The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1880, Page 92, Image 28

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    March, 1880
Oriental Journal, publiahed by Jameson & Morse,
1M Clark utroet, Chicago, III., edited by Rev. 8.
1). Poet, Clinton, Wit. S'2.00 cr annum.
Tin object of this Magazine is to give the re
ulU of tbo resoarchet in Archuiology in all Eastern
lauua, aim lo pieauul the various phases of thought
which may ariso from Oriuntal atudioa, especially
at they bear on tbo sacred Scriptures. Iter. 8e
lah Merrill, I). D. ; Hev. Howard Crosby, D. D. ;
Hot. Lyman Abliott, I). 1). ; Itev. A. H. Sayce,
. V. II. 8. ; Hot. J. 0. I'ayno, 1). I). ; Hev. James
Strong, 1). D. ; contributors.
We cull i " i ll atlontion to Messrs. Hodge,
Davis It Co. 'a advertiaoment of the Oregon Kidney
Tea in Una iaaue. It is a homo production, and is
having an immense sale in Oregon and Washing
ton, and many ordura have already been received
from Idaho, Montana, Arizona and California.
The array of testimonials which they prosont will
conviuoe any ouo that the Tea will do all they
claim tor it.
First premium awarded to Ahull fur the best
cabinets, carda, and retouched photographs, at the
late Slate fair.
We take pleasure in calling attention to Dr. A.
Y. lloyco't Tonic Hitlers. They are aaid to lie an
excellent remedy for Dyspepsia, Chills anil Fovi r,
and as a Tonic they cannot he eicelled. They
will give new life to the Stomach iiuil I,iver, act
ing liko a chaim. They InOroall the Appetite, In
viirorating the whole Sytei,i.
If these Hitlers are used as a Preventive, theie
it no nmid of paying Doctor bills, as they keep the
S , Mi in iii perfect order. They ale not intended
as a beverage, but as a safeguard. They are pu'
u, at Uillsboro, by Dr. A. Y. Uoycu.
lluchtel, the " old stand-by " of photograpliera
it still on deck at bis elegant gullery, corner First
anil Morrison streets, where he is prepared to take
nil kinds of pictures, in the most approved style of
the urt.
TA 111.1'. CUTLERY,
i:c me.
W. Jackson & Co.
Now offer a very large untl well
M'lt'ttcil stock in l lie above Hues,
nearly all of which was purchased
before the recent heavy advances,
and buyers will find our prices to
their advantage.
Npci lui Mllvtitloii Kit en to order
it. i mull.
N. It -vy- ilo n il reull g tnda cu thin
whoi-aalenrlm, lull we do keep anno stock tor
II TV UiCTAtl, TRADE, uud uur prloet will be
found reus mablc.
King of the Blood
OuiW nil Bofofulotifl tiff rt innii nnil dltOfdffl result
iiiK frnin I iiiniiit) of thu blood. It ih ncedlemi to
hjh .'iiy nil, iii tllftiuffHteiOttn tiHiuilly j.i'ircivi' their
MMM but Mill Jihwm, J'implti, Ulceri, Tumors,
thUfi iStoettingt, tn, lire thu mult common, as
Well ah ninny iilfuctiuiiii of the Henri, Jitad, LiVtr
ntiil Stomach.
Wonderful Cord of Blindness.
I). IIanrom, Sun & Cn. : For thu lxmcflt of Ml
troubled with Uurafillit or Impure Blood in their
HyMtetnn, I hereby rtttOtniUttlld Kinh- of the lllooil,
1 btvt btefl troubled with Scrofula fur the punt ten
rtMlti winch M Rjtotttal my eye I hut I h-hhcoiti-pletrly
blind fur six niuiitlm, 1 win .nooni mended
tu try Kiuf of I lie Dlootl, which bus proved u r rent
ulMwnji to me, m it dm completely stirod nt- nnd
IohattTUily reouiiiiuund it tuull tiotiblcdusl huve
DutUi Yourn truly,
Mas. H. WlATSttLOW, Vsunliiiiu, N. Y.
will bt pnld to tiny Public Itntnitiil tn Ito mntn
sl i y ngratri upon, inn-very otrtlnottte of this uodl
etuu iubiiihl by u which is nut genuine.
Its Ingredients.
To allow our faith in tbo tartly and MMllMM of
the K. 11,, upon iiro'r personal appltoation, when
attuned that no imiioiticin ia inienilnl, we will
give the lininetor all lit luirrtiliellla, br nlildavit.
Tht above uflm were never laiulo Ix-for by the pro
prie'nr of m y nthtr Karaite Medicine in the worhl.
Many Uttltt.nirthtr InferaatloBi and
mil dlreetions fur uslnjt will bu found in the pan
phm " riMtun on In i i . of the Ulood," in
which cie-li Imlllr incncliMcil Price ) I 'r Uitlleron-
t'liniiiK 11 out a, or to to 60 dotes, Kohl by druo
. D. lUxtoaf, s.,N & Co., Prop'n, ltulfulo, N-V-
I have reduced
my print for
all vsriellea of
U XtV BTsmall nilattni
ui II aa Cnnla, llllllieada, Ktatementa, Clreulara,
Letter Heads, fee,, ai d new prilit them at Chicano
riiti H. My faellltlea ir com! to no olllce in the
Mate, Dookbi&dl&f end psper ruling in all ita
bttmOBM, Try ine with an order. Prompt dfliverv
WAITK, Htcain p, , -nn Ta1TtC t
Httte it . Hslein, n',;"ii..V JeA JJ2 I
Every Physician, whose name ap
pears in this column, is a grad
uate of a reputable Medical College.
Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread,
Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston,
Sugar and Shoo-Fly Crackers.
Jenny Lind Cakes, Ginger Snaps, Etc.,
43 wasiilngton Street,
sMTOrdera from the Trade solicited and prompt
ly Kiieuuim 1(1.
fur the nnnrooeliliiir licit.
day season, entirely new
"ijicb, never ueiore seen
on 1 ne Paclflo Ooa.t, Can
be securely aent bv mall
Wrlio lot VT'it. Beck &
Hon. Money will bo saved
11 you menu, ui
The Weat Bhorc whan wrlUng.
T. T. Cabaniss, M. D.
FFICE Cor. First and Main Sts over Plum-
mer't Drug store.
H. Carpenter, M. D.
(Late of Halem,)
FFICB-Flrtt and Morrison street, up-atalre.
Hesldence-375 rcurth Street, corner of Mont
Wm. B. Cardwell, M. D.
FFICE and Hesldence-Houtliwest corner
First and Morrison streets.
J. A. Chapman, M. D.
OFFICE Ptrowbrldgo Building, corner First
and Alder.
It' sldence Cor. First and Ma ket.
F. B. Eaton, M. D.
( Diseases of Eye and Kin.)
OFFICE Nor'hwest corner First and Morrl.
si reels.
ueaitie ce uorner r.asi. rur nun lamniu.
E. P. Fraser, M. D.,
FKICE-Northwest corner First and Stark
st uets Union UlocK.
Hcsldence 274 Second street.
R. Glisan, M. D.
FFICW-Strowbrldge Bui. ding, corner First
ritl Alder streets.
Itesldence Northwest corner Tenth nnd P.
J. T. Ghiselin, M. D.
FFK'F, and Residence Room S Ankeney'a
Block, ! h i si eel, beiween A and Asn
R. G. Rex, M. D.
FKICE and Residence Soutbwett corner
F 1st ami Morrison streets.
Curtis C. Strong, M. D.
' KICK No. 3, Dekum'a Building.
Residence, !BB West Park tlreet.
W. H. Saylor, M. D.
"VFFI 'K Rooms I, Sand 3, Union Block, cor.
Vy Fin
irst and siark streets.
(JIHce Hoors-I)-I0 11 in., N nd 7-8 p.m
Holt C. Wilson, M. D.
FFICE-151 First Siree'.
Residence Corner Knutth nnd BHtreett.
R. B. Wilson, M. D.
OFFICE and Residence Corner Fourth and
B streets.
New Firm! New Goods!
169 First St. (Monnasles'old stand) Portland, Or.
Agents for tbo
EDISON LIGHT 150 Degree Oil.
Full line of
Meakln's Semi-Porcelain, Yellow and
Rockingham Ware, House Furnish
lngGoods,China,Glass, Lamps, Etc.
Low prlcot an I fuil satisfaction guara iteod.
we aim to please. Country order promptly
attended to, and ail goods snipped with ear.