The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1881, Page 68, Image 10

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T be m2 to Lh bu4ii a
aUoa ol aigwatto eawkera, Tim H, But a
very greet iinW el year ago, wbi the ooa
vtmyUut of "paper clgare" Ic lt United Sutoe
m ooofioed aJttxMl eallraly to the fufeigoborn
pnrUaa of our popelaUoa. To-dey mar aaiivee
Ihea fmwyMr smoke tbeia. The enormous
growth 4 the laduttry if readily ebowa by a
eumuanaoa ul flgurte, Fur eiample, ! the
Heoel year 1 170, Ul wee ld to the United
Mttee a ll.kfil.417 )lnMi end la the '!
year I Mil cm aoH.JOMM-ea Inoreaee la IU
yan of 3'.' gigareltos. The following
table shows lb aumber oa which Ul aaa pud
during Mh of the past II usoal yeri
II.WI 41'
mil oui
4i. rw;
m.i;s ill
!! ,
: ,
Twl I,ls.j,7l
Tb United Hiatal aow nuiki m the heaviest
eif aretU prodaoar la the world, Kraooa emuing
it , annual mi nl Mgareltee la rrei
to etlimetod el WKi.UUU tlx., or about Jou.OUi.OUU
aixmlUa only about oa quarter of tba Bum
bar oauae4 la this aoaalrv. There aaa Iw
but little dual that the majority of eiaareltee
an eoaeuaml by ly brtwoea tha egae ol 12
aad In to IN. MeB, m a rale, amoke eia-ars and
pip, Tbal tba Inordinate Bee ol tobatMo at aa
wly age la burtful la uaoootoated. Ileoenl
MUaUile Invatligetluai go to prove that amok
In. wimouII aiaeretu amokm. la ery detrl-
ateatalto youth durlai tha UaaeiUoa period
liwa boyhood la mauhuod. Tba ituaUd forms
of many enaa la a Btueh dua to etoseaWe aaa of
ViiiaM M a warty an at to anything
Whet etgeraite amoklng and ahalaliie drinking
oowuiBed aaa aovomplieh Buy readily ba I
by iit to any Lug Knock, towa.
Aa wrhM" r """ ArU to,th '"".!!
irt, Vth. K".B P1"00" ,?.
naa don ot wub to oa aiV -
imj ao ooo la a whilwb tba crop gooi,
. . i... n .... Imna a rood
baa tha y ."""," 7 ",r ;.
pnoa, and tark.yi ar. high, I antura to your
graad ally , . a how
it" lAi tb. ol.rki atara at me! they
maka .ma ol my Ar. th.y qu.M. a.
. . i ii m thav lion t aay aa
hay bop and imp ana jump r
(til - I mm It I Wmta
ii wa aitil unioio aon iiirwu
Mr. Nob Hill birMlf.
II . I nn ir with HI IlltO HUM Ol
k. hara luliaa ara tnployw). Ai I
oua lb Bui.lM door on th hay oanieU,
lii. look un. flna clano ia autlioieut. rroin
tha oountry I Thy aea it at one. 1 hey wad
It la awry artiol I aar. Vary wlL 1 atand
a l.m hiuiU wailini. intn anm ou.
tor up to Iwb what I want, l'.rhapa it ii a
cloak. I ai plain that 1 wuh men and luch a
ityla. . "Itaally that ia quit out ol ual.
An ..l kaan lhm bow. Noon whi tlKm:
Umm ara ao moon mora uyiunj anu in. j
into a armnt, and walka up and down before
tha loaf mirror that you may a how wU aha in iL Uuila tru. but 1 woulilo't. If
till I inmt la my prefarvno, ah Had on of
that kiwi 1 oaa Uk it or leara it) aha i not
aMng to pull orr a lot of oloak to pieai an
old woman from tha oountry.
Kooliih airll Pit you not know that rooh a
ana I nwr apt to purohaM? Po von not know
tliatktoauia of th hortaew ol her Uy alio
mutt not wait her hour in umply looking
but that tha raallr Wlihe he ar id oilll lot'
Pa you But know that II you would iuoomhI you
muel maka your aemoae oi raiu to your em
no l turn away, aim nnd anomer oioia iiore,
wbr th alerk an men. They Hud out what
I want At ooo th tall in with my ideal.
They praiee that particular it) la, and it It don't
III, II Mi air ara vo anort or no ionx, n
there ia too muoh trimming, or not enough, they
Hod another and another, until I am lulled.
Oh, girl, girlil V lien will ynu learn that if
March, 1881.
Ilnw to i'bvt VuitB. -There la aw
aueb tbiBfaa lHkguat wnaklaa. iBBwatbey
ara oftoa boamaUl atdw ol bard mental
Ubor, la woenea) they ara anally the evtdeoo
ul anmlag aga. altboagb oara aad auflenag ba
aaaeb V da with Ultra. HiimeUmea lair lore'
beatli ara preeaalueely rtakled Irwa a Bervoai
batol e4 rawing tba eyabroaa, and (ma a too
great aad a to cxmtaat iimura of the pillow
aa or Both ante of tha Bead while eleeptag
Aad Jaet ber aeaae a (act worth renteenbertna,
11 ue lurvaeaa aea aoaw anniiN, orui
teat ara ratalaraly area abnat tba aorBera
tba ayea. Wa ail aea theee efow'i feet la B
aad woeaea buee brew ar aaaontk aad Jrouag
Imklag Tbe ara tba raeell at alaeiaag aa Hi
kaataad latt aide. Tha reure Biua the
to4eaeea4lra wnaklea at tbaeoraar
aad BBdemraUi tha aywa ktrk dteappeartaa
lea baura, bat Baalli beaumea aa bled thai
4ibM bwra aaf aUaUuna will abate (beat
ri ehlblraa war aae pel led to alaef) e their
ha4a4 aoaUaaad tba balat whaa they reach
anaaaabiaal aad altetwanL Uey enald arrtre al
Biiddla la witboal arow lea gatbartag is tba
BatikawkaBd m th ayea, aad la aaoat
Uu hareheiada waaU ba Irea Iraea area abatlow
ttuiiaaiad tuametiaae araaaia, aaaaajby
har4lv aiaft pUve, toagUMM4 ara la, taaaara,
at aBiibiag ed tba kiad. IN aaaree, wbea tbi
la Iba aaaa, aha aaaaa aBat be reaeid.
ViejMa it la aiaael by geairal aaakaiaa, Baraly
ata, rbaaaaalM aHeoUoa ai taa aiaaelaa al tbi
lave, aaa,, aad aaawUaiai at toaoaatrad by babtl
allf amltoliam Hiiaiim. Aai aaaatB m
ara lar aaaaaaeeriag aaae be ad4d to tba
anaatal aaaaa wkk pradam iba ftl eUoa.
yoa would have buiinci opiNirtunitie opn to
yua that Jfnu mutt tilyourielf lor them? Ponnt
oompUia that men take Ihaplaue which belong
to yoa. When employer! lind that you oan
maka mora aalta than men oan, you will rarely
baa the opportunity. Jfra, Ii, ia ltml I'rtu.
Till Krriiinor Wuaatr. That tha efTeoU
al worry ara mora to ba drrailcd than thoaa of
eimpl hard work u aeident (rum noting the
olaaea ol perKXM who lulfcr moat from the
fleet el maetal oeeretraia. Tha oaa bock ol
the phyaiotaa ahow that it la the speculator,
taa taiuag man, me railway manager, th
great merchant, tha luuerinl-oiUot ol larue
maaufartunng or vommercial worka, who moet
friaeally eihilnU tha lymptom of oarebral
eibaaiUoa. Xleatal caret aooomianied with
Mpaed amotion, eocupaUoo liable to great
(Kietitadea ol lorluaa, and thoaa which lovulv
tb beana oa tba mind of a multtulicitv ol in.
float details eventually break down the live
ol tba etruaftot la eetimatini what mav be
ealUd tba elayiug power ol different mimli
amlar bard wvtk, it u alaayi atoettary to tak
art Iraiaing into aooouav A young man out
aaddraly tato a puaittoa involving great car
aad mpoaetwlity. will break dowa ia eironm-
bUbom ib whKb, had ba beta gradually hab
taaled to Iba pueiUoa, he would hare ner-
hanaed IU daltea without dilficaltr. It ia nnh.
ably lot tbt faaaoa that tb prolaatioaal clatam
aatearally aafltt Uaa from tba effect ol over-eu-aia
tbaa olber. Tbe bara a long aooraa of
prabmiaary traiaiag. aad their work oomta oa
tbaa by degreaai tberalora, wbea it doaa oom
a aioataiva qaaatily. it Bade tbem prepared
. aiar saad, n and'
aeaiy eaaai laaa a BneiUaa reqainng i
BMBtal toil, geaarally die balora Umr Uma.
Wa Dubluh detcriptiona of tha foUowwg new
3 iL U n.-. tr Cn
invention!, obuinea uruBu -
Mim-g and rrv l'atoui agency, M -
How Holdiso Attachmknt fob Vmiclm.
n n HM. t....A!a
PnbL E. Shannon. B. in """ i
ticularly appartaini to that olaai of horw-oheok.
ing device operated by gear wheaU attoohad to
tli hub ol th Yehicle. 1 ne niuai running guar
of a vehicl it employed. Under the body nd
running iU length between the axle l. a ihaft
terminating in iU rear end in a bevel pinton
which meihei witn anoiner w-f"" a
rod. The rod it fattened in approprtato braoea,
which permit of ita turning w w rear
Ita outer end ii provided with a bevel-pinion
which meihri with oow on tha inner aide of tha
hub ol the wheel. When the vehiole itopa tha
linet are thrown into a eioi in ino wp oi wa
upright tUndtrd. The atirrnp ia preaaed for
ward, which aotion puthea the rear boxing auf.
liciently to throw the bevel pinion and oogi
upon the wheel in gear. If the horte movae
lorward, in rou turua, wmuu nu,u --
puihing the feather or ratchet in tha abaft
into operation with a looaely running gear
wheel, thereby winuiog up me iiuoe auu uw.
ing the nor.
Stin-itiu. Hkadkii Waooh. V. Taynton t
W. J. Derickton, Clayton, Cal. Thil header
wagon eoniiit in oertain oonnectioni and at
tachment by which tbey are adapted for naa
on tiile-hilli, and ar ao arranged by mean of
peculiarly eonttruoted Rearing nnder tha bed of
th wagon, and operating on curved bolitera,
that th bed of the wagon may alwayt be kept
on a level without reference to the angle whioh
th wheel may take on aiile-hilla, tha center of
oravitv beini alwavi keut i i tuoh a position aa
to prevent danger of ove. turning, even with
top-heavy loads.
WiNiiMiu E. Fotkett, San .lose, Cal, Tbii
windmill ooniiitt in the employment of a verti
cally oecillatiog beam, whioh it balanoed upon
th upper end of a vertioal rotating poet or
ttandard, and ia provided at one end with a
rudder which hulili it in line with tbe wind,
while the other end tupporta a frame eontaining
a eerie of vanee. In combination with thit ap-
paratut it a novel devioe by which tha vanee
have their angle changed at th and of each
ttroka, ao at to produce a return ttroke, and a
regulating devioe by whioh tha angle of th
vanea may be adjuited to tuit the strength ol
the wind.
On roil KiLUKo Vermin. J, S, Woolaey,
Qilrny, Cal. Tha tube or barrel of thit gun ia
provided with a leg whereby tha gnn U aet up
right in th ground at the month of th tquirral
hoi. When th gun ia placed at tha entrance
ol a hole, the animal, in ooming toward it, will
oan tha gnn to be discharged by touching a
rod which it oonneoted with th trigger.
A oood elook oil it made at follow i Tak
olive oil and ditaolv it in boiling aloohol, and
add it drop by drop until it ia no longer taken
ioto Bolution. Upon oooling it will lat fall orya-
tab, and leave a eontidarable oortioa still fluid.
Th fluid part it to ba poured off, filtered
through a pieo ol white blotting-paper, and
may b nied in thil form, or th aloohol may ba
dulilled off for freah prooeaaea, and tha par
lubricating oil whioh remain! la very niitabla
lor otlmg watohea, dock, or other delicate ma
chinery. Thit will not oxidixe or gam up,
even when exposed to great eold. Or tak
aeatafoot oil and drop into it aoma lead ahavingl
in order to neutral is th acid contained in th
oil. Utthii stand for a oooaidarabl time (tha
longer tha bettor). Oil thai prepared nevar
eorrod or thicken.