THE WEST SHORE. February, 1880. 42 ON KOTTINU WOOD. We condense the following from an interest ing lecture reoently given by I'rof. Win. II. Brewer, of Yale College, before the New Haven Board of Health: It it well known that all wooda contain cur iam utwuguuuu, ulgauu; kUUHU chemioally under the general name of allmmi noidt, and that Uh-kb substances are activo in iuduoing and favoring rot. All chemical meth od! for the preservation of timber from decay look towardi getting thii nitrogenous portion into lome leas soluble condition, or into some oombination leu liable to chemical change. When green wood is well loaked in cold water, a oomnderable quantity of such albuminoid matter il diiiulved out, remaining in lolution in the water. This loiution, even when very dilute, il extremely putrescible more so, in deed, than any person would deem ouible, until he had tried the experiment. The fact ia aa true of the hardest woods, ns maple and lo cust, aa it in of soft wood. To illuitrate: If a few piece! of such greon wood be carefully freed from bark and all foreign dirt, and put into the purest cold water and let stand at the ordinary temperature of 00" or 70 I' jiIi r , the water soon begins to be oome turbid or opalescent; this opalescence in creases, in two to four days a thin pellicle forms on the surfaco, active putrefaction sets in, along with an abundant growth of ferments, and the liquid soon becomes peculiarly and pungently atinkiog. The odor naturally varies with the kind of wood used, but in all casos it is very rank, fully aa muoh ao aa the same amount of animal matter in solution. Tho intensity and rapidity of putrescence vary, of course, with the temperature, the kind of wood, and tho do gree of concentration of the solution, Aa in the case of other putrefaction, what the gaaea are which produoe the exhalations, wo are entirely ignorant It is probable that they are organic compouuda of simpler moleoular oonititution than the albuminoids which fur nished the necessary elements. If kept long enough, and of sullieient concen tration, there is an abundant fungoid growth in the solution, and if kept in tho light it grows darker in color, gradually beoomei SOU to the lute and amell, but continues offensive iu odor for a long time; in bottles partly tilled, it con t nun's to smell bad for two years. Whore tho solution is kept in the dark, the odor scorns more offensive than if the dooay goes on in the light In the free air and full aunlight (the condi tion to which piles and various other wooden struoturee and vegetablo matter in swamps aro subjected) along with the putrescence, a white fungus growth I begins on the aurface of the wood, which rapidly beoomei slimy. Thia forms much more abundantly on the enifa of the grain of the wood than on either the radial or tan- Kntial sidea. If the aolution ia poured from a wood and kept in a eoiaratc vowel, ami in tha light it grows dark, aa already described, but tne fungus growth gooa on, modiliod, of oourae, by tho teniierature and the degree of ooooentratiou, or uutil the decay haa become complete. If the wood continuea to be placed in succoss iva portion! of clean water, the soluble matter oontinure to be extracted for several months, even if the block be very small, and tho ten dency towards putrefaction grows leas and leu. Finally, however, the aoluble matter aiipeara to be removed, the water thou remains clear, and tha wood ceases to be covered with fungus growth, at leaat to auy visible extent. Timber, wheu thoroughly water-seaaoned, is known to be very durable, and it ia probable that it is so merely bocause of the removal of the aoluble and putreacible albuminoids. Kiperimenta triad with the aaine wooda in sea water, and iu brackiah water (made by mix ing two meaaurea of freah water with oue of sea water ), show similar sanitary results: they are even actually intensified. The turbidity be gins sooner in sea water than in fresh; the film on the surface is more abundant, and the smell ia more disgusting. Heart-wood and sap-wood act essentially alike in this matter, the differ ence is one of degree rather than of character. The suggestiveuess of those facts is almost too obvious to need comment, and yet 1 will add a woril. V ast iiuantities of wood and vege table matter, decaying in water or in swamps, are too common. If piles about our wharves and similar struct ures do not smell so badly, it is merely because tho solution is more dilute. The decay goes on, however, and so with vegetablo matter decay ing in swamps, sawdust in ponds, and so on to the end of a long chapter. The trouble has sometimes boon attributed to the obvious gases evolved, notably to light carbureted hydrogen, which one may see bubbling up, with nitrogen and carbonic acid, through the water of ponds, where sawdust, or vegetable matter, is decay ing on the bottom. As 1 have maintained in a paper read at a previous meeting of this associ ation, I cannot believe that either of these latter gases of decay seriously affect health. These latter experiments on woods only confirm the views then oxpressed. The exhalations of swamps, or of vegetable matter decaying in still water is universally re garded as unwholesome, in climates where for a part of the year, at least, the wear the is as warm as we have it. So far as I know, there is no exception to this on the whole earth, and henco the general sanitary bearing of tho ob servations here recorded need not be further argued. PBOKHS ItivuK iiktwkkn Mani'iiknthh anh LtVUMOti, A meeting has been held iu Man chester for the purpose of considering the expe diency of the proposal for the construction of a tidal navigation for MMBUM steamers between Manchester and Liverpool. At this meeting Mr. Hamilton Fulton, tho engineer, explained tho nature of tho proposal, and statod that the length ot tho channel between Manchester and Liverpool would bo about 86 miles. Tho mini mum width of the naviuation would lw 200 rant and tho minimum depth at low water spring tides would be 10 feet, or about two feet more water than exists at low water over tho bar at tho mouth of the Mersey. A basin would be provided at Manchester end of M acres with l(i,(HK) lineal feet of well-constructed wharves, and all requisites for shipping accommodation on a large scalo. The estimated cost of the un dortaking is i'.'UO0.(K)O. Mr. of Manchester, presented a statement as to tho probable revenue, which, if realised, would give a largo return upon tho proposed outlay. Ow ing to the inability of several members of Far liamont and others to attend, tho furthor con- ameralion ol the subject was adjourned. ('hicaiiii'm Ti'vwii ii.;,. L jj. , " ""8 "i niucil (lis- satished with the tunnels built under the rivor which uiviucs thai city, with the object of re lieving the blockade of vehicles in the streots. hen they were built, 13 feet of water was con sidered elliimili t.nt vmhiIi 1 : , . , increased so much ill sue since Chicago was mado a port of entry, that ships and steamers are constantly "buiiipiug" or scraping their keelson the arches of the tuunols aforoaaid. The shallowness of tho river is so serious a drawback to shippers of grain, coal and luinlier, that Waring up and re building the Washington street tunnel is strongly urged. This ia a warning to larne cities lest they build streets iu such a manner tlltl Jill,.; A V.i. 1 r i 1 1 " an over the heads of tnoso who frequent the public thoroughfares. Winnm OoMfovm kor Oumtm Tho (iorman washerwomen use a mixture of two " ""hs aim one ounce spirits of am monia well mixed together. This is put into a bucket of warm water, in which one-half pound aoap haa been dissolved. The clothes are im-,,,1 (.,,. 1 I I, .... I iL . .. "7 7 'v n uuu "'Pit WMQML The . I'ltiiaimi ft ft . . 4 . 1 .1 la uU vu gre.ii.iy quickened, and two or three rwiings in cold water remove the tunwntine smell. THE FEET IN WINTER, Sometimes in washing the feet in warm water a great deal of scurf or whitish soft substance may be scraped from the soles. Thia ia dead skin, dried perspiration, and other accumu lations, all resulting from a want of personal cleanliness. These accumulations ooonr most in winter, when washing the feot is neither aa convenient nor agreeable as in summer time. Many persons suffer from cold feet, Him ply from a neglect to keep them clean. Few Buffer thus in summer time, one reason for which is that the skin is moist, the poreB are open, a free evaporation takes place, and the blood is invited to the surface. In winter the skin is dry, harsh and cold. To keep them constantly warm and comfortable is indispensablo to good health, and to do this the surface must be brought to the condition of summer that is, must be soft and somewhat moist, instead of being harsh and dry. Tl i ii may be soon brought about by soak ing the feet in warm water for half an hour at a time daily, using most freely a very stiff brush, with good soap. After the skin has become soft and smooth, a good washing with snap and warm water twice a week during cold weather will greatly contribute to a healthful condition of the feet as well as to porsunal comfort If the feet are kept un exceptionality clean, and are nevertheless in clined to be dry, considerable benefit will be derived by rubbing into the soles every morn ing a little sweet oil, 20 or 30 drops to each sole, with the palm of the hand, patiently and well, the object being to secure by artificial means, that softness and moistnesa which is known to favor evaporation and invite thither the flow of blood. If in addition, the feet were placed in cold water regularly every morning (when not unwell) not over two inches deep, and remain ing in not over half a minute in cold weather, then rubbed briskly dry with a coarse oloth, next with tho hands, all followed by a brisk walk or stamping for a minute or two, or until they begin to feel comfortably warm after the cold bath, an improvement in the condition of the feot would be secured in a reasonably ihort time, which would largely compensate for the trouble taken, Hall's Journal of Health. Pronto, in Smai,l-Pox. Somebody haa as certained the curious facts, in small-pox, that poor people are pitted least, rioh people are pitted most, and no classes are pitted under their dress, l'oor people have less light in their homes; the rich have plenty of light, and under the dress there is of course less light than in either case. The explanation according to this observer, is a scientific one. The sunlight con. Bists of three primary colon. The red, the blue and the yellow rays have distinct and character istic properties: tho yellow gives light, the red gives heat, and tho blue gives actinism. Now, the pus of variolar pustules absorbs, by its yel low medium, the actinic rays, which remits in corrosion of tho tender flesh at the base, thus leaving pits. ItOOBTiirai ok Slbkp. A modical man, die coursing upon sleep, makes this remark: "One man may do with a little less sleep than another; but, as a general rule, if you want a clerk, a lioutcnant, a lawyer, a physician, a legislator, a judge, a president or a pastor, do not trust your interests to any man who does not take, on the average, eight good, solid hours of sleep out of every twenty-four. What ever may be his reasons for it, if he does not givo himself that, he will snap iome time juit when you want him to be strong." To 11.1 is rust frnm film In I. - A, keep an oyiter shell in the bottom; and when water is wauted, pour off without agitating tho vessel Be careful also not to let the water stand in the veaael when not in use.