August, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. are ........lil.. 1 TV 4 t . impl apring water, and they arc true" apring. and not volcano. Mackeuie auppoee that tha eruptiooa an oaaaad by tha Domiciled town of heated water aeekiog a rant and forcing the water up through the geaer pipe, aa in Kig. j a thowa the opening into the geyaer; f, the chamber in which the ateam oondenaea. Aa the team accumulate it foroee the column, r, up through tha opening or vent at if, with greater or lex force, according aa the lupnly of ateam ia greater or leae, and then when the tteam hae eaoaped, the geyaer returni to ita quieecent itato until another aooumulation ocounv Thia theory, however, aaemi to be untenable on the ground that it ia inoonoaivable that all of the many thouaanda of geyaera ahould have a aep arate cone and conduita ao peculiarly con structed. According to Hunaen, the geyaer doea not poaaaaa a oave or even a perpendicular tube, ready made, but, like voloapoea, makoa ita own tnbe. Fig. 3 ia an imaginary taction of a geyaer mound, showing the manner in which, accord ing to Hunaen'i view, it ia found. The irregular line, b, a, t, ia the original aur faoe, and a the poaition of a hotepring. If tha pring be not alkaline, it will remain an ordi nary hot apring; but if it lie alkaline, it will hold ailica in aolution, and it will be deporitvd about the apring Thua the mound ami tulie are gradually built up. Kor a long time the pring will be Miny, but not eruptive. But aa the tuba booomee longer, and the circulation more and more impeded, the difference in tern- 1 AtDMM. 341 I IV K 1 ue ........ ui wawr nunaiuing m tft pin afterward" W0Ul'1 "Ut lmn'"lj The premonitory cannonading Iwneath ia pro duend l.y the coltepea of large .Uan. hiihtile. through tha cooler waUr uf the tinner port of the tube; in other wnrda, 't It iWlllilJ on a largr em,. An eruption ia more quickly brought 00 by throwing atonea into tha throat ol the geyaer, beoauae the circulation la thua more effectually impeded. r'ig. 4 will iflmtrate thia theory. The apiw rntm ia an artitlcial geyaer, anf ennaiata of a tube of tinned eheet-iron, about ten fact long, expanded into a tilth above for catching the erupted water. It i. heated aleo, a little below the middle, by an encircling charcoal chauffer to repreeent the point of nrarret approach to the boiling wint iu the geyaer tube. When I tin. apparatu la haatad at the two NinU, aa I hnwn in tha tigure, tha phenomena ot geyaer eruption are completely reproduced; Hrit, tha j violent eiploeive aimmering, then tha overflow, then the eruption, and then tha elate of qulea' I cance. I 6 t i Ml 1 1 . A " f ' Am,,.. J f . ki r n " Mil 100 ft. tg perature between the upper and lower parta of tha tube become greater and greater, until finally tha boiling point ia reached below, while tha water above ia comparatively cnol. Then tha eruption oommeuoea, and natee upon tha withdrawal of tha eauaa. Now, wa aappoee tha gayecr to have a aimple but irregular tuba, without a onrve haatad be low by volcanic tine, or by atill bnt volcanio eiaottona. Now, the temperature of the water ia toe tuba inoraaaea rapidly with tha depth, but ia, t every depth to which obaervation eitenda, abort of the boiling point for that depth. Let abeciaa a repreeent depth in the lube and alao iiiaaauiaa. and the oorrpnoding temperature be meaaured on tha ordinate a . If, then, a a, b e, r 4, repreeent 33 feat depth, or one atanoe- rherio tireaaure, tha ran , pawing through 10, 290, 278, tad '193 , would corracUy rep reaant the inoraaaing boiling point aa wa pea down ward. Thia curve may lie called tha curve of boiling point. The Una, a g, 00m marring at tha aarfao at UK) and gradually approachiag tha balUaa point tin, woe Id rpraat qui oaooa. Now, at the aaoaaent of eruption, at aoeaa point below the reach of obaervatum, the Una a 9 actually loochea tha line ' - that ia, tha boiling point for that depth ia actually raenhed Aa aooa aa tai ocean, water ia the lower portion ol tha tab would be hanged to ateam, aad ita eipaaatoa weald lift the whole column of water la ta tab, aad oaaee it to Ixilge aad overflow tb bana. A aooa aa Uie water overflowed, the preaeur woaM be diuiin tahad ia vry part of la tab; aad a Urg quantity of water More vrjr waar taa boiling would flaah into ateam and iiutaaUy atect Wkitim.i Tai.nntiril. The writing tele n a. I IHK NKW -tlKK AN l HlttH.KI.YN UUOQE At a meeting ol the Truetea of the New York and Hrooklyn bridge, July 7th, the contract for upplyiug tha iteel and iron for the uapeudrd .uperetructure, waa awarded to the Kdgeuinor Iron Co. The contract calla lor In, , .iku imiiuiU o( ateel and .11, nun Nunda of Imp. Tha bid of the Kdgemnnr Iron Co. waa 4 J m wnte a Hiiinil, amounting to 4iM,l47. t'hiaf Kngineer Itoebhng aaid that when the change from iron to ateel waa Ural contemplated ha aup p.ied that the dm n ... i , ,. w, ajaBS (Itai.llWI, but in fact the loweal bill lo. ileal at. oaede.1 by only I.MMI the acopte.l bl for Iron aat yuar. The difference between th IowmI bid and the lowaat I. id for crucil.le .1, . I waa 1114,000, holh tower of the bridge have been com idd. d, the laal work on ihc Hrooklyn lower having Ihmii llniaheil July Mh. Mr. Klngaley eipreaml the belief that through thia contract it woubl he p ajaikM t complete the bridge by Jan uary lit, IHNI. The financial condition ot the bridge on June .tilth waa aa follow Total r. It. 4 I': , y r,, rrrrr'ifi''" 'Iff, lOf iri., Hi inn 1. IIKYHKK THK4IIIIKM II.I.IMTKATKH. graph which reproiluow th mwauraa al, Ia almit perfect Jar tlmtU uf Hie enaaUr, ha bww titled up betwaaa Waterloo ami Woking, a dl. teaon of aoene 2o milaa, aad according to the rAohae barn working vary wall. Th laatra meat itealf ia too newt a lavwiUoa to aav yl reaohed avaa aa awirfwch to perfecUoa, ImI th dafwta made evuleat in practical working have ao far baaa reamlwl, aad it I clear that a uaefal improvement will abortly be available tin great adveatage la that tha inatrameat i quite automatic at the receiving "ol. ami dow not rwtra tha coaetant atteivlaawe of a elrk. 1 It write ha awaaagaa aa a roll of paper, and , theyanlx ut off end ent Ihnr ti'ioa aa opDortaaitr offer That at aa ant iint. Iirewaw it well known that Ume waated in calling an.l in oiuiuing Ui attentina of ta raaatvar far aoa4a that re ouiMft fr tha mi tuel Madia mi taa wwawaaxav I eatata, tW,m,VJ IHi total eipaadilurea, fin JM74 "It oulataiHllag liabibtlea, lll .'.HT IV Kblaua'a Kik 1 an I utun.i TmWtBIU Thai new tnvenUoa f Mr. VAtmom dupnaw a Ilk th arwalty of holding la teUptwat n oivr to the ear, ami hld fnrtiiiblng a greater volant of anvml, reader dlatuw I la light! pKulianltea of the voice It ha team foaad lo work perfectly l a dlelaae of fttl mile Tb improvetretel enCMlal la eaaaiag In curreal to paaa Ihroagk a (pool .( chalk in laming eryatalluwl ..aaelle aula, aad ha lag a Ihio tougu of Iteel feeling norm. Tha chalk M avraated on a ihafl Uiaed by a . rank, thua creating friction, utd ohaa an oearrateil. It.. . nr vent lataaing uinm.n on ie"n, leoariw tAa eheinkal gol, aad U Iharoe Uaaomlla.l THaaa wa a waa in Harie waa, wawt h w.ut oat, waaalw.y. robbed Hoaarbtely aai.1 ' hy dea l yaa aarnr pwtow V H repliad, ' pp. I did why, the roMM would lake Umw tec llaraagb la tel tonga to a lata aaatalUc dia ptiragat Tit aireal only rta o Iwu a lb ...L .. I... I ti 1J. If J, - - aa 11 - - - r.i ia wiaewajpe faralak ciuvk work far Ik awvaanu al wove aawtt, an Ihat II way b ab-pped aad larUd I.) awwAtteity at la will -f law opa'aWo