July, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. UOL.U AUD BILVKIt HHODUCTIONS OK TUB WOULD. At a time whan silver ii to becomo a power ful factor in influencing European trade, Dr. Soetbeer affords an oportunity to ascertain what the production of the precioui metala haa liven during the laat few cunturiea. Between the yeara 1493 and 1875, a perod of .'toil yean, the known production in weight of the precious metala waa : Hold, '2u,'i3 1,11,1 1 pound troy ; silver, 4HX 770,7" Di pounda troy. Some uncer tainty muat alwaya attend an estimate of thia deaoription, extending aa it doea over ao great a apace of time, yet in the main the above amount ia aubatantially correct. During a century and a half tho proportion of value between ailvnr and gold dropped from about a ratio of 10.7 to about one of IfS.S , and remained at that point for about two oeuturica more. The pro. principle, atripped of a great part of the mys tery whiih apparently surrounded it" The ro tations of value between gnl.l and ailver adopted hy moat modern natinna are relationa juatilled by the proportion of the anpply of the piwioua metala. arialiona in the proportional value will continue, hut the aidution of theae pointa muat lie left to the gradual development o( the natural courae of events. OKmiiiArniiAi, l'lioni.aMH Sui.vkii. Within tho present generation, ami maiuly during the preaent decade, nearly all tho great geographical prnlilcma loft ui by our ailventuroua anceatora have boon aolved; all the great linea of explore tiou have lieeii taken up anil worked out with a aucceaa that leavea to the future only the detaila to fill ill. The uorthweat iaaaage waa completed more than a quarter of a century ago ; the Auatraliau interior haa been crnaeod and recroaaod within the paat few yeara; aaveral bright linea now break up tho once myaterioua Dll.AW.Nt. U)TS KOH Ul!l The tierila of the aea hava touched the heart ami routed the aympathy of alt the world for thoae who are vailed upon to undergo them. In our early daya we uaed to read the dreadful atorira of Buffering, of atarvatinn, of thiratand of death, from an utter lack of the needful thinga of life, and even In our ohildlah philos ophy we uaed to think thoae moat kindly dealt with who aank with the ahip, and were epered the daya and weeka of ajony, We who live upon the aolid land, who feel 111 enduring aumiort beneath our feet, and go upon It aa we will, to aeed that which our life and comfort d'timid, are to apt to forget the tat -tenao suffering of thoae whnee 111 fortune It la In ha cut abroad un the harroti waaU of the ocean, chained to a raft which aavea from drown in.', and yet aavea hut to euhmll to a wore fate, which aavea life only to ateal it away hy moat excruciating torture. We think n( theae thinga 1 1 . CBI U'T Foil I.IKK AND DKATII. Kirtion of gold produced, to ailver, wa far larger from 1831 to ll7o, than during the earlier la-rinda. From 1 H7' I" lloru haa lieen no imiortaut change in thia ratio, and we may expect that the value of gold ia naturally more likely to drop than that of ailrer. The audden action of Uennauy 111 throwing an im inriiae maaa from alien a gold standard waa adoptd, ami 01 mon men . v-en II Mr. lining w o I... DIlAWINi. darknoMof the "Dark I'.mUuant 1" the aourcaa occasionally, but they MBM M far away that of the Nile) have been traoed. aud the enures of our own feeling ol aevunly dure away a mall ftlioii ol iii ..ea ano n our leuow men are ealletl upon to auffar. the jingo all but laid down; the llueaiant have Idled up many important lilauaa in 1 antral Asia; than la bow no myatety to apeak of Jor go. graphrn mi the North American lUtiwnl, awl ..f si.tr ittrufi.iluilii oil the .H'rtlOl I SVeft lb 01 nennaiiy in .." . - - --- of silver on the market, derived I great oetlmes of the wi lxl haie lawn char the surplus silver coin of that country, tared, and n..w al last, wear a swuggi. .-.... d etandard waa adopted, ati-1 "I more loan .eai vrs since. Ban saafataaaws v m L- 1.1.1 I'.., n.lr. l.n.nu l.l f. ... Ur.ll tlia-ln Willi all e.r ""Si 111..'! rrance eno 01" ii -m . . oeiva it overbalanced the natural laws govern- wiastjawwhy it we. not d long .go A matter inn the oueation. But the rfT:t waa only Um- oi-laet Hwediab prul.ot haa shown that wilh a Jr.r . anneara from the rreclion already auiUble ahip at the irubr season Ibis Log L. I l. ludv d.nouolinii a ralaaas from hrr sought I. paaaago to the 'rerlalhay obligations not to ooin silver, and th struili briuin is nearly recovered already, the pro ins ,.,rt..,nal relation of value Utwean gold aud and ailver is seaiely indep.od.at of lilali.e a Uoa. and all that lasjulabaa baa aver done us possibly can do, aside from eiercasiag a deprwa aiua. ia ta reeurd the needle developed try in dustnal activity. J. K Mill aaya - 10..11..U of only a few weeks. Ol Art-lie feat there now reesaiaa otily the "Ueb al the 1'oU, North I -la will be rrw.hn.1 sooner ho no doabL dustnal activity. J. S. Mill aaya - aaesaay, saw ' ,m Mm ia awnarsi. baa vain, deteaswtant , U a . and opnrtosiad lo. IU mot of prtJacUo. ; harbor is we U,e theor, .4 monc, ,.. ly Ik. a-ln.-.. of Mi P lM AtraLa r. at Ifca jaawtwsmf Ossri vtr Cejll otn awl the lialf of California, at to be In Ur unaa of a railroad laalawi of Uaayaaa. The .! MM M 1 mt IBs w.ui W lt ltd. InraotsMSBr is i iuannisita A palanl ItM aws Ukw aajt by a I'lulaiUlplila inventor I. if a alidiug hendeliar, who Ii haa win of la ilangerouaaitd combroua iiie:hanlain if hydraalle uttlUya, chains and welghla now In eosanson ia. I U sparalua t..oai.u of . Imdriual hamUr, tbad two 111. 1... 111 hlglil and "ii ei. l a half inehee in diawatar, cloMtl al top and ladtnea. Within Una la a duel spring, a brass bawl slot U.I down the surfs', riiitinwl al lb lop awl turned al lb hate, being exist led by stated spring, Ike Iwu e)liaeliig and e a pawling auto. nn.li'. Hi Wilhio lh. Und, and rdlmg up lh ..... . wblak aarruawl. the eliding rnl. paselsur through lb rhawUr. an a uemUr of perfeeliy rtiuwUi antl anvlh m.Ulli in.rl.Ue. awl Ikea. towlhr wllh the doubU spring, firmly grip lb sliding ml, wkkk cm h draw down or pnebatl rtl awl certainly, and allhoal lb putaiUlity of lb rtete tlipplug, or lhappaU. galllag oat of order