June, 1880. THE WEST SHORE. Oregon Hallway and Naviga tion Company. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PASSENGER SCHEDULE. I!og!nnlnE April 1, 1S80. PABIEK0ER8 LEAVE POKT IjAN 1) FOR D ALL KM. 1 11 1. TILLA, HALLUI.A and WALLA WALLA- Dally, (except Sunday,) at 5 A. M. FOB IXWIBTOX KaA point! on Snake River Monday, luth; Tuesday, lifih; Friday, Kid- Hat urdny.iMth; Wednesday hi Thursday, iih, III 5 A. K. FOR KA I.AM A, TACOMA and SEATTLE-- Dally, (except Sunday,) at 0 A. M. FOB VICTORIA-WodiitKdny and Saturday at li A. M. FOB ASTOJtlA-DaWy, (except Sunday,) at 6 A. M. For Catlilttmett Jl.if Feie, Skomorkotvay, and 7ir.wA7fot.l-- Monday, Wcdnei-diiy abd tilday, at 6 a. H. h'nr IVettport, Clifton and Kimjipn Tuesday, Thumb y and Siilutday, atti A. .... WII.I.AMIvTTIv RIVKR DIVISION. steamers loavo PORTLAND from the Cen tral Wharf, bolwo 11 WMblngton and Alder St., as follow: FOB nJYTOX Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 7 a. m . FOB SALEM, AI.HAXY, OOMFALLU and Intnrmodtutu poluta Monday anil Thun-dny, at U A. At. For Lightering and Towing of Vessels Pctween Portland anil Astoria apply at tho ofllee f tba Company, near corner or Kiont and Anil Klroola. GEO, J. A1NHWOKTH, HtvumbtMt Ayvnt S. HERRMAN, Who'csalo and Ratal) Dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Groceries ami Prorisi us, fto. KM IUI1 NT., FoHTI.ANll, .... UaillON. Highest Cash pr!eo paid fur Ccuulry Produce. '9' Efery Physician, whoso namp nn- pean in this column, is urnui untcof it reputable MoiHcul College, Oregon Railway aid Navigation Company Pacific Coast Steamship Oomp'y ONLY DIRECT LINES Between San Francisco, Cal. and (Portland), Oregon and Wash ington and Idaho Territories. Tho HteatnorH cngagcil on Mils rmitu irn the Mew and Powerful Iron NteniiililM OKKUOX," UKOKUF. W. 1:1, Itl'.lt." " STATU OF t'A MFOK.VIA." Mi iuiier leave Sun Frnnrliaro nml Fori. In ml i'iitj live da, Connecting at Portland with tba Oregon and California uml Western Oregon Railroad fur all polnl In tbo V 1 1 liimi'i le. l'niMiia. and Hoirne Klvrr Lillet and Nonlhrrn Ore tt With tbe Oregon Railway and Nnv. Com pany! boola for all point on tbe FpM-r Co lumbia Blver, Kmlern treu I Wawli- 1 union and Idaho Territories, al0, With a regular Una of Steam era to letarla, V. I.. For Wrantl ami Nit It a. Alaska Terr nry Ticket to all point! on tbe O. 4 C. It. It. and V. 1 1. It. It. aold at reduced mte. To aitva npenw and drlrnllon. partlei "hiitild bo.cnroful lo auk for ticket by loll roule II. W. WKirtLKIt. Agent 0. R. A VfWf a Front St.. DM I Aeh. Portland. ogn. .1. lli-ORAKEN A Co., .Kfi" BfiftfcL m, and ill Nurtu I'tunl It. Portland. Ugn. Wo are determined to push our cir culation to tin' highest iosl hln )inliit within the next FEW weeks, ami In do this wo ofTer to send 111" Tribune and Farmer EVERY WEEK FOR 2 MONTHS, ON TBI AL, ON RECEIPT OF ONLY TEN CENTS. Regular Price, $1 Pear Year. TUONAN KKKHAK. aOMI t'l.M kai. Ml roil. THF BEST OF AMERICAN HUMORISTS, MOM hkinnkk. i a raiylar eontrlbnioi lolbi TRIBUNE AN D KAIlMKIl.aiHl bin L iter are lo be found only in Ihcan .., (iinlalii each WMh IOI K Nl'l.l. III II HTOKIF.H t olllUeie. .10 ....." iill.illiil .Waller B.llllllleil lo imr e..lll... II . . 1 . , . .. . ...i..i . . l.n.ll.-ft' I.,. mm. ,1, loulli- l oliiinii. AH Mwa.uiid "alllvely lb! Very Ileal Ajrto! Mra fcpnrt; nenlloiie Intliiil la uy woeklvln I he lulled Stllll'l hlM". Tribune hh.i i Philadelphia, l Menu. ,n tbl Wio- I Mlolif. JOHN SAUL'S Catalogue of Xeie. Hare ami lleaitnjui nam- ' . i . ni' read V With 4 .'..lured PMUt. MallV III W In I beauiifiil l'i..i.'.aie..il. r.'i l..rihllr i nie w' , , rie lee' I fdraanhonn and Hot " LeVll.nl, II '"" PI,nU' nSZ.nl Wall grown Md ittovprMwi ';:,. o, an ."- .1 ;;;r'":v; ; AP WW ffiaS.rftfl I " t t TVii will pav tor lhai "ihl III 131 Si reli.-. ,.e..'y..r the ""."ii I.....,'.. i ni. I. .. 1AM in !.',' aunU .., (law ral -" Vfl ""JF 'SS on l!i I'aein.- mo.." Itand.Offaw. H. Carpenter, M. D. f?ptTTl naluill,! KUCK -Klr.t and Morrlton atrrel, up-alali. Heiddenee Fiuilb Slreel, corner of Moul- gomery. Win. B. Cardwcll, M, U. OPFICB and Ui'Nhleuen- Koiitbwet eotner I'lr'.l and MnnUoti MlreelN. J. A. Chapman, M. D. Office mrowbrhlg! Dutldl(, oomti Itral and Alder. Itealdehee for. Klrf and Mavkel, F. B. Eaton, M. D. (UlMMMOf KytAtVl Km.) OKKU K Nnilliwfil I'uriirr Firm mul w ni iri'iN, HMIdtl M OOlHtf K.HMt riirk mi. I Vntiilillt. E. P. Fraser, M. D.. OFFICE Ni,rlbwei lornir Flrl and Murk ! eel rnl, .ii llloek. Ite.ldenee '.71 Heeoii.l Nlrrel. R. Glisan, M. I). FFIOR Rtrowbrldia liuildlng, corner Kim nil A hler nlreet. i:. i Norl bwi'Nt eorner Teulb and It, O R. G. Rex, M. D. OKFIl.'F, a lid llehlnnce Hnulbwi! em ii I I imI unit MoitIniiii lreel. Curtis C. Strong, M. D. i vfFlQH No. :i, Daknml iiuii.iin(. lUaldanw, EH Waal Park ilraet W. H. Suylor, M. D. l'l I Itooin I, 'Jaml X I'nlon Pluck r. O I'IimI and Htark lre.il. Oftloa Hour U lna in. , H and 7 p,m Holt C. Wilson, M. D. FKICK IM Flr.t Hlrre'. Heal.li.nee- Corner Fnuilli and II Mirnei. R. B. Wilson, M. D. I' l P F. an I Itxaldanno Curlier Fourth ami OKI' n r. mi l iti aini It Kl.eela. vSonictlilny; New ! JOHN A. BECK'S, The Watchmaker and Optician, 149 Trent Strut. - P0BTLA1TD, OR. BIFOCLE SPECTACLES, for near and far-ae. lug TWO FOOtl! IN UNI'. (II.AMM ill gold, alive, ami alerl fluioca. Ii.n'l fall to a. e Ill, III Ala.., a fine line f Aloe'leal. WMWMi gold aodallvar Kl, dlnail Irom IhaRaal. at prieea that wlil dafjf MMnpailllM. waton work a ia en.lt , and gni.ianlee.1 to yn Mllaf .eilon . J M7- -njEFjKBw 3Ek B O. SMITH, Oft Dentist, 197 Kmt fit., kelwwa Ibrruaa tad YuakiU, orllund, rrnon.