The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1880, Page 73, Image 9

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    March, 1880.
Last November a ihip was laden in Australian
porU with fresh meat for England, which it wu
ex pouted would be kept from decay by a freezing
proceai. Our lut English maila bring accounta
ul Uiu arrival oi thia ship at london and inter
eating detaila of the voyago and its reaulta. It
may be aaid in word that the effort yielded
auooeai, and that meat alaughtered in Auatralia
in November lut waa aerved on London tablea
during the firatweek in February in good, freah,
palatable oondition. Thia oertainly ia one of
the moat notable events of the century, and one
which will awaken the interest of stock breeders
The veaael chartored for thia experiment by
the Australian government waa a steamer, and
her course lay through the Suez canal and the
Mediterranean. The work of shipping begau
on November 18th at Sydney. The beef waa
taken in at a temperature of 70 Fah., and that
on this day the maximum temperature in the
meat chamber in the ahip waa 26 anil the mini
mum 2 Fah. On November 29th the ship left
Sydney, the temperature of the sea water being
69, the maximum in the chamber 28 and the
minimum 16. Four days were passed at Mel
bourne, where more sheep were taken in. Mere
the temperature of the sea water was 61, the
maximum in the chamber on December 4th be
ing 32, and the minimum 6. Leaving Mel
bourne on December 6th, tho temperature of
the sea water rose on some days to 83', while
the higheat point reached by the thermometer
in the chamber waa 26, and the minimum B,
At Aden, January 7th, the temperature of the
sea water waa 78 , the maximum in the oham
ber 21, the minimum ft. At Suez, January
lltli, the temperature of the sea was 62, the
maximum in the ohamber 23, and the mini
mum 3. At Oraveaend, February 1st, the
temperature of the water was 40, the maximum
in the chamber 27, and the minimum 9, Dur
ing the voyage, however, the maohine waa only
worked for about Ave hours a day. No diffi
culty waa experienced during the voyage
through the Indian ocean and by tho Suez route,
though naturally some had been apprehended,
23 days being speut in the tropios.
Concerning the condition of the meat when
it readied the London butchera' stalls, all re
porta which we have received agree. It was
frozen solid, and when first taken to the atalls
"sawed up like so muoh stone." In appearance
it was excellent. It sold readily, and samples
cooked for the purpose of satisfying experts and
reporters were pronounced very good, in soma
respects equal to the freshly slaughtered beef
and mutton of the English butchers.
This result waa gained by a process of freez
ing induced by the compression and expansion
of air by the aid of a steam engine and air
pumps. The freezing processes by the use of
chemioala are regarded unfavorably by ahip
owners, because of the anticipated danger to
veaael and ita general cargo, but the compressed
air process ia unobjectionable.
This new experience in the furnishing of fresh
meat to England ia calling for a recasting of cost
of production both among English cattle grow
er and meat shippers from our Atlantio porta.
It is claimed that beef can be profitably pro.
duoed in Auatralia at 1 to 1 Jd per pound, and
shipped by the freezing process so that it can
be laid down in England for 2d per pound.
That sold from the experimental cargo brought
S to .r Jd per pound. There was about 38 tons
of the meat sold at the figures. There was
also 2 ton of butter sold at 13,d per pound.
Gramm uc. Invalid: "I've had a wretched
night Mrs. Wobbles." Nuns: "Dear, dear
me, airl I thought yon step' most comfortable I"
Invalid (with a groan): "Oh, Mrs. Wobbles,
do use the adverb 1" Nurse: "Yes, sir, I'll
see about it directly, sir, but" (puzzled) "I
reely don't think there's one in the 'oust, sir II"
A Hi Way of Studying Sounds, Tho
London Timti reporta that a new and simple
way of producing colored rings, whioh seems
capable of some interesting applications, has
been recently brought to publio notice by M.
On)thir! a Mniwf filled with not very pure
mercury is all tho apparatus required. Then
clear off with a pieoo of card or paper tho thin
pelliole of oxide ami dust, broatho on the bright
surface, and a magnificent system of colored
rings is givou by the film of condensed moisture
then formed. Instead of four or llvo "irises"
described by Newton, six or seven can bu well
made out, and the thickness of the film increas
ing from the Iwrder inwards, the order of hues
The oofTee tree, according to Rhind, la of low
stature, seldom exceeding 12 feat in bight; si sa
iler, and at the upper part dividing into long
trailing branches. The bark ia almost smooth,
and nf a hrnwn ' The.
smooth, entire, pointed, wavy, three to four
inohea long, placed opposite on short font talks.
It is evorgreen. The flowers are white, In form
nt unlike the flowers of the Jaasamine. They
ara axillary on short foot stalks) or sessile, two
or throo together. The calyx is very amall,
tubular and fine toothed. The corolla la mono
lie talons, funnel-shaped, cut at the limb into Ave
rellexed, oval or lanoeoiate segment. The fruit
whiuh succeeds ia a red berry, resembling
Mill belter otlecte can bn got liy
is reversed
dropping volatile substances (as jietrnleum oil)
on the mercury surface, instead of breathing on
it; but the most remarkable result are had
with the oollodion. Diluted with ether, this
gives pellicles on the mercury, which may be
detached (after their thickness and colors have
been regulated at will) and transferred to paper.
M. Ouebhard baa ntilized these effects in study
nf the sounds of the voice, Vowel sounds
uttered above the moistened msreury surface
produce characteristic ring figures which throw
new light on the nature of the vlbratlona In
volved. The vibratory state, indeed, for vowel
sounds, appears to be often very complex, the
figure presenting group of several ring systems,
indicating several centers of percussion.
cherry, and having a pale, insipid and somewhat
glutinous pulp, including two hard oral seeds,
which are the oolfoe of commerce.
Oliirk, the artist. wot with hi wife to get
her some shoe. Yon know the sis are marked
on French -mail shoes in centime ton, to that
what in America would be about No, 4, in Paris
is No. 40, and ao on up. Mm. Ochre triad oa
a pair of good proportion, for ah i hardly
Cinderella. "Well:" exclaimed Ochre, look
ing at th mark, 1 knw, my dear, that you bad
a log foot, but I never supposed that you wore
Tm wind always find something to bio
about, even if It only blow about oue's ears.