The West Shobe. VOL. 5 No. 8. I L. Kmmtrl, nilhtUtirr, I 111 Mi.nla.ii m Portland, Oregon, August, 1879. WASIIINliTON CO. C'Ol'RT IKH'Si; Shown on this page, is constructed of It will he ready for occupancy in time to oH'ii the fair 00 the l y h of October, brick and cost about $15,000. It stands which for this year will last hut two in the center of a double block and week-. The incorporators .if the Me fronts on the principal business street chanies' Fair arc l'eler Tayloi, In P. in the thriving little town of Hillshoro.j l'owci-, Frank Dekum, F. C". Smith. Oregon. The interior of this building The officers are: President, F. C, is constructed more with an eye to com fort than ornamentation, and in that re gard it is one of the best public build ings in the State. I I IK MB HAN k B' PAIR. On page 129 will be seen a goo I engraving of the Mechan ics' Fair Pavilion now in course of construction i n this city. It was designed by Mr. J, Krumbein, un der whose super vision it is being constructed. T h e contract price is $10,550, but with embel lishments, laying out grounds, fountains, etc., it will not fall short of $15100. The contractor, M r. (J. R. Deburgh, is doing his ut most lo make it a s u h 1 1 1 n t i a I structure. lnthi laudable work he is efficiently aid ed by Mr. C. French, who has 1 hu ge of tin tin Motk. t is n Smith; Vice President. Petei Taylor 1 cisco. It will lw Joo feet in length by ion in width, with 50 feet gi-nnil room on each side. As will I seen, it two ttorict in highl, contain all the necrssair Balletie, music Und, etc J Till ITATI PAIR Opens at Salem on the first of October, and w ill continue lor ten days. Should the weathei prove favorable, this will, without a doubt, be lite largest fair ever held in tint state. The elegant new pavilion just completed, iti an ex pense of OVCI $.i,ooo, will give ample Secretary, II. 11. Nicholas; Treasurer, room lo all exhibitors, and the many V. S. Ladd; Hoard of I )irectors, Frank unprovetnenta made on the grounds Dekum, Ira Power-, (.'h is. Hodge, I', j will give Mil pleasure and comfoii to Visitor, Let all who inn jiossihly do to isit the fait grounds dm ing the meeting of 1879, As VN heat U si-. an 1 lit- onset ol the duv now, c publish the I..I low ing : U Ik at from I). S. Hob man's in l.l in Yamhill c in shelled I J J kcl nets lo the eai. "Chile flub" fioiti the fat 111 ol J, S. MeMllllNY iii Polk Msjnty, shelled 145 ker litis, w lulst lesls from tlx faun of DevkJ Parker, also in Poll . osjaty, give 1 1 1 k mi ls 10 Ibr ear. Whilst digging n well in Hoe burg, the woik men lapped mineral Miring which is said in eontaia sedphar, Itoe), magnesia and othet proiertit;, similar t those found 111 tire famous .pmigs of Bl Pasode Hobles, Cal. There is a uniform which i neieaaary lot rvrlv lailioul lollduetot, namely, uniforni politenct. I 'I J la ftaaabJ I Aawfl K H fJ .JulBRIalnTxLuIvS Bafl am. asaarHTsuiAai laiai a TMI WASIIIMiroN ...ISO itilhl llH si M.U.U.... huildmir worthv of the city that is . Smith and Pclcr ..i. Oui tti causing its erection, and is a much finei ens have every reason to feel prood ol more substantial structure than the the men wlwi have charge of this . uur Mechanics' Fair building in San Fran- prise, ami, judging from the success every one of them has met with in his particular line of busincsa, we have every reason lo hope thai they can make our Mechanics' V a success as I well. A UK fceartl the peacock.