The West Shoke. VUiJ. O HO. 113Monln8t, Portland, Oregon, Juno, 1880. rr Annum. I Slnglo mn J.0O. 1 ToU. Portland Public Schools. For the age of this city and tak ing into account that in the inaugu ration of measures for the general welfare of the city, many heavy ex penses have been incurred, Portland may well be proud of her schools and school buildings. To be sure, in the earlier years, so little anticipa tion was had con cerning the jyowth of the city that such buildings as the Ilarrison-st. (old)andthcNorth were poorly adap ted to the wants of the department in a very few years. CKNTRAL SCHOOL. Jp; May 29th, 1856. at a school meet ing, a tax of $4, xx was levied for a site and a build ing. Mock 171 was bought for $1,000. E. M. Burton and R. D. Carson erected the original building, now a wing of the main building fac ing on Scventh-st. for $2,993. In 1S57, $4,000 more was voted to complete the building) May 17, 1858, school was first opened, with L.L. Tcrwilligcr as Principal and Mrs. llensill and Owen Connelly ns assistants. . PARK STREET HARRISON SCHOOL, PORTLAND, OK. fnm a Photo ... j N st. SCHOOL, PORTLAND, OK. fnm 1 PI ly I. Davldioo, by L DwtfM. There were 1 1 1 pupils present the first dny. In 1872-73, the old building was turned and the new structure, shown in tho engraving, was built i'ii tho old site. This cost something ovor $30,000. How much nmre has never been defi nitely ascertained. Therein; -twelve rooms in this build ing, with a scaling capacity of 650. IIAKltSON r. MHOOU The original building, standing on the comer of Harr'i in and S x h strccts.wnserectcil in 1865, anil cost $9,941. It was enlarged at two different times - in 1871 and 1H77 - making the total cost $20,777. This building was llntOll totally de stroy ci I by Cue May 29, 1N79. The first school was opened Janu ary 20, 1866, with K. K. Warren as Principal, and Misses Tower, Stephens and Kel ly, as assistants. In the fall of 1879 tho present new structure was erected and school opened February 9, 1880. Tho cost has been about $18, 000. It has twelve rooms, with teat i 11 g capacity o i 600. It is well