THE WEST SHORE. 333 H. HANSON, OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. Nursery and Seedsman. December, 1880. Scedslore and office, 84 Front St., Portland, Or. Catalogues free. Nursery, East Portland. ESTABLISHED Acknowledged superior In tone, and match lew 111 uicuiiniiisui 'The Wonderful Baby Upright Piano la Rosewood oaae, 7 oninve, only lift), at H. HINKIIKIMi-.KH, Agent foi Mason & Hamlin and Prince Organs. 9 The Model Hotel of the Northwest Rates, with Board, $2, $2. 50 and $3.00 per Day. J. H. BRENNER, Proprietor. N. E. cor. Front and Morrison Sts, Portland, Or. Ilathlnir areommndatlona tret to guests. Patent Hufety Elevator. Oregon Transfer Company. General rorvardmg and unoi Freight and Baggage Forwarded ana Delivered with Dispatch. Pianos and Furniture Moved. Orders for HACKS promptly t tended to, I)y or Night. Oltlce South went corner Hoeoncl anil Hlark HU. Mark Cure O. T. o. THK Leading Clothiers, Merchant Tailors, And Hatters in Oregon. Fishel & Eoberts, Cor. First and Alder Sts., Portland. r Nothing but first-class goods gold, ': And every garment wananlcd.J J. G. Durner & Co.'s POST OFFICE STORE. For the L-rgest Variety of Plain and French ANDIE, Wholesale and Retail, Opposite Postofflce, Portland, Oregon. it1 CO wort In jrourown town. Terms and V ODouiiUlree, AdHrraa ,. H. HLLTt Co.. Portland, Maine. Why are We Sick f ltei-atiw we allow the Liver, the Howels, ami the Kidneys, these great organs, to liccome clogged or torpid, anil x)lsonous humors are. forced into the blood, Fxell them by using Wm. Pfundert OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. Sold and highly recommended by all dealers in family medicines. SIMON STERNBERG & CO., Importors, and Doalors In rS. Furniture. Upholstery, Carpets, Redding, Drapcryj Etc., Etc., Etc., First Street, between Taylor and Salmon, PORTLAND, OKEOOX. :;'iMwi:. y 1 Sole Agentn for KOOEaS PATENT SOFA-I1ED. A modern construction of Sofa-Beds, and to constructed that a Sofa may be ocncd out to form a complete lied. lloth sides of the Sofa are Upholstered, the Iniide forms the bed bottom, which makes It tlx mtnt commodious and chrniCHl Sufa-llnl of any in ue, as the cover Is not liable to he soiled or the UplioNtt'iing to sag. I'lirticulitr attention paid to the Kcpiiiriii) of Upholstery ami Furniture'. Don't forget the plncc-2i4 FIRST ST. r sjJ rn 'irr r, - rn -rr SBBBBJSRBW9