August, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. 243 KPIDKMICS. The limitation of epidemic pestilential dis hw, aa the yellow fever, typhus and typhoid, diphtheria, etc., ia at all timet a question uf iu tenae interest to every thoughtful person. The July number of the New York Sanitarian 00a taint interesting and valuable matter upon the tubjoct of epidemics, which we unhesitatingly appropriate: The oholera it a product of the jungles of India and Barmah, and the yellow fever it at surely of Wett Indian origin. That it is an ex otio as relates to the United Htatea is the opin ion of the last national commission; and that it never originates uV novo, except in its primal birth-place, whatever elsewhere may he the ex cess of heat moisture, tilth, and vegetable and animal decomposition, is almost demonstrated, perhaps established. Aa to oommnniuability, it 11 certainly conveyed from individual to indi vidual, not precisely by what we understand to be direct oontaginn, but through various media, especially by bed and body clothing, by articles of furniture, by apartment!, cars and steam and ailing vessela, by baggage anil hy cargoes; and these propagators, deriving from the tick the pestilontial material (intentionally not called germ), hold it with wonderful tenacity, and con vey it to mankind with intense effect. Both may be held at bar by quarantine and literally "fenced out" In KM cholera prevailed in Southern Kurope anil in Algeria, nut not one cms occurred that year in Spam by reason of vig orous quarantine. Two yean later, when the embargo waa not strictly maintained, it ravaged the Spaniah peninsula. It alwaye followed the linea of travel and was always carried by man kind. The infectious germ might he Ions in germinating, but it could always he traced to individuals. Quarantine, to be effectual, how. ever, mutt have a very wide applicability. It will not lattice to limit It to veaaelt from foreiirn ports. It mutt extend to all conveyances for the transportation of passengers and merchsn dia mutt have relation! with municipal, (State and national authority. It ii estimated that the coat of the lata yellow fever epidemio in lose amounted to 200, OOO.OOU Typhoid fever ia certainly communicated through a tainted water supply exposed to the taint of infected vaults. Poisoned apringt have been tracd to this infection, and in a celebrated Knglish dairy ease, when poieoned milk mi claimed to have been sold, scientific examina tion disclosed the fact that the milk had been contaminated through the cowa having lain upon ground manured from infected suits. Another eouros it in the toe supply, often taken from shallow pondt in the neighborhood of large cities, freexiug not destroying the germ aa tuppnaed. The air in localities becomes con taminated from sewage deposits; and Hudd states, as early as IMS, that the germ of this disease never originates o nnco, but proceeds from a special and specific oison, cajrahls of gnat diffusion and preserving its noxious quali ties for a long period, even if buried lor many months. In Kngland the preventability of typhoid fever ia so thoroughly established that an innkeeper who hat a guest ill with it. U held crimittalhr reapontilde if anv other oaas could he traced to the one under his roof. Hy this means infections auhttaooea are destroyed and the spread of the disease pnventod. Boil ing water applied to the dischargee is said to de stroy the infection. But when ths suhetaaea is allowed to canape aa sewage it must be disin fected by prompt means INphtharia ia much more prevalent and much worse in localities supplied with bad water. The microscope oan detect a few of the germs of epidemic diseases either ia the water or in the system, and taw only san method is to wstrh the slightest approaches of disease and investi gate the sonnet of our water supply, whether la city or country, fhloriae gas, from recant ex pen meats, seems to be a disinfectant at well aa a daodoriaar. This rireenish ootored gat effects ally seises upon and destroys any hidden germs ettatlno in ttwellineai .Ki... . "a,!, jsj hax been used successfully et'Hellevuo hospital and other places. We most purily and quarantine. Mediums of communication have been made available to epidemics aa well as to mankind in hit business affairs. Thk Kli'iim or Tim Bonv.-I'rof. Jager, of U'ipaic, has recently published a work in which he maiutaina that an increased prortimi of water in the tissues slid humors of the body is one of the most essential conditions of liability to disease. To guard against disease, there foro, it it necessary to make the body yield as muoh water aa imaaiblc through akin and lungs, slid to avoid all that favors the accumulation of water. To thta end he recommends the wearing of cloee lltting woolen clothing throughout the year; all bodily mnvementa which promote perspiration; on out break of diaeate the use of vsior or sweating hatha, of drinks that excite perspiration, and of foode that do the same; constant ventilation ol lifting and bed rooms, an that the moistoro of the air may not become great I r Jager asserts thst ths ipecilic gravity of a living body is an accurate criterion of the strength of constitution of a man or a domestic animal that it to say, for its capability of resistance to causes of diseases, such sa chills, infection, etc , and Its Hiwer ol work, bodily and mental. A simple apparatus for con tinuously recording the direction of the wind, con, 1 in. led by M Kodier, ia now in uae at the observatory st Lyons. A weathercock of ami able form is supported by a sort of tripod of grooved wheels running upon s circular rail uf tteel (the m heels having individually a hnnronUI axia, hut oolleutively a vertical . Kn.m the weathercock paaaet down a vertical rod to con nection with a cylinder (placed with atit verti cal), which is tupHirled Mow by a ttool pivot raiting on s plate of agate, ami is guided at the upier part by horisontal pulleys Thus each movement of the weathercock it transmitted to the cylinder. The latter hat wound round it t theet of paper, graduated vertically and hurt rontally (the vertical divisions representing the houn, the Imriontal the directions), and a pencil applied to the paper ia moved in vertical directions by clock-work. It wiltnui be teeu that the tracing obtained on the p r ludn stes the successive positions taken by tun weather ouok, and, accordingly, the direction of the wind for any given time. Lh.iiimhi Hons. Mr. II. S. Hrough list been discussing, ill ths I'hiUmtfJiiml Jugo .., ths rnpr sectional areas of iron and crqqrer lightning rods. Ho far aa mate conductivity is concerned, a ooiuperelitsly thin wire ol either metal would luflloa for any orsnductor , but such a thin conductor would lie dangerous, I, cause it would be fused by a heavy dieuhcrge of lightuing. Iron being more liable to 1st ftlSrd than copper, Mr. Brough sought to determine the relative sectional arses of rods of two metals, so that neither wuuld be more liaUe to fuse than the other. Ordinarily, It isilalrd thai ths iron rod should lias a four timee the sectional area of the oopper rod. Mr Brough shows that these areas should be as sight to three ; or since the rods are invariably matte circular, aad cir cular areas an to each other as the square of their diameters, the diameters of iron and oopper rode of equal effecUveeaas should 1st In the propurttua of I. A3 to I. Iron ia, therefore, much the cheaper metal for lightning rods. IstMXUtsUI lag. - The Artt'kir X'Ummj glvea the following formate I 7ft grammea aniline black are ground op with art drops hydrusaUfle arid and VI (rain fuse alcoasd. awl the liquid diluted with a hot solution o 'i I grssansee gam states ia 170 siaasaise water, ft the aniline black enlatsoa dilated until a sntattea oft A gtawiet shellac in 1 70 grnsnsaea spinl laetead of gnas water. Use retail la an ink suitable foe writing an wood, brass or liauhir. TtlgTgUtTBrtgl Aa aLsuUI... I Mr. li.orge M. of Brooklyn, N, V., during a recent thunder llorm 'sinnecled the gai and water pipe of his dwelling with an or dinary Bell telephone, and discovered that the electrical discharge! wen plainly indicated, either by a sharp crack or hy a succession of taps. This occurred when the discharge waa so distant that the thunder was Inaudible The sound also teemed to he perceived by the ear before the lightning could lav seen Ttiele was a marked difference in the chars. 1. 1 .,1 the .lis charges, some that appeared single to the eye wore nally multiple. Ortan the discharges would consist of a tcrica, Ugiuiiing and ending ailh discharges Isrger llisu the rest, thus mm sssaste sometimes it would he thus mmmm ...... sumetliues the reverts, ami often a single crack. The gaa and water pipes were used, licing the most convenient and at the sain, tune the safest conductors fur the pur pose. Special might U devised, hai -ing a good ground, anil a sense of points for gathering the from the air, but 111 using sppst.tus of this kind there It always mon or less danger MaJfjli .1 mm Kl riTKii Itisi nii-i in 01 WiiHtst, The tram, milling apparatus is a microphonic sreaker, lire catlrous of which insti ad of bring press.. I by a spring, are simply msim un.d 10 . .mtrtcl by the pressure uf a small f pap. 1 folded in the form of a The til. rations .1 the diaphragm of the receiving epiaratui cannot Ire written, tince the movements uf the style, hunaver dell, oate the ar.par it us, call scarcely be distinguished the lamp black To enlarge the magneto vibrations of ll .1 tl ver and the diairliragm of a Bell's telephone are taken swat, and on the wuftd ..I the instiuinanl there ts tiv.d the end of s small, still steel spring 1 1 ther Slid uf the spring abuts oil the surfs. 1 of the msgnelle nucleus surround. d !. its .ml, to this eitiemity is soldei.d a small mass nf soft iron, weighing sl-.ut III grms, and upon this mass and in the I In... ol the sue of the spring Ii In i, a light style of hemlaiu, III ...nil meters 111 length and teimiualing 111 a tlender whale lame ren .1 ...,. t'ouui si. iriosi wiiii 1 .10 11 1 no 1 iu A new deecnptinn of rocket, eallesl ths "hstoyant rocket, has been prialuraxl hy the lloysl lalarr t-'y llenartiusnt sl the request of the l..ard of 'I rade A rocket wss required as s means ol communication between the shore and light b.uis. s a few hundred yards from the mala land during had weather, and in circumstance un dee which the ordinary lite saving rock apsara tns by which a line Is conseyed to s wrecked eeeel would be unavailable The Initiatory have antweretl Uie demand hy adopting the old fashn.n.d t'ongnre rocket to meat the required sod. A email iron tubs, containing Use mm wreitloft Is ensrlrsse.1 m s easing of nosh, and lilted to s sli. k in srimlll.s lashlon, with s line maris fast to the eilremlly, anil the simple arrangement has admirably eiicceatsted. I hrse of the rockets have Ireen tiled at lnel.ryaeee, being fired from a trough at the eutfeee fat the aea, ami plowing a direst course Ihnsugh the water with a atrong line alts bed, by aseaiss 4 which an aaeiatanl or a huelloaat of provisions ooabl be conveyed to the llghthusiee k as pes. IwrsovsntsT is Mi.iss Masr rar ri ss A sugar planter end aiaas'aeturee sends Use Martini. pre jVerAiV an sssstssat of aa eipeft mental application to sugar eaae of Use dill -.son prn ana swiploye.1 in the Issel sugar faetortee of Praam esvf I ternsaay. The eapsmosaia were made at the plantation Strsnssprse, llaatsel'mpe, with aa apparatus uf sli maeeralot s. sse badly adapted to meet the dihValliee la lilanl to lite pembar nature isf eaae, yet It shows.! 1 1 1 that by a ntetholHssJ washing of Use slseee ol eaae aa aettrktal )elee nearly ssal la d easily to nalaral eaae lutae wmU ae ..Uaiaed , east it) thai oae hear of eysUsaatieal snar-eratusn le en elssjst to eosapsetely etbaael the eaae gkef of the sugar which It analalas