The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, November 01, 1879, Image 1

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    West Shobe.
VOL. 5-No. U. ktofiaSft Portland, Oregon, November, 1879.
Portland needs an efficient hoard of
health, not one of these honorary con
cerns, but a board of three, the chair
man of which should be under suffi.
dent salary to enable him to give his
entire attention to this work. Never
since its existence hat this city con
tained so much sickness as it does at
present. With the aid of the honorable-
city council and efficient supcrin
tendent of streets, it ii getting to be
mc vast malaria swamp, whilst within
a stone's throw of the Clarendon Hotel
is a garbage heap which manufactures
sufficient typhoid fever to supply 50,
(x ptppla without stint. Yards gen
crally are in a most unwholesome con
dition, and the sanitary laws about
public buildings and many private resi
denccs are shamefully neglected. Un
fortunately the innocent suffer for th
sins of the guilty, and many a grave in
I. one Fir is filled, the occupant
which might have been alive and well
if Portland had a board of health who
would compel people to observe sani
tary laws.
Wk ought to at once organize a so
ciety for the prevention of cruelty to
animals. So many cases of cruelty
come under our notice, that our heart
bleeds for the dumb brutes who arc
left without a protector in this me
tropolis of the Northwest. Never in
our life did we so regret not being a
lighter at a few days ago, when a fel
low driving a pair of intelligent truck
horses along Front street, struck one of
them over the head with a heavy bil
let, without the slightest provocation
from the oor brute. Thirty lashes
would be a light punishment for such
an inhuman scamp.
To induce our readers to help u
swell our suWcription list, we puUiOi
n our advertising columns, this issue, a
list of Eastern magazines and periodi
cals, which we will send free of charge
each for one year, to any one who will
send us three or more new names or
renewals to the Wmt Siiohk, for 1880.
All new names reaching us during the
month of December will receive the
October, November and l)ecemler
numliers of 1S79 free of charge.
With the return of winter, the
ticecing ercw, otherwise "known as
" Resolution grinders" have been
hard at work of late, but why in the
name of goodness do they alwayt com
mence, "Whereat it has pleased an all-
wise and inscrutable Providence, etc.,
etc.," when it is probable that I'rovi
dence never had anything to do with
it, and that if the deceased had not kept
uch late hours and drank to much
whisky, he might have been alic to
quack doctors," are returning, to their
downy nests in this city, in full force
It seems as if no where else can they
find the press sufficiently unscrupulous
for the nefarious trade. Our dailies are
already filled with their lying adver
tiscments and bogtM certificates, (iive
these fellows a wide bvrth, and when
yoii are unfortunate enough to need
physician, consult the medical WW
torv in the columns of the YY k
To illustrate the art of printing, we
published a small sheet in the pavilion
in this city, during the late Mcchanit
Fair. We considered the bantling
of so little inqiortance that we paid but
little personal attention to it. 1 be ed
itorial and mechanical part of this itn
tnlial journal was entrusted to a young
gentleman of ability. During the even
ing, however, any one who so fell dis
posed was permitted to stick type for
this grtal pa per. I ' nfortiinaicl) , a lit
tle three line suib, by no means torn
plimenlary to the capital lit) , was by
some evil disposed ersnu set up, and
placed on a " proved galley, that it
escaped the argus eye of the aforesaid
young gentleman of alnlity.
On the strength of this squib, several
irresponsible Salem scribbler, to grat
ify personal malice, have been M giving
it " to the Win Snoii. One notori
ous liar even going so far a to an
nounce in a correindeiHr to be
StatiiMK also made a bitter and most
unwarranted attack on the publisher of
this journal, and notwithstanding r let
ter since addressed to it on the subject,
by us, has seen lit to leave the bitter
malignity uncontradicted. The entire
thing has the appearance of a base plot
o undermine our hitherto large Salem
Mitiouage, and if the truth could le
known, it would come to light that the
idle squib in question was set up by an
unscrupulous printer, in the employ of
a fellow who doesn't live many miles
Ron Salem. That this plot will not
prove successful, we have but to re
mind our Salem sulcrihcrs that the
W'im Siiohk is the only publication
that has ever illustrated the capital city,
and this on several occasions at a large
espensr, has always spoken of Salem,
and Marion county, in the mosi 1 ompil
mentary terms, and our Salmi I'ihiuaIs
can test assured we IijiImii none
but the kindliest of feelings towards the
capital city.
Hk sure and sand all your renewals
and new subscriptions for Eastern or
California ncwspacrs ami magazines
to this otlice, you will save money by
doing so. As an r sample, we fur.
nish llarftr'i, .VrrAmr'i, AlhmUf
Monthly and I'romk Lttliit Wtthly,
for . If you were to send duei 1 to
each publisher, the ptiic foi the four
publications, i lit hiding the esensc of a
postal ordci and Ugc lot t at h, to
say nothing of the trouble of writing
four separate letters, would MM lo
$16.51. All other publications at pro
portionatcly low prices. 1KH0 we
have suncrior facilities, and can offer
V - v
lietter terms than ever. Write yu
address on a postal ard, let us know
what publications you desire to take,
and we will immediately forward you
a return card giving our price for
Editors get one important item of
subsistence at a low price. They get
Uircd for nothing.
Woman's inhumanity toman is what
keeps the broom market steady.
"People never cough after taking my
medicine," advertise a lotoi. Is it so
the present day I
the Watt Snoaa. The
fatal a that I