The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 01, 1879, Image 1

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    The West Shoee.
VOL. 5 No. 5). j
Sail I. imlilkltrr.
In Miuitaii HI.
Portland, Oregon, September 1H7!.
IV. AltmtM. I hlHgl . ...l. .
not .i yoi.i Utift.
X,,itl l ,1 ml
Nhorr.' i n. I i.K our yrnr's ratuplrit
i ii in In r, rr u r.n.lj lur .1. in.-. , mm. I
w III l. ,., ,,,,,, ,.i,i. ( ,,liy flw
m i . . ipi l a.
11V I . I'. VKNKN.
Tin' first nomtdlc mania in tin- world
WM the mania for going west. Even
long prior to the dissolution of staid,
patriarchal forms of government, a
strange infatuation seems to have pos
sessed the human mind. Then, as
now, that vociferation. "Westward,
ho!" was the shibboleth of enterprise
among the children of men. As the
SUM rose in the east and set in the
west, so did the great trend of the
world's early population point towards
the setting sun.
We do not undertake to explain this
Irrepressible occidental tendency on the
part of the world's humanity, hut that
it always has existed and is so now,
there is no question. The dim nal ro
tation of the earth from west to cast is
not a more positive fixture in the
economy of the solar system, than is
the tendency of human enterprise to
gravitate towards the mysterious west
When Ood called Abraham and that
primitive emigrant Journeyed with his
family from the land of his father, la
set his la.e towards what was to him
the unexplored West. After wander
ing forty years in the wilderness of
Syria, the children of Isiacl 000001
mated their homestretch by fording,
wt tward, the river that separated
them from the promised land, the
grand fulfillment of nil their hope.
Tin- magi of the east journeyed wt i
"aid in qtMWt of the bab of It.-thlc
hem. Xerxes led the Persian host,
weslwanl when be nnaded tiicc. ,
The Culminating stiokc of Julius
C.esai's eventful career N as M carry
still westward the germs of Latin civil
ization and refinement anil plant them
in the soil of ancient Britain. The
western empire of Rome was but (be
outgrowth of the maturity and gradual
decay of Eastern magnificence. Ma
homet lb'1 westward to escajso the
lynch law of righteous indignation
s hi.h bad vn raised against bim in
Mecca. Columbus boldly steered his
little licet into the heart of the uu
known and mysterious western ocean,
to seek and open unto mankind a new
world. The pilgrims came west in
ipiesi of religious and political lilicrty.
And so, west, west, west, from the
Orient to the Occident, has been the
watchword from ancient to medi.rwd
times, nnd thence to the present dav.
Amid all this curious progression
which We have thus traced for cen
turies, and whose current we find inlin
itcly stronger to-day than e ei bclore,
there have been successive stopping
pi. iii s relay, as il were, or goals to
attain which, it has engrowed and
taxed the ambition of the thousands
and tens of thousands who haw- hern
drawn into the surging tide and become
a part and parcel of its accumulated
mass. After what has U-rn said, let
no one be startled when we say that
we verity believe there is a grandct
and more glorious future in Wilting lot
the Pacific mast than ffaf any other
portion of the habitable globt .
In point of fact, the lively buidru o
that tout-inspiring legend,
" Wi'sUsanl the iln of main lLc Il ,"
is no mole a living pi csen, , tOdt
than it was in the earliest ages of civil
ization Away up in the mountains then- is
tin source of a mighty river. A thou
sand little rivulets take then use in the
v alb v s o the loot hills, and go darning
and sauntering down to the sleeping
plains below thence, after meandering
through the alluvium of vcidaiil mead
ows and grain Ileitis, I bet an- finally
lost in the broad rivei that rolls in
stately grandeur to the oenn. Each
tiny rill brings down its qooti of earthy
and organic parti. Ie, which, alter past
ipg through an infinitude of tortuous
windings, in at last dcpmitiil upon that
common lendevoiis, the delta,
So have we often conceived it In lie
with modern immigration. The Pa
cific coast is the ultimate delta of this
jjreat river of throbbing humanity,
which we have traced through a thou
and winding, .no, tl,o rirctirflfer
rnao of the jflotie. Here, in the final
sunset laud, of forjwucc, tho rende-
vous of nations. When we cak of
the " Pacific coast," how many of our
friends cleaily understand the true lm
poit of the term ? Think, one mo
ment. of our magnificent pi opinions.
Prom the snowy crest of the Sierras
on the east to the M Peaceful 00080 " on
the west; In, in San DiegO, California,
on the south to the Slraits of Puca on
the north, there is comprised a VariOt
of soil, climate and scenery which is
exrclled by no othet (Million of the
earth! suifacc of similar extent.
The Pacific Stales and Teiritories
in already rivaling the Atlantic States
in many things, Yen by year, and
we had almost said day by day, we are
becoming more and more inuViH-udcut
in nil things that spH-ilaiu to the
necessities and pleasures of life, In
like manner, Oregon and Washington
Territory are fast becoming the puis
of California in agricultural and ntln
end wealth, as well as in the moral and eminence of theii snvctcign
ptOple. Hut lime and space loibid
furthCI discussion nf this intending
topic at present.
. .
SV W. is I V MAN,
Ml. il.ims I fort) miles noilli of
tin Columbia livei. i'rom one narrow
point on the inn dvv ay hi Ivv . . R
the months of the Wluic S.ihno I
Hood river, Mis. Adams ind Hoed
are both visible. In one scene, the
cleat, Icy waters of the two little riveta
tumbling thrOOgtl then lo. Rj banks,
and I licit snowy wnin es Iv ing up among
lb- clouds.
Tin i the western limit of the sunny
" East oftlie Mountains." Down river,
the ghostly i loads pect cautiously over
the shoejklefS f Hald mountain, and
clumber slowly up the pinnatles nf
Shell rOati Hut 1 1- sun with Itoty
lontempl of these watery visitors from
the sea, melts their linger with a
(lance, and thry roll down Into the
gorges U fund the cliff and hale them
selves in III forest.
Up rivet, Ih m.I ami bare hill
'lopes palpitate in In tier hlaao, and
l he pmr - II taiw r .o-i ik ,
ofisuanci in ihs Mut'rrsal kuiy