July, .879. THE WEST SHORE. FUEL-OAS FROM WATER. Much attention haa recently been directed to the Lowe k Strang processes fur producing a Til lUi.iixiRArii. Devices (or signaling, very ainiilar t the heliograph or "11111 writer," have hoen iu uae (or ages. Aa (ar liack aa the Persian invaaion o( llreere, poliihed metal aur UlfliaUUKlilXll Tm.mhunmm). Two ays tenis liave Iwcu propose.!. In one, known a llio Albcrger plan, tulwa ( glaaa are prepared of a cuviuitnt length ami eUnit nue-eighth no li internal diameter, in which a ateel wire is tut 1 . .In. I Tina comiiouud lulie la then 111 -1 . U.. .1. . .1 Ul .1 .. .. .. l L. cueay KM "j to' ui iniii hmuiuii ui maivor, which t , . . , . ., . . . ! . . . . (aces were used to Hash the rava of the aun and in the form of ateam u brought in contact with warniuga o( one kind or another. The scried 111 an imii one, the whole liroiiglil lo a : J a I TM : l- .i 1 ! I ' iZ 7l ; 1 .1 1 . 1.1 I 1 :.. . f .. . . i . I 1 1 I lncaiiuosccut i .11 nun. 1110 n u-i imeiivi, tuet mguaiiug lit tins mm inner uaaea wh, minever, . "wihiiik nct in m i- -. miii toe: roie.i, i have lately been made iu Swodeu and lluaaia tmper.ect, anil could not lie oamed M over a have been atteuded with favorable reaulta, and aeveral Kientitic men, aome of them government officiate, declare " that the gaa haa ly in boen employed for welding wrought iron, for sinolt ing in cruoiblea aa well aa pig iron aa ateel; that the reaulta of theae experiments have been very aatiafaotory aa to the heating power of the gaa. On tha other hand, we cau confirm the state meat that the employment of the gaa for cook ing purpoaee cauaea extraordinary aaviug iu the houeehuld department, and that the cleanliness and convenience of ita uae muat make it a favorite with all houaekcepera. " The gaa waa uaed in a amall baking and ruaat ing atove, which required a gaa consumption of only fourteen feet an hour, maintaining a con- taut heat uf lib. centigrade. For illumination the gaa waa conducted through a veaael filled with cotton moistened with benzine, and the reault uai eminently aatiafaotory. Nw Una roB Paphu A great diveraity pre aenta itself in the varinua useful purpoaee to which paper, or paji'ur mnrhe, haa been applied of late years. Resides ornamental articles, clothing, bedding, stamps, boxes, barrels, pic ture frames, lurniture, nOTWnpes, cnimney inns, ipace of more thau Is mil. Hut the itutrii nent unw in use, the Mance hi'liograph, Is a great improvement, for it not only unneciitrelca the sun's raya but it llaehee Ilium with the utmiHit precision to any reiuimd ajxit, irrospco tive of the relative Im alum of the sun. It u alao proviilnd with a linger key, an that Hashes may be made of long or short duration, thus permitting the employment of the Morse tele graphio alphabet. I'uiler fsvoralilo comlitiona interuuiirse lias Iwcu t'arried on through the medium of two of theae initriitiienta over a die tance uf nearly Ilk) milra, and at aeveral points occupied by the English army in Afghanistan, regular coiniiiiinication is iuaiutainid at ills tam es of not Iras thsn .VI miles by holingrephic aignals. The instrument weighs only seven pounds and can be carried and worked by one man. It is, of course, useless in I'loudy weather. It haa already lieen proposed to Ntablllh a systematic telegraphic cuinuiiiiiical Mwrcn various islands iu the West Indies by still pro ceaa, and before long it will be adopted aa a means of signaling lietween vessels wlieu st sea. Tim UriuiT TaMfiiom- At a recent meet ing of the Society of Telegraph Engineers iu bunion, an interesting feature waa the ills brick., partition walls, carriage and car wheels made by Major Webber, II. K , l the anil boats, It woum seem ss 11 1110 inventive in genuity of manufacturers haa succeeded in adapting thia aingle aubatanoe to some new use every day. The laat remarkable application of papier math, ia the manufacture of a revolving dome for the astronomical olieervatory of I'rof. Oraane of the Polytechnic Institute at Troy. This dome haa an internal diameter ot Wt reel. effect that he hail recently experimented with a remarkable new cerium telephone Iroiu Amcrics, which owed ita tiower to a diaphragm uf annual tissue. With this instrument, which wss not further doecrilied, Major Weblier was able to apeak in a low tone over 70 miles of wire 'with perfect clearness. A pari of this lino nonsuited of underiirouiid cable, in which from '.II to 'M and if oonatruoted in the usual manner, would I other circuits were busily at work without Mm weigh five or six tons and require powerful and ! faring with the telephonic message Tho voioa complicated machinery to manipulate it, beaidea of this instrument was singularly full and life also rcnuirins foundstions of considerable depth like, whereas thst of magneto telephones i for iu support; whereas the total weight at the ! peculiarly thin and parroty. This eiprmnsnt . 1 it, . . ,k . I !! a I l.u il... ulii I ltaiier ilonie will not exooen a win ami iiiiw is completely eeat m i ,,, .... marten, and, mounted on pivots working in ! working of an ordinary telephone rorfectly iron grooves, ia capable of being revolved in any ! through IN milea of wire. This waa acoum j: EL. i 1.3 without I lie ooaratance of snv 1 nliahnd l,v Lieut Itoade. uf the t'lllted States machine or apparatus of any kind. The ier V ia pat upon a light framing of wood, and la, by K lilitary Telegraph. Iretween Hsu Itiegn and The olil iMlilonnl leii-piioiii m ort Yuma. means of a special preparation, rendereil fully ; years ago had a diaphragm ol animal tiaaue ami aa hard and avan mora rigid than wood. oould M used at remarkably long fMMIN without any insgneiu current at an ll is Hod very certain that tlie iwcr of the t. Irplmne to transmit viliralions noes not n, jk on on we om phragm ao much aa uhiii the mediam which transmits them, and even now diaiihreniin are Iwing disnsd with Ho Major WtMM has not diaooverwl anything very new or curious lin ing the iron pine so as to make a solid mass of pip,-, glass and coating The coating of iron acta aa a shield and an arrester ol induced cur rents. The wire lieiug m-iI..(Ii inmlated is capable ill Morkiug to a )iher caclty ami with less resistance than any other system. l'lle Hires arc I ill I III the ground, a ball, rv attached to the first piece of piie and the pieces connected by the ordinary telegrapiioi tie leating with a galvanometer aa the work pro grsaasa. A liell shaMd sleeve aiuuewhat larger thau the iiin ia sTaWk ou r i.nli .niil WMI connections sre made, and ao niaiilaliiig ilunl iollle. lulu the sleeve through ao ol.ll.e III the center, thus making a joint llitien inus to niuisl lire and pcrli. llv imoilateil. The seuoud m tern la thu LnfMUOal ul liatnl llnmks, the well kuoMii electrician. The wirea wrapit In col ton, '.H, IU) 01 ie sie placed In an iron piiie, ami nltir lu-ing lanl in the ground oil Is Intro ilm-ed and allowed lo niu III inliie length, the source of supply lieiug an ill I ate, I oiaid atwaye kept lull ao as to keep a couitiul pri aaure on the ml already there. Theae pipes have been laid in Philadelphia. The strong nnt In their favor is economy. Any number of wirea may bo enclosed In a small sluice , while the work of laying Hutu does not involve much a-ne. Once Hi plane they are free from disturbances of all kinds. Tn ri iiosi mmi i liuriiMuMa M A.b r resirts some eierliuruts illrnml.iry of tie views of I hi Mom l, iihiii telephones with, . t disphrsgnis. He haa often nlworvnl that ha reproduction nl words and sounds, which are i i-l li) Ihs lull rrupllon ..( . n r rents, . an ho mailo In ih. se telephones with a different quality, ami umn a higher or lower pn. h, sc. I lorillllgto the ilrgree ot tension which la given j to the ir li win , but ll tint luiulsllienUl Soul I of the wire is est ss I It d by hnbliiig It liel aun the lingers, the sounds will- ll are reproduced lie ciHtie .lull, a Utile iiioru I.. Lie. ami always In the same tone. Ho eoncludss from bis experi ments, thst the ..nun Is which are iifuduusul by a loagns'ic nucleus are prubabl tha result id shortenings ami lengthenings ol Hut wire, .It t. ripini.il by rapid magnetising and demaguotis lug, tha miileiular vibrations id the uisgnol pnlu i-ing the rffs. Is ol the Ulephotio. ami the iron iiiapnragin only sirciigiiieuing me Vitus Kt-Ronax Stoveh. In Ruaaia, Sweden, Nor wy, and all Northern Kume, stoves ara usually built at brick, oovernd with oroalain and pis. ed while buikling in Ihs house. They arsj of the site ..( a Large and vary high cheat of drawera, and usually sUn.l in the corner of the room. The fire ia burned in a furnace near the bottom, and the healed amoka ia made repeatedly to traverse tha atructnre from aide to aide, along a windnm I IT. before it reaches tha top, T ,, ,,. ,,.1,,,-K liXZCtl Tha rStai m ! bwl. evnlanca, of a den- MfaWI Iha. m.sl Hons, aud rriolenug Ihem more sonsibU to the ear by its nsa viTsralloaa. We know i. isiesiblo to replsk'e the iron plats uf the rteatvsr by moi luagneli. uUloocas, as plat ..I ,..(. Irar, glsvss, wiexl ari l avail i afd laair.l The I'll, III ill. III. Ursulas is Unai f lb. I'uilic ocean some distame Ul., the month of the t'olumlaa ami alxiva, even to the . older latlludea, shows in its shell mounds or magnet do. t essr.iaa.aiiv rluular a. li. ., iimi the diaiihragm I lis mistake wsa nol m Tnecoaet Isie fact but in iha cause, the sulwlanew of Ilia ilraghragina raiarvllig tits niotrowlar VI Lea liutM and eusnmunicaling Ihsm to Ilia saw, " bn k continn- to warm the room long .flar hav. long lived .! thr.vU on the kmtap the lu. l . b rne.1 It E generally sutrkSsil to sen food that ta .seaay. provtd... p tb. Iitll. wJri the .1 v. on'o. a day" The Lo. qu.t.t, str. and inlH. may & l-d- Ji .1 ......I ..r nol borne. I 111 all o n grsle ba consumed in an hour, ami woum nar..,7 fait Tbera u one ol these su.ves i stated in a UssTaMa la aAsassa ImII d Una It S " 1 . T.T l sal !. payaaar, that the punly ol mua may ue voapo j the following vary simple m.-ii.-l A waU tsoliakad knitting need Is is dipnsal into a deep reasel ol milk, and immoxliaUly withdrawn in an upright pomtwui whasn. if the sample U rWorTh. tluul -.11 b. fonn-l f. adhere lo it -nil. h k not tk. . 1 kn added to Use milk, ev en in the .1.... a .1. oi l i. Bll eel ol SltelU, nUOlSW and skulls sralAoei having rasmhsal ke original Jut stratum. The length of this lasd la na known and Ita Bate can only las imagined ll ss a mile, ami in an- relit too. s niual ha, a loess the since thaws wild pampls ing wsv.a, for inn Afsa hsva ps.s.-i ii lord ), the tm old nr.. fir. laat in diamstar, ars growing over u.e gistn tree that precwded thorn No implssnesita fooual Iu .1 I. -la . km. I hava aa Vat It is said thai similar beds an found aa Use I ordlasry tial.l svas, I hough lain or Ih Alaska ooaart alao remains uf oastoal janka. bssfoe. the mbte, and will a.,UU Wintnot an Muss v as an ins Maiaaa i ke millets of the Western MUUe ul America have ast themsslvee agaleal Ike wan at wire Uading roaptng maarhinos on the grimed that Iha wire gala Into the lhar anal oo".l, awl In jares lava milling ma- lunar I i.e Minnesailn milUts have agfesad not to bny wkovat thai kaa Irewn I -hi. I with wlte, saswpl at a rod wet von ot IU cento per bu.h.i As naarly all Iha sell, lending reapsm ol Aassrlsa bind with wlte, this Cvrjriwed acta n ( lh miliars ia a aartoaa est r Ian lot mat a, and lur Use makers f tha Anion an sheaf binding reaping maeklaaa, ll is rlonbtlnl, Sowofor. waataef Ibay will kase power to carry H into sAeel. N siring bmd.t ysl been uninterruptedly snesssslnl to te atr iu.w !- owtlaaaal altar another knrvsat proportions