196 THE WEST SHORE. July August, 1880 panorama of ay I van anil mountain seen rry that palct the limncr't art ID() 1 01' pOVOTalhoi our language to adequately portray. Hating takonoUl in M gllttipM of tin. leaping Sound and miffed thi Mil tea nir, we dike ttrau.cr passage for OUR FAIR. Treasurer, Wm. M. Ladd; Superin- ., ,. 1 7 1 tcudc.it, K. OldendorfT. Hoard of Di I he lorllaud Mechanics 1 air for ' 1S.S0 will open in the Pavilion on De tectors Frank Dekum, Peter Taylor, r'l II... I. A T !- T tober 7,h, and elose on the ,,1. Thel - ' ' ' great success ol the I' air ol i1) has induced the Society to make -till greater preparations Inr this season. I he capa- Weidler, W. Kapui, W. B. Honey, man, II. W. Monnastes, A. H. Morgan. Victoria either at the .pital city or city of the building is being doubled, Tacoma, jiut at fanc y may Ik; inclined to 1 1 n tale. Thi wonder of inland seas, with its lahytinth of inlets and indenta- so that when completed, in time' for this vear'i Fair, it will be feel quart, 1 ne iioui aeparcment win in- THE DALLES. One of the liveliest business places in Oregon, to-day, is Dalles City, or, as Horn, fa traveraad In a few hours, when chide a beautiful! vlaid-out garden with is better known, The Dalles, it is 1 j 1 11 ' 1 ... . e r 1 . we lind OOraalvea il. over the blue water of the Strait of Fuca, a veritable . the 'County seat of Wasco, mid has a .ntiliu.il waterfalls, ''lottos anil ro mantic promenades. No pains are lHi,lio". as per census just returned. arm of the North I'acihY, and, in point .mu spared (o make the Fair of 880 ike a" otllcr 1'laces, it has of OMMibllitjraad pesriow anchorage, the flneat exhibition of the induitrial bad lt upa and downa, but never haa it second to no harbor on the globe, resource of the Pacific ever made in been on so firm a footing as at present. this Slate. IIv excluding all speeies of Iti present prosperity is not the result schemes or exhibits of a We ariivc at Victoria, betimes, and marvel that a city of miihwintei flower gambling gatilcnt, nay, a city affording all the delight of a tcmi tropical cli mate, can 1 of loily right dr grrrt thirty min utes north lati tude. Victoria i the lltQtlUUulll of II ci Majety' 11 11 r I h western xnikruioiu, and il it unqualifiedly pionounceil by Mitor a lieauti- Ikl city, Hut du ty calU, and we mutt rrturn. Ilavin J repair mI In lleacan Hill and lakrn a parting glance at the tnow clad of any mining or other excitement, but irises from natu- 0 M J I I If '1 1 ' IB II 1 . luMljbL I aH aafl II HaaaaaaaaafM M afl aaaaaaBaHtaaaaHHaft 'aaaaaaaaaaaaBHaaaflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaiC'aMi JLbi m, (Pfi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaK'l'CrtaY -aaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaVl'SaaaalaWaaVaLi, aajjpMtTjalM ral growth. As t h c country i s settled 11 p and t I) e heretofore vacant lands are occupied by thrif ty far men, its p iculiarly cen tral location al lowing for but natural growth insures for Dalles City a popula tion of at least 5,000 at the close of the year iSSj. Our engraving of the principal business street will give our readers a gene ral idea of the 'baft of Mount Hakcr. we make ou, .l.mh.f.,1 ...,.r,.. , . .. . . t amiability ...... ' .'.Mviyamwn o u. n ..,. ii, rn.ij. . - 1 mum tviivv.n .11 oiin.ienee 01 the puhhc, thciehy lot the take of "completing the HCUring a liberal support. As a rule, it will Ik- found that the most meri- UMATILLA HOUSE, nil DALLES, fnm Photo by F. J. Oekns, toilet fm the homeward. hound trip. 1 mi ml, wr will 1 out! the favoi of old Neptune, and lake ihe lirnmrr from t".iou exhibition, secure the bet sup- Viit.. na to Portland (Bract A oaj i""1, m proving conclusively thai ami a uighl on the Uttom of the great "hmtc tiott" are not absolutely indis. deep, and CoM DitapH)inlinenl heave I" nMblc In make I IlirrOtslul Fair. in right The bo 1, missed, a few! To the energy and pluck of Mr. H, botn tuilice fm MM pilot 10 moor ut at nbnrn, i, principally due that we Ihe company 'a wharf, ami we once ,rc now having , Mechanics' Fair in Oft Milliter through Ihe titeett of ,ni ri,- 'he initial Fair was cntirelv rorlland. So (hit i the way we ntJBfafl, managed and locceasfully hini ....I ,1.. I il.. 1 . " aurti as "e eeuera emni.T.,.. r fi.... . 1- llrtlim..l..,wKi..K I.. .. .. "" J1U w I (riman adilW who ,a ... . on present l. Baq- the piesent Chief E If awl. Il thai lliitre were mi .uit ui Amriica lhat a feWartl had 10 be 4aratJ l.n 1 hem. carried out i arc neat. have well-kept lawns surrounding them, and some of them would be n credit to a city with 20,000 Inhabitants. I" a future number wc intend to illus- i'ate two nr mmc ,f tlc handsomest residences. Since the last disastrous tire visited The Dalles, from which the place has, however, entirely recovered, the citi tens have organized into an efficient and Well-drilled (ire department, con Wing of u5 active members, under Mechanic' Fair htfjtl asiatOIIH, The OfBcen fbt i ss,, 1 1 1 1 1 ',,.1 The department owns an Amoskeag I -ank Dekum: Vio IWL., ,. . . e noncyman en TTlor: Scr.aiy. . . SkMu V '" s ,se .carts, hook, and lad -rs. , ., pre,sarv appar.lflIi