April, 1880. The west shore. io8 THK U'HT OCCASION. ywa dla loo tale anA mm lou tnoA, Al mrl; Murrtlng, kanl i4 nut,. Or Um .lull MM InlllaTtl TVwi, W t.-Hi, tl. f 1. t, l..l. .1.4 .. 1 nt ' w WlUi ttmilt (-...I,.! J .'.. .i It" Wuk aJl Um awtan eUanftb Ual tils TV koaw rraalu ktlla, WjtV la an till J Lm I mmI I M't IUMlltt abut (tttMTlUxJ. tngluft't aULalMat 1; a uf nu, III !! at.'l ,ak 1 1' j u., .., ltfll uu uM nl. 14 flil but U"k A eaaaes t.l i.,.,l n.f b (At lrMl, !.!.' lit ) 11I OmW On Hiuliw' uiill jaabr4); WKm u4. In uu44 MM hiuii clad, Ti kaauu alfa..f1b .4 CSSSAMVS bad, Willi (-. mn.ii ad al ii4 Ut leaefc 1 kunaan tun' 1 1 . 1 !!'., fct Willi ,411 Mf l..','l. Ill In I..,. il In aryument, IN, and.n.ua, lallliia .4, Hit fnaa A lli lb .. r l hammer bluwe, (imI.ii a II ..tl. -l.il.. Sail 7n. fcrorJ lib SAMM wall. And Iftillftf uit nl.il. II. r, It I Taw Uinnl iI lb rnjbbxiua aid li. u I .u.l in on end bo. 1. ,..ad IX on) IrMola. b Uh mw daniiad, T I'lt 1M UMI tU- uf I li. I. IK. I. ... . S .... . in baie ml bin lb mnrnh UimIb rnu. null) 4.mii 11.) al., u;ul l,ul The, nrwxildat ha Iliad 11 In I MM Till Inrl ttkMjiibifi'i Ar. ui-llit... Tl 14 , u..( mil. ib. I iilulailabl TV and cUKinnl . ,m, mad I b.Minb"Ul.t4 ba nnti It. in hatnUr'a vnll Tb nut Aw 4 lb 9mm 'nil, And araa.l Maaimat lamming nn Tan keukeet Unas 11 H ..I.. , 1 .. attuna IMA Iban Ihlnn bad II..., OnllM uwl lb uini-m mnrhl u men, Te ... tke unbaia rtvaita n . . And eilnaurlben k b lib 11 1 Hnj ImA UmI nbnm at ' .11. I Tu Ibi gral ,wulh' tf bjnl, b.u. awbluW helm Brim IWm ill dlniuil ,,. kaln Um n4.ll l..ui Um m.un.1 Ut Um glnnu niOwa UmI kAmuaun I unj. HHlntntn . m ..n T.4l gmtiit, II .n.11 ...4 lb) iinnntll! hum' Ab, tj4 Into, UnM ilanl bi Ihnn, u ninn bi ib Nunbon tan, Tb pUn 11 ,., ,..11,,.. 11 ) Uol Alia lb fana .4 hunan nnnaa. War Wtaiffa I la aunl naA .wt Mkaai ami aun an AM M4 Inak, Um null, nib 1111 nt-.f ) luniltM Ink. In Iba Awb bintra a Unnlgbl ,. lba, A n4 Utf i ... gram baatd Iba aaa i Ibal ii lb nnal nu.da bkn AnA rnan Um aaank laM)a AnfUruj iba Tb . I., 4M. nllb wmni im aaia naab ,4 a lanal ab.aa. Ami aaa Man". 4ibiB an, A nalnra lain n,U ti4t Tb. aaAnaaa 4 a ibaAni . ... Tb Una M UmI abua, alnmbl ban Una Mai, ba lb. nailta amnialaliM bnra l.i alia al aodannaj lam MaVjMaWI tl.. n II. lb. .n,ti .n 44 r.a Uaa Um .- NMA 44 aa.la ,4 I... I iiitunnl. Iba aaM.1 an Uaa .Ilk 4 ai.4 I. .1 lb, In4llk ana aaal aanaM lai tlMTnua VUlbkanAaiAliabl. lb " avaaa at iMAnbjkl a Tbaa. aaaai 1. , .i. Ana ana. Il,.l M.n,Un mtm knaan .IbaiUn, I, n. m. nbajn, TV ibi aa HI. nMxklnm ' Tk, a4la aall. lb, uia al baat I J 0 THm. RKMKMUItAKCKS ,i A MUNrAlN IH'IUHIU Ttv. Hi,..- ,( m.u -a t. , aWiitiK.I Maaaya, kara Uita cAAroba maH. ah.I Ih. I B,ij liW aWvaai .nat cA ita a at fas taVA 'cfic Ukln. MJ WUI M k NU) alirr., lookUMtwU, aaMi M liW. WaV. Md auabuf U,kA J.. Witt Ua, MMAA. Tha klAfla alraal ny. dw' P" Ia nl nrrkanl, kxi (ail. NAM laWot UV MM MkAAl. nnl, ,, , t iMmtetJ-ife M WUW., Ult II m MtaVrlj SS Sonvetimei thu Amaaiog itreet ilippd ihyly Around th corner of A miner'i CAbin, bnilt out of line, AnJ aonwtimri, aa if in pure rerenge, it crept over whole rAcant Iota, And quite iur rounda.1 (olitary And timid h.AntieA. The achool buuie itood in A clump of cedAn A little Ala.ve the town. NcAr it there wm A . .. 1 . . t. 1 1 u riikv h.illi,r. il.itti-.l th immtnee boulden in 11) lainl.iAl pllea, ovi r wnicn cicmavia nun Iwrriri Ungleil in bright profuaion, Anil wild roaea of delicAte pink clung to the rocki. The vacant itriytt aimeil ilirectly lor the uoor 01 me -It l L 1..., . -,.L.. . I .... ... iln ni.tnr rii.M'i 11UUH-, nu a i"i, i..i v.'w.v.i ii ami it WAndereil ofT into the hollow, ao that only a little footpAlh went acroea the bright gtau tn tin' iiiiKijiing centra, aim wounu aruumi l ..-..I 14 I- I l.u Iknau kna .lm, n,l III. ,1. UUVII IV I kllV III,,. HVH um the hrrny porch where theaun'bonuetahuugin ,' 1 III . I Mil- Ittpol waa to Ix-gin on Monday, ao Saturday an. 11." 11 1 nnuv lu in' ijuivb auuuvu loiiiii lu older to get at .iiainti-d wiih the turroundinga. I abtHal a in- nu nl on the porch, livoking over the piclurraiue village and acroae the wide river to the amoky highta an.l the auft, moving oloudA Then my thoughta came Ivack to the achiml riHiin, ao aoon to bu Mini with childiih laoea aoma awcet And 11 aome am.1 anil lonely. woing in I itmntl A captive linnet who had wn ID throuilli a brokeu tiatie. anil waa vaintv aploring the celling, but perceiving the open tiuor, ne wniaarii out with alinoat inviailil M riie. room .11 rather out of order, And a little diemal, ricept for a pleaaAnt ray of aun bine hi h ahune on the traehur'a ilaalc Now, juat aa I MM aUndiug in thia rather 1 ii l V a, r. 1 lirari a.iiiu. m tu.i. 1 ... ,. .1.. And 1 ie up the walk. A blue-eyed little girl uf right bVoikI by the door and tapped, awingiug her auii lKinnet ahyly, yet lookiug up with a orrr iiiiin irncii mat waa viry winninu , ?. 1 "lii. Willi a ami n "in von Aim I lioth cAiue to luok At our achool MR "Yea. air." the ehil.l r,..,l,,.,l "I ... 1 : . - - ... .r.., . , oaarr, ami na 1,. am I u,,i... ... ,;. ab. - w 111 .ne achool houaa, an we got Haxlie And Maud Willia ,1,1,1 ua. I lia other three children at., J tm b- . with mop And bucket. Th.y cAme in ahylv and wa got ac.iiAiiited. MauiI wu a dark witch, lull of mibi.i nb . , .1 , A MMMIM l" . Uf till. W HAl r.t l-.i Uavll I. . II L I m--- mi, .nnii.iy I CAlVfH till he MMtM grew angry, but could not help orgivmg her After all Sad,, wu ,omu J brown hAirr.1 chiM . ",IBr". .1 . --""' nu 10ml bj ) i Mil Maul the aarcaati MM caIUJ her. at attlali .b. . , "V . "" "I.IIIC. H'Ull,., mm, "ut .an neve, orJ. N,j(, Wu ' V ii T; b ' ' thoughtful, and Mm llaker aaya ao" . .b. -a- - -" - -L.i . . . I"""1- Ma l.k. . i..b I .T : . kn,l ahe "Ti 7 " " the mid.t of lh.WbLIH",, 3 IIIIWM, Uckeil lh I .lllf 111 A I Ml k a , .( L. 1 M a I ""-Wl Wkcku.ni, iUh; "TvZ::r,M, r .wept tb. Maf an, By -h.u u,a chtidreo aats zik,rK) kki o th. town a,,dlJ" S lt.t It Waa UU, ao thavd L I''' 7"" y. mm. lWbu, , ', Li r ,0'emn ArTMkAd. th. irrrt.rrlw l w'' n-"- h-d And ..rrh .nci:,!hth'r,c4ri'1 -- . j .'w klrv cm Tb. W. putttn,, hSE at g1Wi Ur, tt. hill, iuj . late . fun I..I .. ... L . -1 . ' "li lit b,,,! ittillAAa anoMiaa " Now thia aounded like an alarming statement, auggestive of scalping and massacres, but I knew it wu only an expected dance to be given by leveral of the northern California tribe). The next noon they entered town in a Ions ,ur;i. ine men were uiuuuwu uu apvivu CAyuae ponies; the women carried bundles and b. Th.v nhnae a level ulace near the ri ver I.1I...1 4wm and arranocd them in A circle, niltncr bunches on the outside. Then tbey ratted a cluster of eegle feathers to the top of a pole, and aent A fat boy Around to announce that they would dAnce that night, and wautod the white people to come and aee them. Thn attendance was lariM1. and the acene waa strange indeed. A huge hre waa in the middle of the ring, lighting the whole sky with ita Hashes. The town people occupied one aide, in a semi-circle close to the bushes. A tall chief stood urave and ailent near the tire. Nellie and Lizzie wire with me, for their mother waa alwent, and we were chatting about the funny ahadowa on the ground, when suddenly the chief began to snap a split willow rod and chant in nprfprt limn Vninn ntf 1 r viiiva t,...lr lb . in the disUnce, coming nearer and nearer, till auuiicuijr warriurn lu lull war paint ana feathers, snranir into the rum with a wiM mnA unexpected yell. The chant grew faster; they traced an intricate pattern on the hard ground, aUmping wildly, whirling, lifting their shining hatcheU, now and then yelling with fierce So the dance went on for many minutes, and the Indians grew very much excited, till sud denly the strange chant ended, and, facing their visitors, the braves dropped on one knee, ailent and still and near. It waa a curious thing to see those 20 bronie figurea motionless in the dickering light One knelt just in front of us, a sleek, dark, psinted villain, and hia eyea fairly glutened. Nellie looked very sober, and Lizzie scnamed and clung to me eaying: "He look bAd. verv bad indnaH " Tb. T.J: twinkled, it almost seemed with satisfaction if he underatood her, and was inwardly amused. .Suddenly the chant ha iron nnna a.,,v.. 1 r5"" """D ilium, euu springing to their feet, they danced out of eight. I h 1 1 ,1 ....... 1 1 1 ... . 4Z . uv waa a lenuniue aoair. Two long rows of wnmiin li1 lM ..11.. . .1 with brails and ahella, stood in the center facing each other And danced bAckwArd and forward! laiblunc the r h.a.1. .iA :.. i:..- l 11 , . . """"k. uiving ineir boulder, nd awmging their elbows in a most udicrou. way. Lizzfe, reasaured, begM1 to lugh. "They look." ahe ..iH IbJTTiv ft ham tMAur, " wan tod to flv anil if b.. 1 IP. j, ; , wnen mey tried, hach women had a Bpot of blue paint an inch n tZTZ.l. 'o-headd tl waadrl SaT tn Pin ii , i:b . "'"y nAu ever seen anv- H'te Thy thought not; but when 1 , lled Llzji() k 8 . ut At the aprmg," and looked sobir for nearly Tali ! " the four little g rls hid in the d.y previous got several of th? primer 'cC wd the pies beini in .b "fP"11 the acene, wrMMd with .in. j . "u "orna, ac "X ill the tril! gTbS UPtNI of hand. ..vrr....TMCMtd.M" Which no Whit, mail -m?X.P.Yr "P tj newly ornin. broken plank whir.lhe miLniD8 ditch d followed the wT. Mggt1 10 ""l. hoeniAker and lUbert'. JTL M.b,e niotd mill slot, a,, ,b. in? "u. ." "ttle hotel on tk. dl. ntTbl SL' W.op well in ttTsaZ the corner C T ",ld V" 0. th. lkUidg,ovw th, " Tnthe hl11 m a ut """."N Trinity river. Than Abcutth.b .uWn. "! Whe?lb"W ! aUfnl stan which ahone in