The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1881, Page 130, Image 16

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May, 1881.
The I tat regular meeting of the California
Hilk failure Aaaooitlioa, at the Aoadamy of
Kvianoet, we ou uf tictl interest. Mr, K.
It. Iltrkar presided., Mr. Keeoey, one of the
viuapraaideate, gave a lull Moonlit of Hit pre-grt-at
'if that il.tlaetiy. Al liia rounia ol tilt
euoaty at Ha luteal about 10,000 silkworms
are doing finely, nwwt of than) being bow iu the
emoad MtU, Many vulture hsve beta la torn
the aew work, Mil til eipratead UihiiimIvm m
drliglitad Willi Un proureoe made, Mil th plrae
ara of the work, Mil give the aeeocutuin a
bearly "Uud epeed." Tha wilt of tha Japaoeae
tVaiaul niaallaated I uoil daaj of iu tar oat, and
aaid Unt tha worms war tha largest 'or lhair
age ilia had trcr ate. Tha JapMes I'oiimiI
baa written to tha proper Jtptoeee authorities.
edvieing tbm to have a good eupply of egge
Md aooooM H ma a man can marital nail year,
at In faala oertain that allk oulturawill peedily
rank among Um moat lmxirtMt of our indua
triea. Thuoe la charge of tha rooma In Km Ka-
faal (ournar of Alb Md K HU. ) ara pleaaed to
aaa all vulture, Ma will gladly Hiow Iham thalr
Mr, A. 1'. HUatna gave aa Intaraaling to
owunt of bar obaervaluitie during bar trio in
Md aroand Hu Juaa. Hba found tlia interest
la thia Industry vary wide aproad, and
many eipenmeiiUfig with tha worm a. Ho
far, all eiuanmaole have auooaailad ailmirably,
ait aat, on allk oulture, and tha faculty vi
tha I'altemly of tha I'eoiHo ara ao tntaraatad
In it that it la vary probable a olaaa will b
opened thara alto,
Mr. T. II. HilUll, tha author of tha 'H al
Ifnraia Hilk (I rower 'e I ua tractor," wa voted M
imaatoa of aonlial Uittike by tha anoiaty lor
Bar eeraeei wars, me lor. neoy, sir. Hit
tall, raporud many lalUra received I rum all
taut of tha Hlata, thawing tha greet Uilereal
felt. All daalr lafurmeUoa tod tha eootety ara
mailing taa "laairaiiura" aa rapbuyaa poaeible.
Mia Merwedel, tha well kouwa kindergarten
iMpbar. reported t oa, of gg reoeiaej and
raady for dialribeiliua, Hba alao had long
talk VIM a TMDf inranlot' who bad made
M eppliaae by which hu aiatar Md othara
of tha lamily bad rlal ailk la KngUnd,
Md b etpraeeed a bo that ha might b aula
to attach thia roallng aprlua V a oommoa
sowing ma. kina. Hu math auoh aa lavealioa
would aid tha alk grower.
Mr. llarniM, u oapart in ailk aiMufactur.
aay that aa climate la aa aultad to tha allk in
daolry aa that of California, Ha baa traveled
wulaly I tha aktk prudsMag ooanlrtee, ao bit
Id aaa ara doubly lai portent. Ha takaa a graat
Ureal la tha tocialy tod la aadeevnrmg to
farthar th iadaatry la Kaa Juaa, Ha know
trues prwI eipareaac that tha iurlaraf
tha re! ailk dra gomla 1 aaalil to enmiiet
ith tha buaee market booauaa of tha protwtiira
tana. Tka tairura of J f r. It
urwiw l tha batching at av.
Ilia BaMOM of th aoMaty ara la a floariahing
aonJilta tad aoaatMlly taiproTiag. Thar H
aw aWbt bat that thia M ladaaUy rlll bnag
allh a t'aliramia. Ha lot all patrlotM t all,
autalaaa tataraat Uaaalraa la thai frork, Md,
by aa dulag, aid Uwi lloUaa HtaVa.
A Ki at Naa KiaiiKu.Th Wkwaltag
A mm lmtT at April U aayt: TV aail eathaa
auataat batvaaa th lUakaat and Top Bull
laoaaraa aaaaa at Uat rk aa4 raaaltad la a
.ary far tha laMar. At Um Tua nuli It
Wtal aatMint M aaila aal Vat 7.0(1 bag. Th
aaaa rarhd II boar ai day and UOaail
aaarhiaaa war anapiayad, arai at obMa,
vara tdla at Itaaaa danag ta araaa.
lV Urt prlaaa aatpat ai tha faotary ta
aa tfk araa .7 bag, aratkiag aa la la
bour a) 1I1 ay TV Mbtaiag vtll abow that
U Wall pat la laaar Uma ta adrMlagai IW
aard hart, aa kL, aal tU ki Jaaaaa Kaa-
aay, Bui, r.1 kagai TV in Tagg, ad., U
tyi lUbart iHHy, IU., Ii kagai Joaaa
aMa, iu., I u aga latai
Tha neit aaatioo of th aociety will be held
thu fall, Md wa liopa that our Stata will b
rprntd in the penona a wall ai in th
wrilinK of our hortimiltnriata. Now that our
nut ia aojoying luch araooamnt in borti
oultur it u aapacially flttins that mm wU
iufurmad fruit growar ihoulil b at th mast'
lug, u thar will no doubt b not a little re
qucat for tha loading point of Oregon ex
perieno. Th notio of th meeting u given
early, Md u many will make money enough
Una Beaton to trtt themtelve to an fcutern
trip, wa eipaot that thar will b nuny Ore
gon imi prnant
htv reoaivml th followioit circular n
rafaranu to th moating :
Tha MMiachnaatla llurtlnlllunl Kot lelv havlnr Invlud
lha AaMrii-aa tNnnlvii Hudaiy Ui holil Iu nail mart
liw la Iwat-m, tha unlMaliMil nAloa that lha IHth
tmtkun 14 Uila aalhwal awKlatloa will ba held In that
rlljr. niolo Warinaaky, HiUtubar 14th, Hull, at
10 u divt i. a , um) eMilitiuIni luf Uiraa aaya. Tlili aM
Iimi will Uka plaaa at Uia lla o( the annual eihlbllloa
p( the MaaaarhuaeUa llnnleulluial Budatr. which ia .
uartad tu ha of unuaual aioallanoa. and will viva .l,ll.
Uunal Intanat la the oawatoe. All hurtlcultural. puaw-
kailcal, aarimllural, and olhar klndnal tMnrlaliuna In
Um I nllad Buua an Urltlah HnirltH. ara Inrlud m
aand iMaUia aa laraa aa thejr may daam aiiedlant;
and all uamme Inunalad In tha eull!atii ol Iruiu ara
uitiiM w ua uimmii and lata ante In the ountentlua.
II la aanatl that Uma will ba a lull ellandanoe
f ala(ta Iruaa all quartan ot our ouunlry, Uiarahy
atlinuUUn axira aalaiulia nillltallan by Uia niuoan
tratad Inlurmaihin and atparlanca id ealUvaliira, and alli
um Uia Buctatjr hi parlan InaT lla eauliifua ill Iruila. Thia
will ha h.kl at Uia hiaaa id lie Pnaldanl. whara,
alur aa Inlartal id jtaara. nvulnnad by III haalth and 1
anauani, na mnt-m tu a Uia uleaaure id maaunt
md ual hie old Ittan.le, but idhara lrt tha nr mia mi-
uuna m our aiunlry, and ataln Ui unll hwt and hand
na ineuua vir tna uranutliio ol lha ohjreu id Uia ao
haa wa annahlir tha Inmtaiuw ol Irolt ,li., 1.
North America, IU anarnae durliu; tha hat Ml taare
UKlar Um hanatl a. Uu ol Uill eudaly.iu moral ao
rtal and aantury uiuanaa, and Um Inoraaalnf damand
i-'-uu- in uiw niuniry anil aunHia, render
ing It a tuna ol nallunaJ watllh. wa laal liiunl I.
In Um alUMlanea id all who are IntanMUal In ikm .ir.
ad otu eoautn, and Um deielnuatani ol Iu wundarrul ra-
Mrw, in miw mini m inoueirT.
tlpailiara. dalaaataa and wiotetlai an rw.uad tn
Ulbule aiarlaauid Um IraiUid I heir raarUie dtatrlrU
and to wauiiku la raavd to Iham alulam .... .J
la ariMMUna Um ofajarta id Um eualaty and Um eriance id
mranV. inaaanaa ol Ihelaet BMMIna ol Um
m waa nut tha aahlMtkai id lanje oullaetlime id
Irani la a. daalrahla, but Uid the ttmw ol u frulu
alaaild be aaaanad aaalaly In new or ran aartatlai or ra
aawaahla aaaaMna, m auc ta bain nanillar to any lo
aallly, a Ml other raaarn, .M aveetal InUr I
XMltna 1
t. alial uuaaltly Uiay ptunaai to
mm ia a t ai
ital lalaraal
naa4aU II
alaa enteral
Um auatina aa aarly aa atartk aide.
Wltda aaadale will ba awanhal I
Intamllna auBinhuUwa-whMhar aa nukt
" "7 ai'ing auuaa aa lar aa anael-
raHUaatad to anan a faa4rla laal al ba Iran
V", "7""m ia a anat will ba eunVtont,
Mmuihuuir la
raawn ol all tka taneUa antond au be eubaaluad to
" " ao aaviY aa nnaua a llaiibHl mi-h j
obUria id
rerta al tralta, alib the aaaaaa ol Um eonlrtbalnf.
-ar aa aoaraaaM ta Mhe. "Aaaartma
aaatrtf, Kotoa, aan ol UaMxtuaMU llunlaallaral Bo-
1. ii nnanrae aooaid be uraiadd.
. " l"T. '"" aaoaaln eaaaahara oa mnll
""ta BuaaoH, Traaeauar, Huatiaa, Haaa Uia
BMaaul. at Llla BManbara .,U ba
Mroad aitk amk aoaahan the fr dlap al Um Ba-
ataty aa lar aa amaikla.
aeau.r Wtiaaa IVaa , a,bai, hUat
M-aa Miaaiaa, tav'y., Bawaa, Haaa.
A 1 1 blut't Btaaioal inatramaat otlled aolor
aigaa ba btaa laraatad. Wbea th ran naa
Bote ara eoaaded by toaekiag tha key, difer
wuaataoaaa emon ara lanaetaal apoa a
greaad glat plaK aad theea ahtcga tad bland
ta a aaarattag aiiaaar aa a quick air ta pUyad.
ibb two aaaaaa ara greuned at 000a, tad the
aahaldaa? faele aaor Uaa ba BaiUnUaHia th
aanaoay totwaaa aaatody aad aolor,
Taa Uuuiat fiaXatn.-Ve baliara It ta
aot gaeaarally kaowa tba th largest kaowa
prraania real aa AaMTIota aoaL IbaPara.Ml
al I'ewblo, la Maitoa, ta Urgar tbaa la graat
a yiaauo aa v taaeapa, m rdtTpt. Ta ialaar
ar aaly loarW aoraa, while lha Menoaa
-a Irwljr-loar aw ol groaad. aad wa art
laalli tvej m uk u j.
brack, aad la tappuaed la bar baaa baUt 7.000
Saltimo MtaT. Salted meat ia far lea
nouriihing thu freeh, and far leu wholeaome.
Wa will endeavor to explain why. The prat
ervation of meat by mean of aalt hu been
practioed from tim immrimnrial, and II on ut
tha eimpkat method for this purpose. It de
pendi for its ctlicienoy upon the desncation or
drying of th tiasuea, at the salt nsad for this Dor-
pot enter slowly into solution, deriving th
moiature it requires lor this pnrpos from th
fluids of the fleeh. Henoe it is that when dry
atlt is atrowed upon freeh lean meat, it gradu
ally diaappears in the form of a liquid brio.
A th fleth Iotas its natural juioe, th fibtrs
oontraot and tha meat lessens in bulk. Ths
notion of tha salt, if a Urge quantity ia ap
plied, penatraies aeeply, sua a mnoh u one
third of the natural iuioe .of th meat
often forced out of it. Tha preserva
tion of meat by means of salt, therefore, may
be explained to depend upon th separation of
water, upon the exolution of air, and upon th
saturation with salt of the juioes remaining in
tha meat. Bnt meat thoush Dreervd in
this manner tetinit putrefaction, anffers a not
able lots of iU normal nntritiv properties, in.
aamuch u th brio which gradually forms about
it, oontain probably one-third or one-half of
the nutritive tubatMoes (albumin, kreatin, phoa
phorio acid, potash, ate.,) of th fleeh, whioh ara
extracted along with the juices. The ar tha
very tuottuo which ar mora oompletely x
traoted by digettion with wUr, as in making
beef tea or broth 1 and in proportion aa the oou
tituenU are extracted, they diminish th nn
tritiv properties of th meal The change in tha
ouuotituiioooi me meal Dy aal ting haa been (hown
by Uibig to be greater thu that produoed by
cooking, Md tha lot of nutritive vain oontid
rably gratters for in oooking, th nutritive
albumen, to., ta simply coagulated in the Bbara
tod retained, whil in salting, th xtrotd
eubatajioa enter the brine ud are lost Not
only does salting greatly dimmish th nutritive
vaiue 01 meat, but thoee who ar oompolled to
eubaiat upon it almost exclusively for any Ungth
of time, are generally alHioted with (carry, a
fact which prove it nnwholeeomen, and
wuiun uouuuea auwos in oloa relation with
the loa of the nutritiv alamaota, u vegetable
tu balances whioh are oapabla of supplying what
lha meat hu loat, ar found to b th beat pr.
Tentative of, Md th bait remedy ajrainat, th
die.-JVaakadarrr and BuiUtr,
Bruins Metau This metal compound.
having a variety of advutagea la non-liability
to oxidation, ohaapneaa, eta, ta of eepeoitl util
ity to builder, Md ta described in th Bulhlina
owf Kmgmtmnt Ttmn: It wUl very probably
era long entirely luperaede lead for packing and
"""""i irurpuoa. i oia mauu ran al a vary
low tmnparatur, Md oaa ba melted In an boa
pot or kettle orer u ordinary ttr In a few min
ate. It ta adviaabl that auoh a pot or kettl
bonld ba a oloaad one, at tha awtal, bing a
ompoaad of sulphur, ta liable to catch Ore it
du preoeutiona ar aot takaa, Wbra baatad
to the proper temperatarB of Drat fluidity, th
atrial may ba poured wilh , aad aawd for
the oaaseotiag harmetioally of pip otnta, th
tattiag of Iroa ratliBg into ttooa, aad for aim.
Oar purpose. A graat ad ran tag tbta naatal
ba as that it axpMds at th axcnaat of aalidiH
alioa, and thu aUraly aad keraMtaoaily gilt
My reoea into wbwh it may b poo red. This
roparty al high xpaaaibtuty at th atoaMol
of aolidiriottioa raadars it of gratt vain for ob
taiaiBg abarp impraaaioa from intrioata aaolde,
ad th asoat parfact oaaU of baaea, aUtaaa,
atadala, ba relief, eta, ar thereby obtaued
la 11 It may b eolorad ta laaaaibla brottta,
aad oaqaaUy produoaaaBMtt artutao tflacV
It ta raoowiaaaiiad also for repairing aad vaa
sovwtag roof laataad of aapball or lead Oaahing.
a II a parfacUv waterproof and watar-tuhl
aad vary light. It ta aot liabl to oxadattoa ar
oonoaw. ta tb. Uaat drgraa, aad may that,
rata b eiVaaairaly adaptad to ta Laiasef
ttaks aad the ataklng of aetd boUlaa, euT