July, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. aoi THE UNITED STATES PATENT OEK1CE. The patent office building occupio two blocks of land, situated between Seventh and Ninth nnd I' and (! streets, and is Vul feet long and XII feet wide, and is 75 feet high, hi it arc the offices of the Secretary of the I uterior, tho Commiaaionar of Indian Attain, the Commis aioner of the Ueneral Land Offio. and the Com missioner of Patent. The original huildiug waa of freeitone and granito in the Doric style. Two wings of marble wero afterward added, each of u Inch equaled the main edifice. At the time of the Are in September, 1877, the building contained nearly iii.UOO models, arranged and claisilied for the convenience of parties interested. Tiik Would in Wax. Mr. (irnbe, a maker of wax images iu Nuw York city, has constructed what is claimed to be the largest globe of the world, allowing the ranges of mountains and other peculiarities of the surface of the earth, iu rtliaf, now in existence. Its diameter is four foot ami about one inch, the scale being one in 10,OUO,000. The range of even tho Himalayas would not be visible upon this globe if the scale wero adopted for tho elevations aa for the map, A Ntw ltiiAii Uk-omotivk. - A new road locomotive has lately been patented by Itichards & Dale, .10 Taylor street, Spriuglleld, Mass., in which the traction will lie secured by vertical ban acting aa feet, dispensing entirely with driving wheels. The motive power will be ap plied directly to the maiu shaft by a cnuk-rud and crauk, aa in ordinary engines. No new principles being thus involved iu the use of the steam, the machine is very simple and more likely to be practicable. The frame of the engine is horiaoutal with a two-wheeled track at the rear eud, wlulo tho maiu shaft is 111 (unit, in a horitoutal trausverse positiou. This shaft bean four cranks in addition to those that drive it. Upon each of them is a leg consisting of a straight bar, provided at the lower end with a suitable fool or shoe by which the traction is obtained. There is also 1111 arrangement for shortening the length of the step 111 ascending grades or drawiug unusual loads, The machine will work eipially well backward or forward, and if a foot should happeii to cut a channel in the ground without drawing the carriagu for ward it can be turned in either direction to get a fresh start. The engine may lie detached CHAFF, lr a man have a gnat many debts, an (hey very much to hit credit? A iiov of I'.', diuing at hit unole't, made such agood dinner that his auntie observed, "Johnny, you appear to est welt." "Yea," raplioil the urchin, "I've lieen practicing eating all my Ufa." A mm iu a Western newspaper euila aa follows: "The captain swain nation. So did the chambermaid she was insured for f l.a.OUl, ami loaded with Iron." ruiitvMiHAi'ion "Viiu look aoheri smile a little." He smiles, and the photographer says, ' Not to much, sir; my instrument is tisi small to encompass tho opening." In Stanslead, Canada, a man told III ..ml iackagt "warranted sun death to potato bugti no risk of p.nvmiiig animate aa ilh Paris green." The packegoa wen not to be upend until time to use litem. Oua u. ton having Hi , nielled one nnd fouud two Squan blocks ol wood, nit one ol which was written; "Place the bug on this block and pnae firmly with the nther.' Pi.KAaANr Ai.rsaNATlva, Stranger: "Hani You ! We can't pate your 01 I" KuiUo: UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE HCI I.DINii, WASHINGTON. I. c ..olaooor.llnKly th.rell.fi, made J..-. n- nCVr"" Z- .T, C "! .Jn.! the .lacier., iceberg, could U mad. terviceabl. In our mining largi.. , It to h-. M.bU h. II lot. y. for II I lers, icrlM-rgs Plains and continent, an yellow; the glac mint floatinu cakes of ice white mountain rang, an clearly ahown, and every part of the world i. .xhibitod in its true char acter. Iteil, black awl whiU line, crow th. glob, to indicate th. iaothermal bells, the varia tion, of th. magnetic needle, the date line when ship, comet their toga by skipping from Saturday to Monday, and "W ravm, and other lad. of like character. Th. map haa been corraotaxl in th. light of the latest dlscov.net down to two months ago. Th. northern onest of Siberia haa been much altered in th. allaaes by the Nordonakjold .ipaditioo. th. shipt tall ing in dtwp water over place, marked as V).i miles inland, and being oompellad to go hundred, "f miles around rjromontoriw, etc., which ara oc coined on th. map. by bodia of water Th. glob, is made of wood. Th. radwf is formed by tu. Mr. Grab hat bean two yean in perfect ing his glob, and ChUf Juttie Haly and olh.r geograpb.n hr. lately bm giving attention Th. aewtUal bridge over tit. Mitsonrl river, at Olaagow, Mo , is the tineat bridge of lbs kind ... it.. -..,1,1 It la nearly .Vfi feet long, ao-l vary ttrand tt warrants! to band d.wbU Won vt. anger enough leaves 'nIs TioiKt i early ei 1, Th Uvef'tTaJ.,' or not. Oman tommua. Th OUmm subject th greater part ol th.ir porcelain to but on llring. tint drying th pieett tofnoieatly in th air to prepare them for glaring, rliie plan they an able to pursue, because the uatur of th material is such that it resists th entrant of water. Their glaa it much superior In nay in use in th Krnin .ttria, bat it rin j th most intense degree of heat for its fusion, nnd ronanteratiU art i. ennii ntly required for th managrinent tt In An, a wall as In ' a.. - J tkW, 1 1 ss 1 TlirsB era. built in the most substantial manner, tu that laoo with armakwa acid ll, pint will tak when th tire is at Its greatest bight th hand I ,Hlt 14 Troy grain of ana Id Th Using may be applied to th onttul wllhesat any tar j tr1 joJ pnyntum absorb about 01 imroinH' in. I published. Uiiis about I.MKI line. pnlly nmg laie ui pour inwi ner sssr, mm mm noist hav gMs to sm her at least thn nighu a wk for a Whan be Lit, at 1 a. M. Monday, h would to. tiring around bar fin ger ... she would rsnsnbf where be lft tat, and whisper in her ear, as he kltaeal her good night, "To la continual, on Tnady arming Pnassav m Um. A. UUmllier 1 inendt plunging th insects. In the frank tint, into alcohol which haa a mlareUd by digs II 0113 of it. own weight Hi .mien rrrrnna. If those who Mack their j l.-n,. end dried lb speelnenta .ma rtove. will grass them beton blacking, I m.ag- of mrtlst, iAr..or they will And it prevents them from meting, j trmuo.nl dam not .fmt U . . s A .to a piuah of brown mgar to th bucking just Mora llllljlkM Tht ensimi It to sli. a and H poirahe moch sassier and with half th Wbn 4ksd in thK are safe from the ., tt'i Tat. tor f Ida, green or red bmtta, if dried after making for VI toM hoar. llrmtfTU aad orlhmfitr eaa b Ueatsd la Um mm way; aim th a, nsuneis aad tbrytalnlm of lamsl. it will break.