The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1880, Page 180, Image 20

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June, 1880.
" Mb l naaoa It r.,,.1'. ban,
WUer, Uk anon at end, U,rnu(ti'Mt tha day,
Ahd nuulne dovee 0) In and ogl.
Ami M Mr I sweet IU. ll (reajrai,! ha, ,
Wl.aia 1 Ik train II.. fane tha tllppar, n.wr,
A,.! UK I.,ik .1. I... .11; I,.!,,, .,!).
.... . 1 . ... , . . . . 1 . 1 . .
And Uk Um Mini Uiruuft, with marry Mid
The eaJIet tenia, tiul .hire all day
With nillw1t. wttif. In Uk.4'1 hfuarn m.h
Ami 11k nahtaa etna li Uk treat whanh Imii
To Wuali Uk fatal bIUi UkIi lutUm. latiet
O, bar Uk fled aaotll'ifi lime,
Wlieai . r.i.1 a barn alll Mh.1 Ih tti'iul
nf ma,, 1 t,il,l,,n a I,. 1 ram,i tint diy
In Uk lite laiffi heednoi of " at MM."
Mu.1i faring of dutte Irian II rlr may naiu.
Hn. li I, m. It,,. Infant In the Mlt a, tilth,
Till Hit lia(lil,a.a.l liri.a, aih .a. kit .1,1111
Pfnm thttr fihldan tfteeofeeaft lata t. fly
fill. Uk .1 i lil ' .1 an Ml, a - 1.
lu ImnV all! "Immi afaln era MM
To the eommer aui.ahliK. Uk hae muen Ik,,
AimI Uk aanj nn, n aeaalbiu eing.
. rrnl lam la Uk Jnllltel pltaai
raa fatelel MM hi a auitintar'a ila, ,
Ana a'aa tail lima, aa the , aara all,, hi ,'
Ila mrm.,j ian uaiaf alaal aeaj
la'.. I ,., ,.,.;.
TIIK .1 IN Kits.
Kb I . lily v 1 . m a nlil, wall dnaerd had
I. la k hair lath, r thm and 1 1 1 a.- A with gray, ami
eyes lu hu li gleamed lliv lima nf a deleimuia
linn Ml Ui l aeil) k .1 ribe walked mi, . Ma
)ur lluea'e uhW 111 I'tllei, a block, ami r -( - at.. I
a 1 1, .at. 11, t. maw, ami liat nig ..blamed it, ami
aaliali.,1 hefetll I Mia law almlriila art.- lint
liat. HH, al Iba key. bole, aalit elowly, aolemuly
an I ,11,1,1 ,..,. U
"I waul divorce."
"Mhallnf'l aiiiiiaa.l you had una ..III,,
laaal i.l liualiamla, ' aai.l Ilia Major
"I ap aw thel's wbal everybody thinks, but il
lli) know what I veeunVreal 111 Un years, they'd
Wonder I lia.lli I enabled litm long ago J ought
a- 1 . I... ., . i - .., . I. - aT.
a", aaaa ,o ma aaa. aaa a.a- , g , , vn
lama il ami aalit unthing I've I. ,11 bun though,
wbat It, might draaiiii on, anil now lb, lime
bat cMMiia, I won't elattd it, young miee or nn
lining uliat, I'll hava a illviKi a, ami il tba nalgl,.
lain want in blab lliitnarlvra biaaraa alaiut II,
Oiai 1 an. Inr I w on I euml 11 anulbar day, "
"Hut w hat Hm mat tai IWl ynur hualaaml
prwviila (,,, uu Ibiu t ba traal yuu ItinillyT'
j. ui,,. I Iba laa hi
"VVa jrt in luala amwah, atnl I ilnn I know
btil 1.. a aa Una an. I klml aa man la Kenaral;
anil ha'a nam hm ka.1 nutta nl ui ilnwn I
wiah he '.a 1 11. ,11 I'll ,.. t bun In )ail ami know
whara La aaa al night. ' iwUntnl Uir womao.
"Ilia,,, wbat la ynur i-omplainl againat bun"
"Wall, il inn mutt kn.'W, ba'a iiut nl ibnaa
laaay Jinan."
"A wb.r
"A inn , nn, nl I Ki in aaaky lotilt thal'a all
ay lmin a.naHtilg. Than 1 an I nitbiii(
an aaa abang Ihal'a tlaak, anil aly, ami hublan but
ba II Jina it II anylaaly ahianlii ,l up aaiwwlv
ta lauin hia knuaa ilnwn, be il j 1 Be It jualaaa.a
aa he caiubl j.1 in ami il lie il haa I., laay I..
a la. a.- I .11 . 11 L.l.1.
a"1 "a .. a" W aa. a. a ...,ih laren
marneal m.i n Inn Winntiui Italian ha jtntal the
Kant ...thui(t we ureal un a I arm then,
Mt4 avary Nairn lai niahl be J name Irtiu, ,a
lael.x, eui.Hi. aiail arab a Hat I ill nl nnUakea
anal k !' knaninj them, aanl thal'a tba tat I .1
aa m klan tall naorntad And etary other nujlil
in Ibi weaak ba ! i-H ami tumble in bit tic),,
an ! hnllrt. 'Tat mane bwl Amaavoaait nn awanl
Oaargi Waahintaa anil rainy alaya ha d ou
ta the rata bara aaxl jab at a pi clan ,3 the
INapa Vila an ata ') ! that waa tharai I
aakt to nam (nil mf tool dawn then bat be
louwai aaa with aa maay kiala about the I'oBa'a
ooautuj tar make all the Yankee gult aaarry
lrlahaaea. raaul lo aal ap ail lb balnea that
waaa'l bora aila a atwaa ua Ihetr lorwhaatta.
lhal I hat aim go aa aavl aaoon ,.! kua la Ik
Than ha jinwl tlie Maaona. P'rapt you know
what they U, hut I dun't 'ccpt thny'ro the
aama kind al i nttara that built Solomon ' tem
pla, and tonk care of Im concuhinet, and all of
that darned nnnanuM anil tb about woithipful
maatert, and a,uan and compaaeoi and aioli
like, that we hail iu the hnuie for thn next ail
mi.nlba vuit never tea the laiat. And ha'a never
MeffOWl it nuther. What do you think of a
man, 'Sjutre, that'll drcaa hintaelf up in a white
airuu, alxiut big enuuh lor a monkey a btil,
and go marching up and down making motiona
and talking the fiMiliaheat lingo at a picture of
i .i-orgn u aahiiigtun 111 a jackt't, and a
truaa on hia rrffalaflhT Ain't he a loony.tick!
Well tint a my Sam, an' I atood it aa loug I'm
going to.
"The unit lunge the foul maile waa into the
Odd Krlluwa. I maile it warm for hitn when he
MM liniue and luld me he had jined them; hut
he km, I, i iarilu , mr by aayiug they had aort
of a aide ihuw that tnnk in women, and he'd
get me in alien he fowd nut huw to do it.
Well, one night he came home and aaid I'd lieeu
iimii Ki d, and eomahody hail blacklmllnl me.
I lid it hiaarlf, of courae. Didn't want me round
knowing to hia gningt on. Of courae ho didu't,
and I told him no.
"Tin n Im jineil the Sona of MalU. Didn't aay
anyiuiug in me auiiii it, nut aucakcil oil one
liiatht. Iirrlrnditiu he il mil to ait un with a alak
Odd Ki ller, and I'd never fnund it out only he
came I i. looking like a man that litil lain
through a Ihretluug machine, and I wouldn't
lo a thing lor him till he owned up. And an
it a gun, lr. in hail lo wua, and from wua to
wutaer, in, ,n Una that and tolln r. till h.,'. .
Worahiiilul Mmiali r of the Maauna. ami C..I
daaeuf ll. fr tin Odd Killnwa, ami Swurd
Swalluwi r i, the Kinnigana, and Virgin I'ereui
of the liraugn, and I. rand Mogul f the Sum of
Imlolrm and T Bdfad Tumahawk of the
I llltail Oialrr of UU. k Men. .ml Tal. 11,.,..,
ol the Mernlul M link m. ami Slnu.r ,.( kk.
liuild nf allii iuir I nluuihua. and iliD
"I the Arabian Knight., l',dgo pitaaer uf the
no ui . inn, ( met n.igicr nl the Irith Maclttu
laU, and I'unr.Kreiarr nf the Tamilian
tele,,.-,, ami llinibh, llarrelrd Dictator ,.l ,1...
faaa I ,rele, ami Slan.l.rd
Uanr ..( Ih. lUyal Andiangela, ., Sublime
1 "f "I O Uaiiuc. and I 'l.amh, r,.,.l ,., .1...
. ; .. "Il
i f. . , i n I ""'"'it I'uteutai, of
.... o... oi. raj Daman ami the Lflfd only
know, what elan. I've lairne ,t, and lrne lt
Imping l ,1 gel ,m all jined after a kill I,...'
Unit in, tito, ami when he k i...
night and I ,1,1 m. he'd got ,nb. a new , .h,
a. ani ami i a in,
Her, the M.j, bkafrapatd aayina:
Well, Vntir hutliaml I. ,,r.ll., . .
Ihaf.ala., butlhee , '.,,1 " tui
g."l ....... Ira, I n1em..t ,,f lhl
mrtie. jut, in,,,!,,,,, . ,,,,. , ,
ian and have en, II,,,, ..,.,.. ., .. . "
lb. Hi. tl,"Uuh i lllnl I..I ' ... I a ,"""' )"
aim Tuuiuai iiiaurtm-.
ll viiu, l.u.L.,,,1 .1 i.l. ,.. . . . "'ih,
urn. an,. ,. LT" lake care of
e . - a eei. na , ,, ,
)"u..rhnauir,r If ram
Take oare of
wen au k
' s" niter hen I m akak ,
ata when k.'. aa , ,
... ,..i n ,. . .
.. . a aa..v: , can
LWMH Wh, he'l.lea.1. . -I , .
.,. i i
lh,re'i til,.,,,, ,. ..
h,n I in
il tn .ne,,l il I lurj,ri
lake oat.
ran I, I
I myaell
an gel aimther
Andlhey ,l, it.ii,,, ihllwvrl
au k, tfm II I want u, i. . k
. an m.. i.i '
L. T". you uee, n'
k. imU .all right tod.,,
' r.lnrr '" ho u.
oa uieir rariyingi nn
arui mak.
'"u needn't try
" '10 an.
many h.ltfe. that h, .1.... . . . T w"uJ'ea ao
j -m. m,. v.-i.iry,,..h
aa, M " Ih. ted
"1 baUara yoa'r, . JIIMr fntmiL:
He admitted that ho wan to a certain ex
tent. And aha roae and aaid, I wouldn't have
thought it A man like you, chairman of a Sab
hath achool and Superintendent of the Repub
lican!! It' enough to make a woman take
pizen. I don't want anything of yon. I want
a lawyer who helonga to nobody or nothin'."
And ahe bolted out of the oltice, and inquired
where I'apt. 1'atten kept.
Ciiinehx Stekl. A considerable steel-making
industry exists in the present day in China, on
the Upjier Yangtze, whence the steel ia sent to
Tient sin for snipment and distribution. It
fetches much higher prioes than the Swedish
steel imported into the country. The Chinese
metallurgists rocognize three kinds of ateel
uamely, that which is produced by adding un
wrought to wrought iron while the mass ia sub
ject to the action of fire; pure iron many times
aulijected to lire; and native steel, which is
liroduced in the southwest. The different
names for steel are twan kang, or ball ateel,
from its rounded form; kwan kang, or aprink
led ateel; woi tee, or false steel. The Chinese.
apparently haveknownhow to manufacture ateel
from the very earliest ages, and in the time of
the II in dynasty ironmasters were appointed
in several districts of the old Leansohnn to
superintend the ironworks,
Dihkark ritoM Wool. The Lancet oall atten
tion to a recent death from what in known aa
"Wool Sorter's Disease," which ia still an ob
scure Affection. It has been made known for
aomo time that workers in alpaca, mohair cam
el's hair, and wools generally are subject to
nodes, and often fatal attacks. In the case
lately reported the man had complained foraev
eral daya of the noxious character of the wool
and was finally taken with what waa thought
to lie a severe ooldj evidences of oongeation of
the lungs followed, and in four daya he died.
Dr. lu ll, of Bradford, Kngland, who haa bad
considerable experience in the disease, believea
,. ... n, hy,uK organisms irom the lleeces of ani
mals, and that myriads of bacteria (Bacillus
nnlhrno) may bo found in a drop of blood af
ter death The disease oan be prevented by
WfflQtently heating or steaming the wool ao as
to destroy the living organisms which infest it.
Kfkeit ok Uhe Upon the Quality or Iron.
In the summer of 1878 Prof, liauschioger super
intended some repair, upon a chain bridge
vera of the links by various testa, and found
n th, , 7 T ,!"flv!1'!nco,, an diminution
n the atrength of the iron, nor of any change in
Uaructureo, ,u elasticity during the nV of
1MM. In IM. ,on Pauli teated several ban
whenR 7 'r"lif9' W" Pired g 187
.trcngth w stUUheMmeTfte My 'T
and that no change f structure .J'
have occurred aince tba ... -rV.T1
or,g,.lu.ta--),3w;r; r VU" "UU'
Ml a manufacturer of .l,m..i. u PPer.'"f-
'aria of ,, .Ta". wsw iiiMMUOal
the akin at the BS JL?&
the reault." Md ng dimple ia
"pension of exi.tenc.-ir lu"1?"! " U
eontinu. lo be joy only . '
M other long-lived af "hat ia. bvTehtWmi
preawon of ,,f and Z, , , ft by mnoh ,nP
Perienc, f another. Urm ,n th