The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, February 01, 1881, Page 55, Image 25

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    february, 1881.
The city js situated
on the west bank of the
Willamette river on
high tiible liiml; is well
I did out, with wide
M reels crossing git right
angles and no breaks or
divergencies in the line
of streets, to mar the
beauty or symmetry of
its plat, li has m Ml
cii n t v court house
standing iimid b'.auli
lul grow of maples; the
sL Me iH iii iiliuiiil tol
l';c, two gciid ml 'lie
schools, live t'linrchi.'s,
two good hotels, ware
Imtisrs, n large niiinlicr
of stores, (of which we
intend to speak more
fully in our March num
ber), numerous beautiful residences, two
very good newspapers, The Btnton Co.
Bladt? and Corvallis Gazttte, are
published here weekly. The distance
from Portland by river ii 115 miles,
while by rail it it but 95. Since the
completion of the west ide branch of
the 0. & C. R. R., Corvallis has enjoyed
a degree of prosperity equalled by no
other town of its size in the state, and
from its natural advantages of salubrity
of climate and central location, we con
dude that it has by no means reached
its full growth yet.
The growth of the wool industry in
Oregon has received a material check
by the hard winter in the counties of
Wasco and Umatilla. Jui
lesson will not be lost upon
breeders. They will find out
that fall shearing is practicable
iit Mime parts of California,
hot not in Oregon. Let the
sin op lie shorn hut once a jear,
and, Oregon wool g row er w ill
bo ii-h. It doenl pay 1?
reci I v.
hy Capt. A. Horn; the
Okanrgon, by Capt. T.
1. Sunup; tin (Milo, I v
Daniel liaughman; ll u
Ner. I'cioe Cbiel I'lid
.Shoshone, by Capt. Mc
Nulty. The Shoshone
struck throe linien tlnr-
' the pn-siitM" imuI tbu
N I' ices Chit I'.oiieo.
Win 11 o look a! the
ilifl'.'icin c in the size of
llic 0 veel, lh teal of
I'lp-. Tioiip, i r iHy
oinli'i IhI, ir lu never
Sl Ml k III a".
Ju-liee consols in lin
ing no injury to man;
decency, in giving them
no oflense.
The splendid steamer, llarrttt Quftn,
the finest of all the O. R. & N. Co.'s
fleet above The Dalles, was brought
safely through The Dalles' rapids, six
miles in length, by Capt. Jus, Troup,
the youngest captain in the company's
service. The following table shows
the steamers brought over and their
Ytar. Namttf Ami, IjHtfh. Iam.
1864 Cayuw... 140 20
1M5 Uwulon M 11
1HG5 Okanagnn lub JJ
1870 tNri I'crcc Chief. . . . IJJ 2$
1K70 tShoihone I jo , 28
1 878 'Owyhee l(o -Hi
I 88 1 1 1 r vt (.liiccn aoo 38
llruiii;lrt down Willi U'in machinery.
K'anic through umc liny.
rotter's American Monthly published
at Philadelphia, Pa., hi one of the very
best magazines that reaches this oflice.
It is well illustrated, clearly printed on
line paper and contains valuable, In
structive literature.
The California!), for March, Is brim
ful of sparkling western literature, and
is just such a magazine as every resilient
of the Pacific coast should furnish their
families with. Published at $4.00 per
year, 20J Kansome street, San Francis
co, California.
Most jK'ople are like eggstoo full
of themselves to hold anything tUc.
Two north westerners di.ciiH
the fertility ol their rcsiKClivc
section of the country: " In
Washington Territory, if you
let a match f ill to the ground,
the next year there will glow
up a forest." 44 - Oregon,"
tried the oilwr, triumphantly,
" you let a susjiciidcr button
fill, ami in tight P"'"
fiate p-W f piijl"" "-"-y
Much as he loves roast beef, John
Hull is coiiliiiinillv rcttiiiif Intii Irlth
The Lcwiston was brought through t'ws.
The most beneficial discov
ery of the century to man Is
Amnion's Cough Syrup. A
wealthy gentleman, w ho claims
that it entirely cured him of in
cipient consumption, fli red
1,ko for I lie foi inula ami the
light to niauiifiirluie ami sell
to the world, which vti n
fused. The Remedy kI.'imI
upon its own niriils. A l',
cent sample bollle will ton
viii.e the iuoi skeptical ol its
virtue. Tiy ii. It ni iy save
your life. All rcX'i.'table iImi
gists keep it, at 15 et,, y els.
and $1,
The woman who marries
iih. well, tiul the woman who
dot not marry dots bvttvr
MOTH. AT COHVAf I J-ltH'l-y . II. U-p, n'nm IHMSW Mtf rf I
i -"-Y-w ""'t-k .
r w s ri 1
. u . ..w.-.'i ll ill ri T
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