July, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. 199 Civil. DAMAGE LAW. The following is the text of the Civil Damage law, as passed at the late ses sion of the Massachusetts legislature : SrcTIOM 1. Every husband, wife, child, parent, guardian, employer, or other person, who shall be injured in person or property, or means of sup port, by any intoxicated person, or in consequence of the intoxication, habit ual or otherwise, of any person, shall have a right of action in his or her own name, severally or jointly, aerainst anv person or persons who shall, tiy selling or giving intoxicating liquors,, hav caused the intoxication, in whole or i part, of such person; and any person or persons owning, renting, leasing, or or rmittme the occupation of, any build ing or premises, and having knowledge that intoxicating liquors arc to be sold therein, or who, having leased the same for other purposes, shall knowingly permit therein the sale of any intoxi cating liquort, shall, if any such liquors sold or given therein have caused, in whole or in part, the intoxication of any person, be liable, severally or jointly, with the person or persons selling or giving intoxicating liquors as aforesaid, for all damages sustained, and the same may be recovered in an action of tort; ()rovuie, however, that no owner or essor of any building or premises held under lease at the date of the passage ol this act, shall be liable, under the provisions of this act, for any damage resulting from the lawful sale or giving away of spirituous or intoxicnting li quors on said premises during the term of such lease. A married woman may brinif such action in her own name and all damages recovered by her shall inure to her separate use; ana all dam ages recovered by a minor, under this act, shall be paid, either to such minor, or to such person in trust for him, and on such terms as the court may oircci. In case of the death of either party, the action, and right of action, shall survive to or against his executor or adminis trator. Si 1 . J. No license for the sale of in Button shall hereafter bt e ranted without the consent, in writing of the owner or lessor of the building or premises upon which the business if lo lie conducted; and the pajn-r con tuiiiinsf said written consent shall In- kept on file by the clerk of the city or town in which said license is issued. Sic, 1. Any owner or leor of real estate who shall pay any money on at count of his liability incurred under this act for any act ot his tenant, may, in n action of contract, recover of said tt unit the money paid. Ban. a. This' act shall take effect uHn it passage. rich father OL'K KORKICN I'ORRKSPONPKNl'K. It i woiulerfull how a improve a girl's looks. The newest thing in socks A baby JnutMJHtj May io 1 R79 Epitoh Wkst Siiohk : Alter all our wanderings in and about the Holy Land, Jerusalem, the "Holy City," still, of Jews and Christians, is the first and last place to bt visited. Thousands have strenuously essayed to write its history, and as signally failed. No city on earth has passed through more changeful scenes; no city has basked in the sunshine of a greater measure of divine favor, nor passed through a more terrible ordeal of retributive jus tice. Seventeen times has Jerusalem been sacked and pillaged; again ami again its walls have been razed to the ground and rebuilt; millions of men have been slaughtered 111 its streets, hile its gutters and sewers have been glutted with human gore. Once the oy of the whole earth, it is to day, beautiful in its sore desolation. Despite all the differences that sunder lews and Christians, no sooner do they COM within these venerable walls than they ire in the self-same liclovcd city ol their fathers, and they tread upon sacred ground; a ike they arc actuated by dc- otional feelings, and if they have not wandered counter lo their rcsectivc tenets, a thousand strangely beautiful thoughts that come all unhidden revel in their pent-up souls, and they find themselves overcome by the tenderest and sweetest emotions that can possibly find lodgment in the human breast. To the rude and bigoted Moliammc Ian, also, this is a cherished city, though secondary, in oitil of religious leaching, to Mecca and Medina. Thus it is that the visitoi, without being conscious of the mental operation, forgets its isola tion, and sees in its dreary and inhospi table aspect, a passing loveliness that transcends the modem splendor of all other cities. As we have intimated in a former communication, this city is tfl loiibledly undergoing an imHrtant and mot wonderful transition slate Says a letter-writer in the Philadelphia (U. S. I'rrts : " I he I urks are ur prised at the inteiet which the Jews have, of late, manifested in Palestine That a people should abandon tin- mtret favored regions of K 11 rope and seek a irrmanent abiding-place in this, the most sterile ami desolate part of the Turkish Empire, is something that wcs their comprehension. Whoever emigrates lo Palestine must expect to battle with the most fickle of climates, to endure hardship of every kind, and to lead a life of poverty and suffering. There is no denying the fact, however, that of late years, a passion for emigra tion to their ancient capital, ha de veloped itself among the Jews in all parts of Europe. Kvery year since the Crimean war, they have Wen (mur ing into Palestine. Though thousands have perished by fever and famine, the cry is, 'Still they come.' The great body of them live on the charity funds raised by the Rothschilds, Mnntetlere, and other rich Jews. They have tried to check the tide of immigration, hut in vain. It flows on in unabated volume, and more extensive, consequently, is the misery of this stranger population. Palestine is a wasted laud that ages only can regenerate. It will never cease, however, to lie a consecrated land in the eyes of Jews and Christians, and . . . tit II I III f a shiiiie lo which pilgrims win repan limn all pails of Ibe world." I am happy in being able lo add the above valuable testimony in lonliima- tion of my own oliscrvations in this and former letters iclalive lo the general I1111 in u-iisiii s ol ibis laud. The auiboi have quoted, however, is re tadical mid severe in his strictures than I should like to be, and I am somewhat disposed to differ with him when he draws such a sombre picture of the present and ftilure condition of Palcstmr and the hopelessness of its capital city. It b true, thai lo an American or Kotucan, Irmsalcm presents a pitiable and l.i mcnlahlc appeal. une. Hut I Mievc it is still within (be prut hue of scicn.e, DM kid by the moral sentiment of the nineteenth century, to reinstate this In teresting country and 111 il lot the abode il millions of enlightened people. Al though ibe aualliema of heaven has been pronounced upon this devoted city many times, yet, a in 11,. 1 uaUluri is Mire tu Mr Ami ma Stat wots in fsl , 1 tu) i hu uvs talartwster, A4 a . .11 at It alala. Kvery considerable library ronlain volume lilted with the salient detail of Jerusalem; ami hence it would h n.iili.r etiN-dieirt nor interesting for rne to retreat, in this connection, what everybody knows concerning thi city. In penning the closing letter of the eric, therefore, it may suffice to In dulge in short recapitulation. The derivation of the. name Jerusalem h