The West Shoke. VOL. 7-No. 6. j L. Samuel, PutlUhtr. Portland, Orogon, June, 1881. Nr Annua. I SImU ! im t tu I w Mb lug loo Bl, SPECIMEN COPY. Any one receiving a specimen copy of the West Shohe will please con sider it an invitation to become regu lar subscriber. The leading bookseller in every city will receive subscriptions for us. Remittances can also be made direct to us by postal order or registered letter at our risk, from any postoMice in the world. TO OUR READERS. North of us and adjoining Washing ton Territory, is a vast country, larger by far than both Oregon and Washing ton Territory. It is known as British Columbia, and is the Pacific Province of the Canadian Confederation. The entire section possesses great mineral weaitn, ana hiso oners cmicmg induce ments to industrious agriculturally in clined emigrants. Yet so little is known of this magnificent country that when British Columbia is mentioned the majority of people imagine it a lit tle village in the extreme somewhere. To correct this error and give our read ers at least a fair idea of this, our rich, next door neighbor, we have concluded to devote this entire number to the his tory and resources of British Columbia. Our information is from personal obser. vation, assisted by statistic furnished . . . i i .1 uy l rovmciai oinciais ami nnm rcimuiB historical writers, The illustration! were all made trom photogranhs by R, Maynard, Victoria, who is our regular artist lor British Columbia, and the leading photographer in the Province. n ' :: cirt J- Hu ft v - ... mni-rKfa UEUT. GOVI-RNOR'S RKMDKNl K, Vlt ToKIA. ClisliiM IIOUSK, VICTORIA. - 1 ' 1 i i . . . . i ., lOVKKNMFNT HUlll'INdS, VH.TOKIA.