sccrclary tmt Miniiln of Mine. T. EI.WVN Drpmy Prov'L Set. R. W01 rxNliHN Sup't Priming lliamh, TKKASUKY Dhl'AKTMkST Hon, Rohknt IlKAVKN, Mlni.tcr of Finance ami Agiiiultui. J. Juimhin YoUNO Dvpuly Trra.urcr, J. Mcll. Smit Audllor. lA.sms asp wokks nftrAHTMK.vr. Hon. ('., A. WaI KKM Chirf Coinmla.li.iirr. W, S. CinkR Kutvryoi Crncral. J. J. AunTIN Clnk of Reroiil. F. 0. KiniAkiin, Jx, .....Drugliiinn. a TTOKNKyr.KsmtAi:s Dt.rAxrMH.vr. Hon. (i. A. Wai kim, (. C, . . Altoinry lirncral. Ei.l Hakrimin, Jr., Holicliur. KKUISTK A H-UKN URAL'S OHlir II. It. W. AlKMAN,,, Rr,jl.lrr General uf Till. R. ToLMIR Clerk. surKMK cov nr. . C. PRRVOXT, Krgitliar. T. Harris Vkioiia. J. Morrihon New Valn.lnler, U. IIVRNtt,,.,, Carilwo, UDUCAriON. C. C. MtKkNKiH , . ,.,,Niiirlnien.liii. KLHK ClIARI.M Tolif), huerliilniUlil. ASYLUM fOK THIt IN1ANK, NK WlttT. MINX TIM. J. PlIILl.ir,. , . , . Huarinlrn.lnL AHSA V OH1 UK, CAKIIkH). A. J. Moiiat Aaaayeraml Miller. COAL MISK1, NAH A I MO. A. Dick, ,.,,ti. CASH AH, A. W. VoWRI.L, Golil Crmimlaakmef. GOVKKNMKfir A'.K.VTS Cowithan, II. Fr. Nanalrmi, ,,,, M. II V, Curnot,,.. ,. W. DlNUWALU New Wtalmlnlalef, , , J. C. HvOHRt, VU, , W, Drwdnrv, l ytloo V. II omr y, IJIIooet C I'MAIR. Clinton, , F. NotR. Kamloupa, ,C. C. TUKVTALL. Oltnagtn, ,,,, T. MtK, IjkMkiy. Kootmay,...,,. W, Ftkaik. Can U an. , J, IfarWBOM. Fork of furaiMlUr River,. ... W. HmrNtnaoa), Archibald Dm R. . Inpci'n 01 Mm, Nanaimo, A very larjje area o( Urwi U urnlcr cultivation in the Siwllunidcliccn di triti, II, C, ami croim arc lixAinu; re markdlily line. ' Salt Spring Ialaitt) I wtyxieil rt gion, BlTurdino; excellent paaturage.