90 THE WEST SHORE. April, 1881 OCR IIOMK KC'KNKKV. On Ihii ami the ophite page are il lulialioii of nciiciy iiKli ml our Vtiy door. Few of our resident, rcully ap preciate our home acenery, or, if Ihey 1I0, ere to used lo il that seldom if ever dothcyexpreM any admiration. A cap lain of one of the .hip. now in port who ha. Iwen over more than one-half of I lie worlil, awtire. 111 tlmt never in all hit IravrU hat he lccn lo a city a. large a 1'onlainl where o much of the Brand anil picturesque in nature i to line, of the numeroui schools and other large building. Acros. the river ns far a the eye can reach, up to the very top of Mount Tabor we view llic m.uiy line farm, of our well-to-do agricul turist.. The first fine day take your wife and children, a well filled lunch basket, walk or drive out on the White I louse road, upend the day under the grand old tint, listening to the music of the bird., and (he murmuring of the gurgling brook., and in the cool of the evening come hack to town, and you will .ay with us, that Portland's nur- THE ANGLING SEASON. Now that spring has fairly openej and the geese are wending their slow flight to the frozen pole; now that the willow buds are yellow and the frogs have begun their vernal concerts in the meadows; now that the snipe arc wing, ing their zigzag flights with querulous bleating and the pheasants are drum ming in the gloomy tamarack thickets, we arc reminded that the trouting sea son is at hand. We snatch down the old and trusty rod from its hooks over sm . m y rt mini.. . ... mtwt - ' i--.. iirro-tr-ir:. v. mitijrv i 41 MA VIEW ,.N TDK WHITE HWSK KOAIt, NEAR .'0RTUM.-..00K.N,; EAST. J rrn, I.y .imply stepping lo the rounding, otTer many inducements to wimlow of vour mdrn. I 1.1 .. "'"""a 10, n.., -i - i "I-l,,r""'i ly m inn.Kcnt, health C ur view, are taken ft,.,,, , he high, giving amusement, ,f we hut ke -land. west of the White house r,...l ..,... t ... . . ' ' C , ,, , -"-(, "i nailirc 1 I. VIS 1 Hill. ami anv one t . i .... il.. i i: .mi g ll(v imnnr will .1.. ... . . - lmil that naluic hat Ivrn her lavUh IihIcoJ in her gin. of ihe plcturrwpie. Klver, hills drm f.irrtu ami .now. caj.cJ niountaliu grret Ihe eve in all lirliiMi. Itrie and theie mav I- en ll lluirty oivhat.li ami well kejM A houe and lot will he deeded free 10 any euterpriMnir mrn ln,.i k :n - - in Uri . tl,r at Lkliaville, in the Little o...incunlry, Idaho. Thi.i.,finc luralHHi, liring i the mi.Ut nf . ...... ".lurnt farn.ing country, , ni;F from 'vnaf.l. ami well ke """"ii larming country, j mile, from irahlen. of tHii iM.i.lf...n i t .... I-ewikion, ig mil (,,,,,. i . the mantle and, more from gratitude man tiinlt, declare it good for unother reason. A new ferule here, and per hp a new lnnccwood or grcenheart tip, and the trusty servant is once more in Our PT:K11 anmi n. I I .... O - a iivvt 1II1U UVllCI liked than ever. e confess to a we Ivmlc the brawling Clackamas or thtf foaming Parrott creek; for a hnrJ tramp over fallen fi.r..k ;,..,( nn.i tlrough (he nwift fris where the wled..tanl,v,ttJenllWateeplr. ,1 .C,'C'CC TUv Umn W.ny rWl. th. Jr'andttth'S "penned lK-autie feed: for a ten min- utei IumU with a two-pounder that