August, 1879 232 THE WEST SHORE. A THOROUGH BRKO TURK. In tlic course of conversation 1 twccn two tourists on the steamer "Wilc West" the other ilay, one en quired of the other, "What is your name ?" My name is I-cvy." " What else, please?" " Isaac lcvy." " What it your business, Mr. Levy. " Itiznesa! 1 keep a clothing shtorc." " WhereaiKiut. Mr- LTJ " Q Chatham street, New York." " What is ymir religion, Mr. Levy?" Religion! wie heist religion! My fifty, which is low. the whole number men. three thousand and three hun dred. Mr. Knight carefully cleaned the wheat from this one hunch and weighed it making just six ounces averdupois. This sample Mr. Knight proposes to take with him on his proposed tour through the Eastern States. Such ex hibition will do more good than mere words to convince people of the rich IWM "f our country. Smlmn States man. That ; ,,,,,!. .uliir.ll v food wheat. Ml the specimens that we have from I ma tilla county will grand discount it. From one of the stools the product of a single grain we counted 00 stalks, and from the heads which we have counted and averaged, coming from THE COLUMBIA RIVFP In many respects the Columbia river is the grandest on the continent. Four teen hundred miles above its mouth it is as large as the Sacramento river it at Rio Vista, and it rolls to the set with increasing grandure all the way. Where it hews its way through the Cascades, a new and gorgeous picture is painted every moment, and after the mountains are passed, it sweeps in per fect purity and immense volume to the sea. It washes the most magnificent mountains in the union, and where the river joins at the ocean there is in everlasting war of waters, which is is beautiful as it terrible. By and by I 1 MOt S 1 HIM si I Nc.KAYlNl. UK A M AN OK WAR. From the I'ckin Illustrated News. name is Lav Levy. I keep a clothing shtoti- M Chatham Mrr. t, New York. Of GOWN, I'm a TurU" us mot SAND 1 1 -it 1 in m.rkh poux Rev. P, S. Knight brought into out ortiie vesteidiy a sample of wheat taken from hi farm south of Salem. It wai the product of a single grain. There weie sivty ix stalks from one mot. M's Knight had counted the rain in everal of the heads and found that they ranged from forty to eighty in each head, placing the average at that stool of stalks, we find the product to U- to,Soo or ttn thousand tight hundred fold! A section of country that can pro duce nearly eleven thousand grains of wheat from one kernel most certainly should Ik at the top of the heap in the line of w heat cultivation. We are glad I'matilla county is in t hegon. .-ltawy Democrat. These would-be-king-killers are a disgrace to the shooting fraternity Such t'.ul shots. A line affair ten dollars and costs, when communication between Oregon and the outsiders cheap" and com fortable, people will cease to go to bu- tZ Lv u... ,:u tn the rope in the summer, i Cascades of the Columbia, ami a- t7 watch will grow to be better A"" cans, as thev more fully real." " claims which their native land na upon their admiration. The Mississip pi has greater volume than the Colum bia; the Hudson make rival picture, which areas fine as any painted in tnc Cascades, but there is a power, a t ty, a purity and wildness about the riv er of the west which it altogether un approachable in its charms.