THK WKST SHORE. July, 1880. 2lt nVNAMITK rOB i:i:m INn BTUMPsV A NOWpMtai ' an English agri, ulturl journal givre the following account of hn uae of ly iimit lor removing stumps of trees felled in park at HariMti, Baoki, murder to itvpnvt the landscape and leave m".e r'm for the mat of thn trrea ti develop themselves: Witt only to, Is rcpim-d .re .11 earth .tiger. A WiiNHKItKUI. UTTLI HTEAMEK. f A Ml .form's lN.,F. dispatch, dated tile Md of J una, says: 11m little atoamnr Anil,. , which loft l.ndon, via. I'sltifxill,. Inglaml, Is lava ae-n im tu.vap-e uroM the Atlantic ar iivl at Una irt yesterday. Hh i tlx- mall est vaaeal lhatev, r .tram. 1 KiiinuetoArnnr. .,. ' - .. ..... win, h i atmilar loan ll faahiuiicd wiatilaiiger, 1 jl iii ' I webea diameter at the hit end, alKiut fuur ...,.. ,., ., rtigtnr am. norr r.e.lll l. t M(( , MLl . ,1(.hlly hollowed lag Ti It. II incline. Her gnaw tonnage ia (shield ur cap, winch the man 1,1- against Im TO '.H laws. Tha voyage waa undertaken lur thn 1 l",t r" boring Ithii la uard (ir boring holes purasr ul sMU till fnparrirlsiaal pi llm 1'rrkiua Ih,""- lb fng), a crowbar, a grafting "l ayaUtn "I Uh preaaurr aiiginrs, ami tha tuc j "t" 11 "I'laaM. a largo riKit ia tOMN i.a. thai haa lima far Urni achiavnd by tha lit- """"I "ul "f tlm ground a hole ia maulo with Ha vessel la likely Ui lead to a revolution in ma ""' UK" baWM two uf the strongest rma ai. lnUcliirr Throughout tlm entile pajaa fangs; tlna ia put 111 at an angle, an that the af IIh wralher waa uiinaually, ami I'"""1""' the hule ia aa n ar uu.h r the center there ran hn m doubt that umler nmn favora "' "'" 11 pOMabia, The hule ia thou bli fi miiaUm ea the tuna of tlm littlu akin . haignd Willi a d w cartridges of dynamite; ac- muld hai la n much I,, tl.i 1 cording to the aim aud strength ul the nait; a Hi. 1 i.iiiiv 111 Hie mil .mini ,, ,, ,...1 : iiriini r cartridge, eontainiiu' can ami (11 wat 1 a'l" Id hy the 11 1 th l'i ikm. jj at. u, 1 n 111a. rt. ,1 un Hie tup ..f the .barge, awl the I la.ilera ia aomelhuig wonderful. Duly '.II whuln rainiu. ,1 .luwu with luunu earth liy a IMM W iil war u-maiiinml l.y thn A 1111 ncilc I wmnlnii rammer. Thfl nulnl the fuae ia then ..11 the trip aiTiaaa, ami 4,'Ui ualluna ul nater. Tha ''H hi 1 1 Una eiilu.loa the can, and that in ita Terkuia ayatem i.iuiaU uf a tiilitiluua lnnlcr, in I ,uni the l)iiaimte, ami the m liule maaa ia uau which thn ataatin la generate.! at an luoailiugly ! ")' hluwn nut, bnaaUdg the root lata I vi n high iironanin. Ity iimana .l a aie. ial mUm i '"lit mi-eea lur I .. lnu' 1111 ur litiriiing, Thefnae riignin una alnam ia uaanl ami hum, 1 mnr ami ntrnr again. Thn Imilar la umatructisl ul lu.11. r.nital tulaaa, wnliloil lli at each nml I lu a. hiiflmnlal tulaaa am iinniotl hy amall u rin al tlllaeft, ami thn Unlet la , nil ml u '.'..'iKI II... n , auaie in. h Iii the niik'Hifi thern are three cyl lli.lnra, ..I ilillnteiit iliaiiu teta K 111, h. II, inc li. la 1 ul nil at aiilli, lent li'iiuth an aa tn alluw the wiirknien tci gnt nut uf ilanger, w hu h ia uaually In, mi ill lu Mm yanla, accunliug to the atrength ,,l ti,.. 1 linrge. Alter the charge haa expluileil, aeliluiu an) thing romaiiia hut a large hule, much 1. a. uililiiig thn ImhI uf a iMiiler. I timk particu lar nulice that 1111 ilaiuace v. Imtever waa ilune au 1 ' 1 ni, I, itiattinter itaiecti aly, with l'i inch 41 '10 aiirroumling trnna. Wo hail nearly 4IMI all, tu Tlm auiallnal MM la pla. nl uvnr that uf i ""'la gut "lit hy thla priK-eaa, ami w ith twu (if niaaliiitn aiaa, anil wurkr.l fnuu thn aamn piat.ui "ur cuininun lalKiruig men, with nne man aeut nni, 1 nn nnginna are 111 pi Imran puwer uuinl nal, ami Ilia hnren .. r imlu-atl. The Inch arwaaiii anil iiiaaliuiu cyliuilera are aiugle act lllg, the luw prnftaurn MM In tug iluuliln n. ting Thn .taiAru, uitemla U, laavc aa ft.M.11 aa ima aililn t..r New 1 uik, in nr.lnr to cm- a tira.-lical l.y the agenta .,1 tin- l iinmit,. ,-niiiiiany ha. i- i.een ahln to remove from 'J.'i to .'10 tier day .-I tnota averaging frmn a fiH.t and a half to four ft. ami a half in diameter. I liml from careful 1 al uiatMiua made that we have hecu eualili-d t, M ft tl,.- r,iuta 111 a far mureexiN-ditiuiia man- nilulutuai to Urn niigitin. ra ami, ia u.t, t.-ale. ii" than liitlu 1 to, ami at from SO to 00 haa iu ail, h lliatteia III the I tilted Slatea ul the lanln ' t. No line nr. , I Im. I I . 1 lit. ,1 li llallig enia ami MfmMMfM the I . tkuia ayat. ui ha lynaiiiito un tin- acurn ul ita n. uig ilangemua apian, ami ulh a-ra ,.l II,- lit l. . tall nr., lean to fur Kith ordinary care it ia, in my opininii, a In- aliuudaiitly aaliallial with thn reaulla of thn 1 aafn to uae aa giiiip.wilor. ..l agw. Tin Hum aa a Mammi. Thn heart ia 1 ' 1 Ui : 11,. I., ..1 .'...11 ... . , , . ,: aratua known Knam a (turrly in. . hanual I '"' m II la ftOlnetlung like eight Umeft aa rlli. 'leal aa tha laaat at. am nnginn. It may laa daaacnbaal, inn. haul. all), aa little more than a .l.'ul'h lot,, pump lunnali. l ta.,, rtsaer viMra and two piatw of 011111. iw. ami tl,.. Mill an.h rm ..f ita a. I la hy.ln. .1) namn al l lm Infl lento. I. haa a ,aaa. ity 'o aU.ul Hire.. HIRraaa, i Mu 7 A Ulna a uitniiU. and the ' d"r In Oraroolullig the leaiataiu. ..I llm rtrculalilig a)ftlani la raUlv)rnl I.. lifting Ita hargnuf taltnal a little ah. ,tt,a I. ti It l'i 'i.M It i Thr a.ria, anighl uf thn heart la a littlr un laf Ian uumo (II m, ) Tha daily w..rk ..I the hit i.i.tti.U i , ,,.. uamlmia, 'ai It ttini aiding tha work of tha nghl venlrule, Ihr ..I Dm entire organ u marly I IB ft.. l.-ua Th hour I) work .af tha heart ia '"' aauiiliajratt la lilting llanlf '.H.IIII It an h.nji An a. Ina inoualain i-liniUr ,an aieragr ft .( aara-nt aa turn, w mm la. m, n, tha k raf Ihr haaarl Tha pnar Alp engmn. 'Havarta,' hfUd Ita uwn wntathl S,t) (1 aa h.Hir. Ihut datnonaUaUng only .me eighth tha amcaaaary .4 Ihr heart K. i , have ta. laa naaaidrra.1 in ratimaling the heart a ,..k lit Ihn (.reaatii. ..I h. I.I...I ,,., a(ual tn thn animal a hlght, which haa U. C aaaaaiaad, ift ihr l.i-a nan r-l in (.1 rt.., iii. An mi-hoi in ayatem of conatructing and .lining il. a, lately introduced ill hindiin, aenilll to haie proved ipnte ail, .-eaaful. Ao rding tu the fca.ia..r, theae nil. a, which are an he ti, a 1, n eitlu r aat ui wmiight Ilia I I.a Ibrffia ..I Ik. I J..J . a-.... .a. iL. hnalii, i. k-j .r.t. -... i.l.i-i.. i au.iigrr than ,mm,m bu I H 7"- 'I oraaH., nnn.tal ,r.Kav. ,. tan nil, a- , a r- la-l. i awaaaniaMM w Haa atlaaarliutn c,,, i. -r- "mra , r-. .au-Muin mi., ciglil tan ...r.M 1 ll l.ii laar run. and the ihiukiioaa ul the iiu tal can he pro . rUiHMsl lo amt the varying nrcumatatu-ea uf , ol.alni. ti-.n- tin. I.mrt i n. uf t, ml,, i, mi, 1. 1 I I - .. . ' ... I aa.iiu ami .lll-.l, la generally oi wrought troll MM MMN Hppad) the ulea are alao loittt. 1 u I aectiuna, acrewe.1 together hy alrong atari aock eta ..i ( iiit . - . -ra, win, h are liarrel aham-.l un llm miui.ln, ui unler In ditniiiiah friction when hmm irtraav inat. a.1 ul !.!., a Umg rUUvtrad .hi llm li. a.l ol the t.ilr. the . riiinc force ia ... 1 wlido, Jual where It la needed, namely, at the Matt ami thia roault a alUine.1 l.y mmg an w"gaaaai r irnal .Irilllig Height, which , travrla naally Ittanln llm tular; the Wright la rained l,y mraoa of rupna or, and ia allowed Ui lall on the Mat head ol thn aoli.i ,int, the pile thua forming ita own gnnln for the driving Wright llm rtlra-l ,.l ea.l, hi,,.,, u. drag lather than dure tha pie down; thn la.tnt ' awlle., ami of aulh.imt diainrtar I., rffr-ct a i .-trarancn for the joint is.vrra, which have to l.-low , ,..wn, thr ah,.!, oarratinn U ing one MMaTara aimilii'ity. M lata a i tanmd lu, .mraarri watrr. ami t. aaid to U ,, I, ,,, Jurahlr tl,.,, e.iiirr pre,aare. ,n tha .ardmary manner. TnaU haie I are n madr. which .)... .1... l i. . a. an l ... Ul are alnmirrr than ' ' ii. L. JaaroAia in titr. A r.KAM) WORLD'S FAIR IN NEW YORK. Fur two yean a conatant agitation hai beon kopt up in New York for the holding of an in ternational exhibition in thia oountry in 1883. The dwullera in towns remote have, during thia rairinil, hcir.i hut little of the labuia ui the handful of public-apirited men who have per sistently carried forward the movement to the Hiint it has now reached, l'atiently and pru dently they have gone on from stage to stage, having the satisfaction at each successive step to witness a decided advance in all theossential sMnMBM of success. The holding of an inter national exhibition in this country in 1883 i low an assured fact. The initiatory dillicultiei him-paruhly connected with a scheme of such magnitude, particularly those in regard to the obtaining of necessary legislation, have all boen overcome, and the preliminary arrangementa ami complete organization of tho United .States International Exhibition Commission of 1883 are being pushed forward to a speedy comple tion. A special act of Congress providing for the holding of such exhibition has been ob tained; bills have been passod in the New York legislature granting to the Commissioners who may Iw appointed powers to acquire such lands, etc., as may lie reiuisite, and the Governors of the several St tea aro rapidly nominating Com missioners to assist tho project to a successful termination. The plan of the proposed exposi tion is on a scale of such magnitude that it completely eclipses everything of tho kind in tho nast, and may probably never bo surpassed in the future), mid the movement has now en tered upon a career of iopular recognition and public favor which guarantee tho ultimato ao cninplisliiuoiit of all its projectors have hoped to realise. Tim PnotnuTW in Poor Prof, Honfard says, in a recent paer, it is a familiar fact that some iersnns of a feeble digestive power prefer embrowned meats and toasted broad, to undouo Hush and plain bread. The difference between them is mainly duo to the effects which incipient burning haa produced; and one of these effects is the inure ur loss a-rfect separatum of tho phosphates from the organic radicals entering UNO the compoaitiou of the tissue. Tho ashes of wheat, ryo, nata, Indian oorn and barley, and ,.f seeds in general, contain phosphorio acid. It also occurs in the aahoa of most animal tia sues other than lames or teeth. In some of them, aa in Dtb meat, the phosphates are feebly l'"!"1 A j1'1"-" "king ol a piece of cod Jf. "' ,r f"r '' moments will separata ..ilbceiit plioaphnric acid to yield a reody reac tion with the usual tests. Kish a- .article of diet has been commended, because of tho facility with which it may be digested, and bo-,1 I,, aupply nutret to cerebral tissue h, 1 1 ,i h tu1'"M th' 'ho facility with which the pho-phatc. may bo disengaged from " "l'l"nUrv ,rt of the li.l, tissues, S th. explanation of both these peculiarities and ft- ", of dige our. wl .il.. The emulsion, which result, from the action of ,he (crmont ,m ? I ke hydrochloric Mrfd in t,cU, J Sb nalui-e an acid l ktrZLl? :.ruf l:,,K,rlrr. mmmm aMr- Kownmu, baurintoia IN TIIlt St 0 AKI. Tfl!U-Colllno ' A 9rH" rrSSX fr"m i. j saving of inon. than mv 1 rT'1- Hie r.,luct,o nfr.T. m, """'I'reMors. ala.ut one-tenth of what . u .""'"K to X A -- "ulJ Ui ba Z venl. t ng fan. 1 TC f purchl. SS&PZi ff .pr.v.omjy t might have I.,, wmr