MaY. l88'- . THE WEST SHORE. ' FOWL CHOLERA. The Department of Agriculture bat lately iaeued an important circular concerning the poultry disease known m cholera, which oon Uim explicit information oonoerning the char, aotor of the malady and it treatment. The nggettioni may alto be of value in the handling of some other poultry diseases which are liable to ipread through the flocks by ooutagion. Dr. D. E. Salmon, one of the U. 8. Commissioners on animal diseases, la the author of the oiroular from which we quote aa follows: Although the cholera of fowli la an exceed ingly virulent and fatal diaeaae, destroying vaat number of birds' of different speeiee, and re maining on preraiaee for yean after being onoe introduoed, we are latiitied, after a long eeriee of experiment, that there are pointa in ite nat ural history whioh enable nt to oontrol it with comparative ease and with a considerable degree of oertainty. These pointa are: 1. The Virus is not Diffusible. That is, the disease germs are seldom if ever taken up by the air and otrried any oonaiderable distance to roauoe me maiauy. The vims remains in the led form, and ia senarallv. if not !. taken into the body with the food it is distri buted over the grounds, feeding places, etc, in the exorement of affected birds, and the food, drink and gravel are thus contaminated. Healthy birds may be kept in oooie within a few feet of the sick ones for mouths without contracting the disesse but if the former are now plaoed in the same inoloaure with the latter they sicken in a few days. 2. The Vims Must be Carried upon the Grounds Frequented by Fowls before They Contract the Disease. It ia not probable that this disease originates, in any considerable num ber of oasee, in any other way than by oonta gion. There ia a possibility that it may origin ate in oooaaional instances by filthy surroundings if eloeely confined, or by feeding on decompos ing substances ; but there are few fauta to sup port snob a conclusion, and it appears certain that in the vast majority of oases the disease is imported and kept np by oontagion alone. It Is thus brought open farms either (I) with aick or infected fowls newly arqnired; (2), with the blood or parts of the bodies of dead birds, oarriod on the feet of people or brought by dogs or other animals j (3), with infected manure or feathers: or (4) possibly by wild birds, animals (rabbits), or even Insects that have contracted the disease or have eaten the blood or bodiee of affected birds recently dead. The origin of the diaeaae can generally be traced in oountry dis tricts, where houses are a ooosidsrable distance apart, to recently acquired poultry. It ia only in districts more thickly peopled, and than in exceptional instances, that the germs are carried by wild birds or animals or by insect), raxvxmva hkasuies rua ixrxiTau oaounim. I. Is the Dieeeee Cholera? Fowls frequently die in considerable numbers from diseases that are not oontagiooe, and henoe It ia a matter of primary importance to decide aa to the nature of the affection when cholera ia suspected. In my own experience I have found that this might be done with onmparative oertainty by inspec tion of the exerementa. With fowls the si ora tions of the kidneys are Joined in the eloaea with the undigested part of the food, and both olid and liquid excrement are oooeequeolly voided together. They are not mixed to any Creat extant, however) the part excreted by the idueyt ie easily distinpiuhed, aa during health it is of a pore white color, while the bowel dis chargee are of vartoes knee. The kidney excre tion will he hereafter referred to aa IU emirs, and It ia the only part whioh elaima our atten tion. After a fowl takes the eoatagioa into ita body the Bret and only reliable symptom la a oolore, tioa of the aratee. At Brat these have only faint yellow tint, whioh rapidly changes, how ever, into a deep yellow oolor j ap to this time the bird shows no other signs of the disease, its temperature ia unohangml and its exorement ol a normal consistency. In one or more dava alter to is yellow oolor appeara the urates are greatly increased in quaulity and constitute the whole or a greater part of the dischargee and an obstinate diarrhea seta in in a few oasee the urates now become greenish, and exceptionally they are of a deep green oolor. The only lesion seen in post-mortem examina tions that ia likely to attract the attention of non-professional observers ia the enlarged liver, which ia nearly constant it may be of various shades of color. Besides this the presence of yellow urates in the oloaoa and ureters is a val uable sign and is generally present, 2. 8ick llirds Must be Deetroyed.-The ex oreinents of aick birds are the principal means of spreading the oontagion, and the tlrst step in stamping out the disease ia, consequently, to destroy all which are voiding yellow urates. Care should be had to make the distinction be tween the urates and the bowel ilojeotions, for the latter are frequently of yellow oolor in health but a little observation will preclude any mistake of this kind. The killing should not be by any method which allows the escape of blood, aa tiiis fluid is even more virulent than the exorement wringing the neck it a quick and easy method of destroying ths life. Once killed the bodies are to be Uken beyond the limits of the poultry run and deeply buried. If it is decided to keep the sick birds till they die or reoover, they should be plaoed in an in oloaure by themsslvee, aa far aa posaible from the healthy ones, where they may be oared for without entering, ao that there will be no dan ger of carrying rtiolea of the exorement on the boots and spreading the Infection. 3. Healthy llirds Must be 1'lsced on Diiln feoted Grounds. If a piooe of laud ia at band to which the aick birds have not hail aooeas and which is consequently free from the oontagion, the healthy birds should be penned upon it I but if all of the land is infecUd, then a piece is to be selected and thoroughly disinfected with the solution mentioned further on in this paper. The fowls aro to be restricted to this disinfected ground for aeveral mnntha, or even a year or more, if practicable. The drinking vessels and feeding troughs are to be new, or If used before they must be snaked for IU hours with the same solution before being pieced in the new inolosure. 4. Olieervatinns to be Continued to Note the First lie appearance of tbe Disease. Home of the fowls, though well at the time of removal to disinfected quarters, may be infnoted with the disease, and after the period uf incubation, which variee from 3 to 20 Java, will sicken. It is necessary, therefore, to make a careful inspeo tion of the excrement each morning for at least three weeks after the separation of the aick fowl. If yellow aratee are disoovered, the birds must be watahed until the tick one it de tected. To facilitate the sarly diaoovery of such sick fowls and prevent infection of the healthy ones It ia advisable, where practicable, to aep erate the birds into lots of two or three each at the start and thu separatum may always be practiced aa a last reeort where the disease suo eeaslully defies our effort for a oonsiderable time but when thia ie imioeaibls a little pa tienos will generally enable one to pick out the sick before any harm has resulted. As soon aa the aick bird is removed the exorement must be scraped np and burned, and the run mast lie again sprinkled with the disinfectant j or, the well birds may be chewed to fresh ground aa before. Thia method of management ia to be continued aa long aa new oaaee of the diaeaae occur. Hy a careful observance of these rules one oao frequently oheuk the diseaee with a lose of but one or two fowls out of large Hock. ft. Disinfection. for thi disease we hare very ebeap and most effective disinfectant It ia a eoluUoa made by adding three pounds of solobuno acid to 40 gallons of water (or lb. of acid to 3) gallon " water) and mixing evenly by agiuuoa) or stirring. Thia may be applied to smell surfaces with a oommoa watering pot, or to larger ground with a barrel mounted on '39 wheels and arranged like a street sprinkler. In disinfecting poultry houses the manure must bo Hrst thoroughly scraped np and removed hevnnd the reach ol tha fowls a slight sprinkling ia not sufficient, but tha Doors, roosts and grounda must be thoroughly saturated with tha solution, ao that no particle of dust, however small, ss ospee being wet. It it impossible to thoroughly disinfeut if tha manure ia not removed from tha roosting placet. Sulphurio acid It very cheap, oostlng at retail not more than 23 cents a pound, and at whole sale but live or tix rota tha barrel of disin fecting solution oan, therefore, be made fur leaa than a dollar and should be thoroughly applisd. It must be remembered, too, that sulphurio aaid ia a dangerous drug to handle, aa when undiluted it destroys olothlng and cauterises tha flesh wherever it touches, The safest way It, there, fore, to take a flve-gallon keg nearly full of water to tha druggist, and have him place the strong acid In thii the contents of the keg may then be safely transported and added to tha barrel of water, 0. Fumigation, In those oasee where the (lis. ease haa been raging for a onusiderablo time tha feathers become saturated with the contagion, aud it it necessary, before placing tha fowls on the disinfected run, to put them ia a diss build ing and thoroughly fumigate them with sulphur, For thia purpose a panuf burning coals ia taken and flowers of auluiiur thrown Umn them aa long as the air oan be breathed without danger of suffocation. When the diaeaae ia recognised at the outset this is not osoeesary. The experiment! on which the above ragula. lions are founded will be detailed in future rs. port of ths Agricultural Department! they are sufficiently numerous to be worthy of the fullest oonlidenoe. The value of tha method of preventive loocu. latinn or vaooination disoovsreil by Pasteur haa not yet been decided, but in view of the com. paretive ease with whioh the affection may bo controlled by tha measure detailed above, we doubt if It oan aver be advantageously adopted aa a meant of preventing this particular disco. Wool. Kxnutmmi. For asperating wool from ootton from mixed goods (wool extract ing), M. Paul I'.Hilin, of I'arie, hat patented the employment of the two following solutions In which the goode are Immersed i First, ohlorldo of calcium at 20' Its., 4 vnlumeei water, 3 vol. omes. The chloride of laluiuin at 20" lie. la It self prepared by dissolving In a mixture of I volume of muriatic acid at if.' fie., and S vol umes of water, enough ohalk to saturate It or, second, solution of I Ih, of salt and 1 ft. muri atic arid in I gal. of water. Tha solution la kept boiling by meant of steam for XO or 40 miuutee then ooled and poured on tha gooda under pressure. Tha rags are washed and dried, the resides ia pure wool. Hrawxi) l,ivH.-Ilron two piece of bacon in a saucepan, add finely out onion, pepper, corns and maoei simmer fur quarter of aa houri add liver cut in slices, washed and dried) simmer again for 20 minutes or half ao hour till done. Make bread dumpling with it. Take bread crumb, with a little flour mlid with an egg and a very little baking powder, Hrst flavoring with nutmeg, a handful of flaely chopped persely, a little chopped lemon and some enet) amalgamate with water or milk ae yotj like. Now brown the dumplings In butler or lard, and then Jast let them ateem UiroagH for lew minutes with the gravy. When served, thia make an inexpensive laaty dish. Caaaaim. Chop fine mm good vised wdid head. To four well beaten egge add four labia, spoons tweet create, one of eeiery eeed, nearly on of salt aod ground mustard, one half tea spoonful blsok pepper, on half eup good vine. Kr pat on the etove and stir till It jast bm! If it nooks too long the egg will become lusspyi poor over the oabbage and mil thoroughly.