The West Shoee. VOL. 5 No. 10. lTSraStfSflfi? Portland, Oregon, Octobor 1870. !"t l n I lnl i Till' CITV OF VHTOKIA. II I . AS IT AI'I'KAHF.It IN ittn. Float Ch.Ho 1 7 K. MVAfe niKIA, iikitmi 01 1 Mill A. iiy nuiii k . i'i"T. In the year 1841 it waa dMNtod ad visible t eatabHah 1 HwUoi. Hy Coapany'a pbal on Vancouver bland, ad Victoria ww nelected hy the lalc Sir lame I Wins K. C. Pi (hcn Mr. j unis boaflw) the thief 8ciit "( the imp.iny in NorthwcMcrn AMf ica. HaWtnC an intimate knowledge of all partt of the ct, the .ituatioo of( the fyture city apjxaicu n rum u cnt peculiar lantae., and hi con uction wo .oiifmned L Sii (ic.ine tended their efforta, W M 1I0W tf Simpv,,,, who .ay. (in lS4i.) " I'"" SSI ll-r hitr .,-.,1.,.,.,,, .,f .l,r U- Victoria prombM t" baooaata myiftv laad wa. only 4V oul. pottant place. "'r '"' " Time paM-.l Oil tlM HI- nrlUc COHinianon uim .r. .... . ..t.t..r.. I.. ......i ' (...I.I Imintf lrn dinovried the inrm iii ipivniw ) t" - it " an.l Fort Vancouver WominK p' "tain land in tl picviou. year, IImhi . a 0 ! . Iiit frialtl thcV nitrd Stale., the Fur Company . .ami. 01 mine.. headquarter, wat trantferred Vfct -lii-rn.a. Hm dt) -- p"-l"' ... ... ... . .....I I L I.j. .i.lkule wi.llft. ria. There lorl or trailing poi wa. ami mi.."" . erected, an.l the Mand wn granted to fa lhc Cwl of lhal year a reaction ilir ..inpiny ly tne unu.ii Bovrru Atit AW ,MliK, uKn 10 imia ment. un.ler the .lipulation lhal they, . " succeTS-not -eem ,0 have J l.-oer. ar- baft,, .f