July, .879. THE WEST SHORE. A PRACTICAL LKOTUHK ON COOKKUV. Cooking claasoa aro now becoming quitA popu lar in the Kutern citiea. The lecturer (tend amid her material and aa ahe talka alio actually preparea tlio diihos which alio deacrilwa, and the claaa take notea upon the aamc. In Phila delphia, Miaa Dodda Iih a, claa of thia kind, and at a recent leaaon aho reviewa certain well known diahea and gave hur waya o( preparing them, aome of whiuh we quote: lriah Stew. Material required: '.' pounda ol potato, 1 pound of neck mutton, pound of onioni, aalt, pepper and J pint of water. Out tho iotatoea in picoea, lioil them and throw away tho water. Soak the nniona in water, alice them up and put them with the Ktatoi-ii in a aaucepau, and cook alowly for an hour and a half, aeaaoning with pepper and aalt. Apple Dumpling. Ingredient uacd: Aapplca, J pound of Hour, 2 ouncea of lard, 1 ounce of augar, piut of cold water, J teBaMionful of baking powder, and a piuub of aalt Tare and core the applea. Mix the lard, yeaat powdor, and aalt Add water, knead lightly together and out into live piece. Fill the core hole in the apple with augar, wrap tho apiilca with dough, put into a lightly floured tin, and hake for an hour and a half. Milk Soup. Stock required: 2 raw potatoea, 1 ounce of lard, 1 pint of milk, I ', ounoea of tine age, 1 quart of oold water, pepper anil aalt. ( 'over potatoea with water, keep over until the water boil; then replaoe the water with a quart of freah, adding the lard at the aame time. Hoil the potatoea until they are tender; pour the materiala through a oolander and return to a auoepan; add milk, aago and aeaaoning. Macuaroni and Cheeae. -'Ingredient nocea aary: pound of maooaroni, 8 ounoea of dry chaaee, 4 pint of milk, and a imall quantity of pepper and aalt Hoil the maooaroni IS minutea in water; then replaoe the water with milk, and boil for half an hour longer. Spread a layer of maooaroni on a flat diah ; add a layer of dry cheaae; aprinkl alightly with pper and aalt Continue alternate layer of maooaroni and cheeae until th required amount if ob tained. Then place in the oven and brown for from 84 to 10 minute. To Hoil Potatoea. Th only mothod to boil Ktatoe properly, ay Mi DodiU, i to boil them until half-done, than pour off all th water, oover the pot oloaely and permit thm to team until quite done. Jut before removing them from the itove take off the lid of the put that tho ateam may eaeaiie, and the potatoe will be found to be very dry and very .mealy. Young potatoe hould be placed in boiling water; old potatoea in cold and boiled. To Make Puff Paate. To make thi pantry he naed nna-quarter of a pound of Hour, aun quantity of butter, th yolk of one egg, a pinch of aalt, aeveral drop of lemon juice and a gill of oold water. Th yolk of th gg, aalt, lemon juice and water are mixed and then wurked into th flour, thua forming a atiff dough. When thi ha been kueaded quite firmly, roll the dough on a well floured board until it i quite thin. It i neoeaaary to lie particular to uae th axact weight of flour and butter, Th butter ahould than b (que) through a tewl to extract the water and milk. Having I men trained, it ia placed in the center of the dough, which i folded carefully upon it and again rolled out a thin a poaabla. It ia then folded in three layer ami rolled, and folded for aava time; the lint three time very carefully, that th butter may not ran out Hating rolled and folded it the tint time, it ahouhf b laid aid for a tun to ecoL After awhile, it I rolled again and folded again. lWtween th acoood ami thin) and fifth ami aula rolhnga it thoald b allowed to aland in a cool pier Whew it ta rolled for the eeventh and Ul Urn, th paate ahould be about a half an inch in lliickneea. It it then cut ia circular ptaoa about lieaiaeo' a cap, la th caater f thaw cake a amalt, round iudciition ia mail half through. Three niece are removed after the paate ia conked, which require ten minute, Kiah I'akea. The recipe given for Hah cake included one pound of potatoca, one pound of oodtlah boiled; pepper and aalt, two egga, one teaapoonful of cream, one-half ounce of butler, aud a tew tahleapwiufula of bread crumb. After breaking the boiled liah into email piece, grate the potatoca while hot upon it through a 110 v; add one-half ounce of butter, the yolk of the egga, the cream, and mix all well together; when aeaaoned with pepwr aud aalt, divide the niaaa into amall Hat oakra 011 a well floured board; heat the whitoa of the egga, and, having coated each of the cake with it, roll them into the bi.-d crumb; fry in hut fat or lard for two minute. A oon a the cake are done place them 011 a piece of pK'r that the auierHuoua greaae may be absorbed from them. I Ircaaod Kmled Kiah, Her mode of drceaiiig any boiled liah waa dcmoiutretcd with halibut. To one Hiund of Hah ahe uaod two ouncea of butter, two ouncea of flour, one ounce of grated cheeae, one-half pint of milk ami one gill of cream. Tho butter and flour are placed over the tiro and mixed while the butter melt. Milk ia then mixed nd tirred until it IxnU. At the boiling point add the cicam, pepper and alt and cook two minute. The lame and kin having been removed (roiu tho liah, it ia cut into amall piece nd then mixed into the aauce, which ahould remain only long enough over tho tire to heat the Hah. Place the whole on a Hat diah, apriukle over grated cheeae or bread crumb, add pcptier and brown quickly in the oveu. To boil halibut properly, alia nald it ahould be placed in lulling water, to which a tahleapoontul of vinegar ha been added. It hould cook only twenty minute, uuleaa the Hh i of unuaual aiao. Ill let ol Hoof and Dutch Sauce The licet hnuld lie cut in dicea about an inoh in thick new. It ia then placed in the broiler, which ahould lie lightly greaeod, and then luhjwited to the action of the Are for aeven minute, turning it but once in that time. The hutch aauce waa prepared with half tblepoonfiil of cream, half a tebleapoonful of water, th yolk ol two aggi, a little pep r aud aalt on nunc ol butter, and the Juioo of half a lemon. The water and gg yolk are Iwaten will together, and the lemon Juice, cream ud butter, with alt and pepper, ar then introduii d, and the whole ii whiaked over a alow lire until it thicken. Thi, however, mut not b allowed to cum to a boil. When Hniahed, our hot over th tlllet of beef and rrv. AxMKAiit'a Pi'imixii. Mince a little lean ham very Hue, and mix it with four wall beaten egg, a aeaaoning of pepper and aalt, a little flour and a piece of butter th ai of a walnut; cut th green parte of the aargua into very mail piecea, not larger than pea, and mil ail wall together. Then add a ultlclenl quantity of truli milk to make the mixture th eon latency of freah butter, ami put it into wall, buttered mold that will juat hold it Drdge a cloth with flour, tie it over th pudding, and put it iato a aauneiian of boiling water When done, turn it carefully out on a diah, and pour aome melted butter wound it Itrrr-irik a U pArMtalI. lake a pie., of ramp aleak about three oiiarter of an inch thick. Trim it neatly, and beat It prtnkle it with pepper, dip it in ml, and broil It over a clear fire. Turn it after it ha been no tfie tire a minute or two, ami keep turning II until done, eight or ten minute will do it Sprinkle with aalt ami eerve with a mall qwnUly of final) minced paraley and piece of butter mixed together, and placed over or ander the teak. liaraiaa with fried potatoe. TiantiiXT nor Mt rnaa. fwr quart of Hoar, one tear a p of (agar, on teaeap of butter, cap ywat, foar egg, a lillla aalt two qaarte of ifMt milk; let ml (tare nee all night, bA ia muffin ring aoj KOOD AND DIOKSTION. In a lecture Mora the Workingmn' 1 ceum, Dr. Seguin mk aa follow of fowl: "An ordinary meal ia generally iximHid of Ilea in. gretlianta animal nr uitrogenou (mid, atarehy 01 aweet food, watery vageteldoa, leverage and ooiidiuienta. Tht fowl whn dlgtel I taken into the ayatem by blood veaaela Kor pron, and eaiecially for workingnwn, in thi climate, meat are the moat ewily digeeted, and at th aame time are the timet noniiahing load. Trip i the eaaieat and mrk the hardt to digeat Among vegetable, hoe and tented oabbag ar th xlreine. Anything tint i boiled in fat la xtramely indigestible. Milk contain th ttv ingredient relerred to ahova, and o I really 'all ullloicut. ' Mother niak a great miateka in tryiug to iuduce iiifante under two yuan ol age to eat alarxhy (nwl, for there no alkaline Html in the atomach of an intuit by which the atarcb can lie changed to augar, and o infuawl into the ayatem. It ha been Mtimated that a man working in the open air dally naed IA ounce ol meat, IN ounce uf bread, .'It nf batter or (at and M tit water. I agree with many eminent herniate w ho have proved thai alcoholic drinka re an aid to the ayatem In retarding the wute of liaaii. Ho, too, tor th Mini raaenn, I regard tea and coffee a uniiriahing, Aa u -ceM of atarehy (owl i to be carefully avoided. Mm who haiull ld uught to alataia Imm alcohol, lor if ton much la taken th kidney., which throw olf the mih ol t he haul, an likely to Imhioiii diaaad. " Nature ha aupplied aa minute variaty ol food to auit every Uate aud the gratification of 1MB tomarh. "What la on man' meat I another man poianii," i an old mol tru ylng. Th wind ol good health may ba ooneeiitraleil In Die mi pie uheervalion to al only whet agree wilii you." Volume ol information can ,, no better or other advice. No ahytii'iaa eaa prescribe more ellhai urn remedy. Aai'tutr AKD Tim na.it Piooua. A now methwl ol lay 1 on down llwir ha beau adopted III Kranu, and la aaid to have obtained a wide pplicatmu. 1 1 ooiuuat in putting dowj? a floor, not u hitherto, on JuiaU, but in rabdding Uw Imarding 111 aaphalt Tha new goer are uaed iiuxilly lor ground alorlea of barrack ami ho, pitala, u wall a for ohuielie end court of Uw. Keen ol oak, uauatly '.'J to 4 uiehe broad, 12 to .HI inch long, ami one inch thick, ar preed down into layer of hot aaphalt not quite halt an Inch thick, tn Iha well knows herring lame pattern. To inwir a complete adheaion of the ... d to the aapliell, ami obtain lb emallael pnaaibl joint, th edge uf lb piece of woud at plane. 1 down, bcvalling Liwrl Iha bottom, an that their criaw eecttoo beoomea wedg lik. Nut of ouan ar Bat neaery, and perfectly level aurfac atay b given to th Mooring by flailing alter lh laying down la completed. I he a. (vantage tbi fl'Hirlng, which only reqiurea an eves bed upon which to rati, are (aid to ba th following Id Damp Imm Ulow ami It oMHMiuaaw, rot, are prevaateil. 2l. Itoor may b eleaaad qui. la ly and with the laul amount of water, laaartag rapid drying. M. Vermin cannot accumulate in Uw jotate. ilh. 1'nhealthy axhalatioo Irotn th em! cannot penetrate Into living rouat 1 phalt bing impermeable to damp, room l ooa peff:tly haaltbr, M if laay ar not vaalted utwlernealh In bolldiag iatiag of aeveral tVarUa, aa ia boepitaJ, the vlltateaTatr of lh lower room cannot aaceml, aa obleai which it ha hitherto been impoaaibte to attain ry any other mean. Ala. The layer of aaphalt will aUo unreal th taTeadla uf Ar from oaa floor to another la cat f uaflagraUtt, "Haaan." aald a yoaag man the athar day, la t bnly of thai aam. " any iloa'l yia vaaf ring"' "fliiau I havaa'l had ey aara puread." "I ili laite them for yaa, tha " "I thank yoa. airi yaa have 'tone It eaoagh."