Tttf W a. . -anel T TT i-w tO A. VOL. 5 No 12 J Kiml, PiiMUImr, l -.1 i UJJ AA . iwmniw.iT' l'ortluiul, Oregon, Docombor, 1871). reached, tin. ,'m, feaata on the grander! new on too oontinent all of Pugel Hound. u, nntt ta. Be sure to read our Prospectus for tTl "ft "-te . , - i.iu, noon, 01. HUM anil tti entire 1880 on the inside front cover. caecede lunge, tom i fitting background t. See page 383 for inducements to ,uoh l'luure. make Up clUDS for US. Th. Snoqualmie Fall! are ttu.txl about forty- two milta above tha juncture ol tke Hnoqualaie TIIK WATKKKAI.I.S OF TIIK PACIFIC au'8k?koB,',h' "" '"' !- NORTHWEST. j ""eh riter, about eighteen mllee above the moulh ol tha latter, whara It enter. l'uat Bounil at Port Forniod by ritere that take their riaa In atu- Gardner Bay. Like nearly every (all, tha Rno- iendnoui mouutaina, the cataracta in the Pacific Qualmta ia of the horuuhix. form, yet unlike any Northwest are characterliedby their mighty leapt, fall in tha known world, it baa M rapidt abate It Ihoir peculiarly ecoentrio outliuea and rugged C'anoea can aafely navigate tha river above to eurronndinge, which an, however, aoftened by within " -! of the rery brink. Our view la III' tim lllttirinnnu nt MMUJ .L . , taban I...... (ha ...... 1. L -a . 1 J -j - i j v. .wgviwuun 111:11 envoiope ....i.aiii.iiinii.iii .. river ami repn- The number and varied formi of our we- "nU 'he fall at low water. When the rirer la tcrfulli make one of the Boat interacting fraturoa hunk full, it falli from the Immeiiae hlght above iu our noble aud far-fnmd aoenery, To deaoribe hundred and aeveuly feel, in an unbroken mil illuilnla all nf ka. . V. would require a large rol nine by itaelf ; we there fore produce only eiiof the inoet iiniortniit and pictur ' ouea, having, In pre viom numlwra, fumiahrd our render, with Tiewa of the Ureal Fallaof the Hhc "hone un Huake river, tha Willamette, Multnomah, Yoanga river and ltogue river falla. The Hhiiahimo Falla in Maho rirerd Niagara by neatly ailtj (net in alii, tuile, while the volume of xnier paaing over thim la "early ... great. The Lillewaiip falla ait tunned by (he river of tint name, winch haada in the C.iaat range of mountains, luMeeonOo, W. T. Three milea from it. mouth the river forma into a aertea of maeadea which diuh thro' mitm-uee eanyona and gnr gea until a tin.. I leap of .'hi Mai prielucea the uueiual- leil falla whirl r arliat o eleverly rvproduc... - After Una leap, the river fluwa oil peacefully one mile and emptiea Into Hood ''naj, about eight mil.. Irum i I ity am! twen ty from Hoabrck Tha nver la full of trout, and in tha foreet game of all kinda ia fouud In great buudaa. a From here, by way of Uke Hkokotaieh, the eaoaal of tha r.-t range monBtaiua can ba mad. with ta ldle - horert clear to the ummit. tke 'I. .lance being only fifteen "ilea, m aoooeaplI'lMd in one day. TW fjrjm SMItEkWA yMiiawawBiwfell volume, eighty feel I. width. Th. ,. imf. ertlee of the 'urrouodleg wooda and the eeaoea ,.f the low lull, beyond them, at eutaetkitg marvel uua and al flret eoqoalnUoee rail.., .Urtling An ordinary lone of eunverealton oan ba award ear eral yarde off. A laugh huge I vibratory -m in lationa fur al laael an eighth ol a mile, while Ike acreaai of a wild oal le aedlblo a eatle of. feme Idea can therefore be formed of the roar eaaeed by tkla Immaaaa volume of water leaping tttek a dialance, and we find thai tke Mii..u:i. ralla, with only a tithe of the voIubm of Niagara, are heard many tlnee tke dUtanee Ike latter are. Tke river haa rut a channel la the eelld mrk aearly me hundred feel deep, .In-wing that el eneae Hate tn the far dtatant peel Ike tall wee a hundred lael higher, end aa the eenyon larlow eitenda down tha tlream tor three-ftmrtke of a mile before raeek Ing the valley, II mu.t nave worn bwk In Ike aolld rock Ikat far. Tuawaler Falla, allualed Iwo mllea from lllym- nla, the eepllel of Waak ligton Terrllory, kae ken lo.iatderabla of Ha beauty eieee eomre.r.a kae tram malad II wllk e earlea of tepa, for maaurarlerlng purpom Tkla, kwwevee, kea been Ike manna of huilding up ika Ikrlvtng llllla aaanetarlnring nl lege af Taawaler, now nemkwing akwtt Wu n. hekiunta, end who I, mewl eventually, ky ream ,nf tin. .pHMidid aalv power, I., on- ,,,,,. , w,(a ,.,.B '.I." o Fella era I .a., I by new uf Ike aaeealrla leera "f aake rivet, end ere an named Irom Ike feel Ikel ih. .el Mlnvm eiekere eaeaelly I. Ituyed Meaytaeeal avm, la aMrirta to reaek Ike ape w n I ng ...... I. alrika agaiael Ike harp ioooliai x.k.eed fell kawk brnlaad and dy ing Tata U a fa. rl(e i. toil ol l.l.,.. wku bar owtala laeirananel MWe) of aelm, I bait Mteg Iw pie MM ot atinilale a apeatl etleakad la. a, keek I key giag with aav ertleg elm el e mimoai la al of laapiag Ik Ulb Nine llama -el ol la I key (ami Ibelt few, bal Fewal awe OHftr) "Hekee Mae) Men really bam) aaet kea we ana kim after kae leg U I l. a fell aapedy far wlalae nee. repair le Ike ' I, way eflai 4ay,e4) la mere weaken aeae e4 eUf , tjmr Ika Wallfal kWk ,wj throw I.II.I.KWALF FAU-H. . T. IVXo I7 M.nnmri.. C mm die Ik... kottlM a. d lev leal law eir 1 I'ealiawad i page 171