The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1879, Page 209, Image 17

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    July, .879.
In some remarks published by ui nut M
ince and directed to consideration of the
proper course to be punned by the genera)
government in ita management of our Alaskan
posaoaaiona, we urgel the policy of encouraging
a thorough exploration of that region for de
poaita of the previoua metala, pointing out how
apeodily it would ha ovorrnn by the hardy
minora, in the event of either gold or ailver being
fouud there iu remunerative quantities, and the
government thua be relieved from the necessity
of iirotccting tho white aettlura by tho presence
of aoldicra aa well aa other care about the future
of that country. Since the publication of that
article we am in mceipt of a letter from a reli
able party now operating a quartz mill and mine
on the island ol llaraiioll, and 111 which a very
favorable account ia giviin of tho gold hearing
vema in that neighborhood, theae, according to
thin authority, bring not only nnmoroiii but of
good air.e and promiae. Theae minoa are cloao
to Sitka, an near, in fact, that tho town ia in
cluded withiu the bouudarieaof tho mineral dis
trict organized since their diacovrry.
The tindinK of the precious metala ill this
section of the country ia not a recent occurrence.
They have been known to exist there for many
yean. The Indiana, at the time the country
wan taken poaeoaaion of by the Russians, were iu
the habit of wearing gold and silver ornaments
of their own make, tho metal having been first
pounded from the ore with rooks and af terwarda
rudely ahaped by amelting. Nuggota of gold,
some of them of considerable aiae, have Immu
picked up or pounded from the iuarUoroppiuga
ai rarioue points since the American ocoupaliou
. 1 .1. in 1 11 ......
01 tne country, ami me iiunsnn nay s .np.j,
as muoh a Uo years ago, ahiped from the
adjacent I'rinc of Wale ialand a uautity of
gold heai nig quart, that on lining reduced waa
lound to pay well.
Th. mines here alluded to are. however, of
recent discovery, these lodua having been tint
noticed by the United State ollicera stationed
at Sitka aom live or six yean ago. Theae
parties made a number of locationa, ou which
eome work was afterward done. Hut luiiug
little acquainted with thi style of mining and
unable to out the gold out of th rock with
hatehota, according to their notiooa of the bum
nea, they deaiateil from iU further prueccution,
and, upon their biug removeil elaewherr, the
mine eutlcred lemimrary
Some two yean later parties from I'nrtland,
Oregon, viaitiug the country took up what la
known aa the Stewart mine, formerly owned by
and named after Major Stewart, of the, army.
Thia party proceeded to oieii their bnle and put
up a 10 stamp mill, but the work having been
committed to inexperienced hands waa ao badly
that the cninnanv was forced to em
ploy a more competent uprnntii.h-ht, the
party now in charge, who has been compelled to
....i'..ll. reconstruct the null, which, only with
in the past month, haa been got in condition for
active operations. A clean up ha since Inoen
had ..ot the, ouarti found to tay at the rate of
a littl over ( per ton, the bullion running
about vn-ighthe gold and one eighth silver
Th. ,.r.. n.v Ik considered free milling, though
carrying a large percent.;' "I sulphuiets that
1. quire separate tnalmsnt
V.r.10,., tit the !! menu of our cor
respondent, there are, 111 th. disln t where he
1. mat nuinlnr of am d. roun
quart ludee, nearly all of them w.ll furrnml
and of large si, being eaily Uaerubl by a
t I.I ...I w.ll .Mined outcrop for a long dla
tancr, and from 3 InlOfawl in width. With 00
eiorptioo, no on ha yet neeu milled from
-' l,.il ansais made and th- lr -n- I
ing don-, denote for Ibem a milling ralu. of
about OU per tou Tb natural facilities here
for both milling and mining an food.
being aa abundance ot water, an-l e.up.ra.aiu.1
try is, in fact, so heavily timbered, that it is
Inn nit to get about, or oonatriict wngon mada
over it. while they have rain on an average, '.HI
daya in every mouth. I he stream. MM nu
merous ami never tailing, allord ample water
imwer for the propuinion of machinery cbste to
th mine.
I' nun tho foregoing it would look as if they
might have a considerable extent of vein mines
iu the locality described, enough, if not to lay
a sure foundation for a great mining induatry
iu theae north lands, at least enough to serve as
a starter. With a mill already 111 successful
operation, liaokeil by resotiro ao considerable,
we have a good beginning iu this brsuch of
mining As there is evidently room for more
mills 111 this district, limn will 110 doubt oon
lie put up there. Indeed, with the looting it
haa gained, wc may consider quart mining an
aaaurvd industry iu far off Alaska. It will now
lie able to go 011 and take care of itself. Hut
thia is hot a rapidly exiiidiiig and aggressive
industry. It is ciimliersome and slow of move
ui . and capable ol luvading the wil.lcrncaa
but alowly. la now required to hasten
the oniuiuoat of II ssvage lamia ami people,
ami take from the ham's ot the linvcniineiit the
heavy charge that now rest tip.ui them of look
iim after the aame, is the discovery, away 11
tlicnn wil.ln. of paying placers the mailt, 1 ..ugh
civiluwn, the torurunncra ol culiglileiimeiil, Hie
advauocra of fruntion.
Hut it ia an awful country, thia that atrct.hca
away indeed, we don't know where! Awlul
iu it extent almost as big as the whole I'uiUd
State heaides -awful iu the gloom ami solitude
of Ita fmeats, III Us mouliUllin. im eloped 111
mist ami (laming with volcanic tires, and in It
majestic rivers tlowiug into the unknown A
country, the exploration of which even the
California prospector should not Ui expected to
undertake without some special am ami euoour
agement. We therefore bar renrat the aug
ueatioii made when liefore alluding to Una mat
ter. that the general government extend some
aaaiatauce to ailch of our adventurous pupulation
a may ImI dUpmod to uuileriaka a trip to
Alaska in search of mines and more cain . islly
placer deposit. If there are any audi in thai
country thia is the way to Hud ll 1, ami mill
found audi a rapid lullux ol brave and hardy
imiuigraiita ia sure to follow aa will at uuc
lelie.e ill.' authorities ! VVaslllllgtOll (mill Mt
more trouble about It, and convert a now use
leu and troublesome dpauduee into mpu.
loon and self lustaiuiug apiemlge of th" got
eminent. If Alaska has any her in all hr
. - . 1 . , ,
icy walen even a numeral eM.m .11 iuon.
. . . ill L
liggtugn, our veteran proape.iora win wiin
little help hud their way l" Inem ami make
t hem th means of infusing life into that dead
aud distant Territory. With a colony ol
miners up then it would 1... I again l-.-om.
necessary for the Kngbsh to ilispali h an eiine.l
1 to Nilk lor iim proirciiuii sn sajsjsaaj
eilims, nor WOUI.I III liwr nan 1 nun. mi
longer fear their savage nelghln.rn. last th
I HIMl luruinli a vesri giving ire. s
no. tu aa manv ininecs as might chtnaa to
emigrate to Alaaka, carrying alao tlielr pro
11.1 (re. in. nroi nling no ana lor innr re
turn, and w doubt not a aulh.iiul number
of the right kind ! men mould h. loll
reaily to embark for that country, and that
th reaulla of aueh policy would irwv highly
satinls.-U.ry U. all concert
nlili' I'rrtt.
Vow nt thi Kumtuic Uoiir. Hy th cm
lountion ..( the suilaVBaf fntnl .luring lie
manufa. lur of tiM caflawa, or by aaturstiou
afterward, almost any rolond lint may b ub
Uioed. Ths natural vMibl rays are nsulraliae.1
by tb addition el a fw grain ia ch boo
oi ehlorul of aodium. producing a yallow iml
Ilk tb auullgbl. Magnsaua prod MM vary
whit, light, and t well edapld to pbologrspiiy
A mu tun of ai amain, oa Mm eotHray, prodae
a light almost doiit ol aanlat Mi Va
nou protowalli ami sulpha t. of lb. mUls
may U a eomaiamat a to prod a, alatoel any
.Mirl otolFt
If a manufactunr ia really onnacientiou, ho
muat give up lh use of gliiciwe in candlta, nr at
laat iie it very pariugly. We know it will b
a aorillce, a glucose can now be had (or (mm
three to (our cents a pound, while cane sugar
coats about four time as much; but w are of
th opinion that it ia decidedly inliitioua, eaiie-
tally for those who have a tendency to dya-
lieptic so ui in is ..I the stomai h, an I tins (or die
following rnaaon When cane sugar ferment,
it changea Ural into grie sugar 1 il la the name
with the in mini, wheat, Iwrley, polatoe,
etc , which, with tho help of plenty ol watir
and eome heat, break up into dextrine and glu
nte we aay hreak up, aa tne lermeiiiaiion la a
ileatruclive primes, which iu it gradual career
of disorganization changes elaUuala organic
. ouimiiiuis into more aimpi on. II th fer
mentation is stopHd by drying the gmpe sugar
il Is the end of it for the time bring, but if the
grapo augar ia again dissolve. 1 iu water and
properly diluted, feriueiiUtion will go oil to
further stage, ami the result will It alcohol or
vinegar, according to the leinpraliim If this I
kept down to almut .Ml Kali alcoholic fermenta
tion will take place, and every molecule of grpe
sugar will Im bio. ell up lilt" two molecule of
alcohol ami two molecules of carbonic aenli ll
the temperature la alaiv 70 Feb., acc'ln 11
mentation wilt take plan-, ami lh grsp augar
will lie broken up into acetic acid, heno Iwu
kinds o( (ei 1111 illation are acknowledged by
1 hernials Dm ah ..nolle and the svelte, drawer
alwaya want Hie tlrat kind, aa ntherwla hy
would brew sour beer. Thia I why they us o
much no in mu i. tu obi. n tunes, I rehire lb
use of ice waa ao 1-0111111011, they hail to clone
their breweries during the summer, aa llwy
could not wink at l.-aat could not brew good
i it Now, III the huiiian stomach the lmun
lure is always almve "' Kali , and the enudi
tlons for acetic fermentation are favorable. If
th digealion Is vigorous the sugar I ahaorbed
Inform leimeutaliiiii lake place, and person
with strong digestive powers ran ofleu absorb
grare augar tnnlore ll has tune to terutsiit and
1 mu acid; iml when in Bininain is 111 111
least weak or slow 111 its aelloii, It ha tlma lur
tins, ami s. niiiess or dynpeirsia I lb raaulli
such persons may l able t. dig. si can sugar,
aa Una labia much longer 10 anier 11110 an-eim
fnrmsntallon, an 11 must llrst torn into grapw
augar or glumaie. Kor the reaaou II I mil
ml triable in use grape sugar, and then lore we
earnestly warn all wrsona troubled wllh weak
ligealiou or sourness of lh slniiia. h to avniil
the new lanhloneil .amllee, even if Uiey are
ailed "ubl laahmiied lease eandle ' I bey
are mint all made of gliu m. and nothing else
If you want swemls, Uke a lump l g.n.d while
or . rysUllKwl en sugar. Ihsri you know what
11 are rating; but when you ral eamlln you
do not. .W.I if (rr .!( e,
lain Hraai.. The remarkable metal known
aa iroiJ . or Indian aU..I, la now linilalnnl Wllh
considerable sucoa In aom ol lb workshop.
ol I ... 1 . th prow laHug a hdbiwa Small
pln.nts of ery g.nnl forged iron or atswl ar put
in a crucible and covered with ebareoal; air la
carefully elu4nl, and lb maw Bpmed Iu
heal until it turn dark gray carburet of iron,
Una ia easily pulvsrlswd, and Iu Ibis stsln it Is)
limed with alumina and sul.j.eled M a bg
lime to a while heal In a erueibl. when ll In
eirnsssi whit, and brttll. If I IB I" I Is l lbs
white milter 1 nrlil w.lh aom. sll,
erv grsoal imilalfas of India. tl taUl lu
In Ik raaulL Cummwoully speaking, Ian
gwuuin raw slew), or ..ts. . .ntrb in Ihm
form, nanvnly In UlUl shai-d pumw of f-
tain weight, sn lht "..1 In lb laoU, ami whieh
com from I'alewllai in aavk oi two ami a ball
poa an la, from rksmlnay; ami la nlladrwal rod
A about lb" mm weight, from l.nb.m.l.
t'r lo lb pr
sipsmUd la ln
I'd lb H.kl)U
... . . f . p I id .li. 1 m. . 1 v