The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1879, Page 204, Image 12

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July, 1879,
The departure of tliu Arctic oxpl tg "'"I'
Jmnnrllt from San Francisco in .luly makes
timely "ni" remarks upon tlio endeavor to
reach Urn m1 ly way of llchring's strait rather
than llsMin'e liay, the rnute heretofore chosen.
Tha nvnt haa a peculiar interest .. ruanli ut of
tha Pacille ooaat, Ireceuse MaWII tho new ex Jc-
I it est forth.
Tho numerous current existing in the ocean
have beau tha cause of the diaastcra attending
I. .inn 1 1 .i ( 1 1 1. tin in aearch of thn BOfthWMt
paeaag by way of llallin'" hay. 'Hum' ocean
current, tha gnat rivers of the tea, move
steadily ou through waters comparatively trail
ijuil, airaulig over hundreds of milea uxn the
broad Imeom of the ocean, not only upon the
urfaoa, but alao in deep wafer, often moving
ill dilfereiit tlirootious. The OMM of these
ocean tnoveineiit i fnunil in the difference of
temperature between tha Hilar and tropical re-
ious acting directly upon the waters, tliu con
guretiou of tha oniiUlictit "r a certain
controlling loii n aa to directum and variation.
Tha ould and heavier watara of the Kilar re
gion tend iiiceaeeiitly to How into tho warm
and lighter watara of tha tropica, ami when
Iwlh omt tha colder watara auik and diappcr
Is low tha warm watara, which return aa ur
t'net currents toward the Kilar regions diverted
front a parfoctly straight couistthy the steady
aoUon of the earth a rotation and by coiitiuental
obstructions. To illustrate tlna, place at one
end u( a glaa 1 "" ' "' uitable dnneiiaiona,
lillail with water, a piece ol ice, and apply heat
at Uia ulher end hy ineana of a apirit lamp;
II. " 11 color Ule cold watar end with carmine ami
tha warm watar end with indigo. A current of
.Miotic will immediately How lowarda the
healed anil and hireling warm water will sink,
while the blue warm water will Mow 011 toward
tha cold end forming coulitiuoua currviita of
1 at mine and blue, one Mowing towarda the ice
011 Hie aurlae ol the water, the titlier Mowing
tiwarda lite beat Ulna the aurlace.
Th 1 mil atraant, which la the current of the
N tilt Atlantic, alieclitig Arctic expeditious in
that direction, artaea liom the accuinulattnu ol
tb watere ol the equatorial turreiit 111 the
liulf of Mexico It proceeds eaat until it
cnurae U changed to the north by striking
agamal the lUliama llaitka Mowing will
greet rapidity along Iba ooaat ol the f mtcd
Mat, gradual!) expanding 111 volume and
iliiiiimahing 111 velocity aa 11 procrcila north
want, it turn eaat at the latitude of New
Yurk and crvasar the Atlaiito to the Amrta,
hen it divide, th main branch raturiuug
southward along th ooaat of Alnca, while the
11.. 1 Until biaucb loutiniie it aUnling wuntr tu
Ui Itiitiah Ule and Norway. A branch of Ule
oil stream tlowa from almut the latitude 11!
Newfoundland ItolUl tnwatda l.i land
wiung around m a acmi circle between Sptli
an 1 l-aplainl, la ilivilrt into tw
b) impinging agaiuat Nova vmbla.
uniUug tu aUvama again 111 th Kara
era w bar it la l.-at la the I'ldar current The
Polar correal, appealing at Ute eastern U mi.l
art of th Kara aaw. tewo etraddy and rapidly
aruatad It and wiUtu the NU" parallel ul north
leUUad. oflMUiaa will.tu 1 v( the north
pola, forming Ua Polar channel, tbeucc auth
hataewa President land and In ant land, under
Ua groat tea laarnar Ut Hall land, on tb ex
trotjs northern and of trnlud. ahrii. r 11 u
ilivt.teil into two brwBjcaWa, th on Mowing
oath along tit eaat 0041 oi tireenland. the
otiaw aoola along in want ooaet of tirernland
Ihn'a bav anil laia atratt. until rv
alue paean; Uaa snoot aoaOtwrlr tawnt
ol tlraanland it n. wa .n aaamtilv in on great
carnal anul it u hast by unking heniosh Ua
a-all al at waar Ua laaltnd ol New
laaateaaaawi Taaa outflowing Polar carrent haa
bana Ua oaaa l tb Uilura of former Arcuc
expeditions on tho eastern coast Tho ship i
to liter foroutl back away Iroin the ilo by the
force of the current, or olae locked in the ice, it
ia lloatctl with it in ita southern course out into
tho Atlantic, tlm main outlet of the north Polar
Ukiii tho Pnolflo ocean tho ((reat ctpintorial
current, divided by the coasts of Asia and Aus
tralia, divides, mill sends one branch south, the
other llowing north bends to tho north ami
northeast after luuisiiiH tliu I'hillipinc islands
anil Formosa ami becomes the Japanese current
(Kuro-Siva), the Asiatic gulf stream. This
ble stream, with its vast hotly ol tleep blue
mid warm waters, Hows swiftly along the east-
rn coasts of Japan slanting across the north
'acilie to the teuiiisula of Alaska, one branch
sweeping northeast tlireciiy through iicnring s
strait into the rolar sea. 1 hence sweeping
around along tho north coast of Amurica
the Arctic islands it unites with tho eastern
id southern Mowing l'olar currunt through
tho great ice barrier Harrow's strait, Jones'
neglected, whether made hy d ouuuju1
or in the air, for the benefit of meteorology.
Every preparation has been made to provide
for the comfort and aafety of the men. Electric
lights will be uaod for signaling, and these with
:IUU miles of wire with telephone), will enable
the observers to communicate with the ship at
a distance of 450 milea from her, so that sledg
ing parties can report their discoveries or needs
to those remaining on the ship. Amply pro
visioned for three yean' voyage aa to provisions,
and n.ifc for two years aa to fuel, the officers
ami crew feel buoyant and oheerful, expecting
nothing but success, in fact, determined to suc
ceed. With six chronometers, chemicals, mi
croscopes, and barometer! of a new and perfect
make, and a varied and valuable library, the 33
brave men who compose her full complement,
will receivo a schooling during her long Arctic
sojourn, such as it does not fall to the fate of
every man to receive. A strong, tight, ran.
fortable shiii, battened throughout with felt and
canvas, and all iron below decks carefully
11, T ,,4T nyw
and Smith's sound uniting with and funn
ing part ol the great Polar current which
linda ita way to the Atlantic, carrying
upon ita I... a. mi the ice of the Polar regions.
In this current the Jnixnrllr will le continu
ally cavmed onward, eaat to the Atlantic ooean,
aa 111. 1 aa sh would be carried to Uie
liulf ol Mexico by the current of the Missis
sippi. hi t her Imaen in the ice ur uot, she
ill he carried raat to the Atlantic, or 111 th..
direction ol the North Pule, bv tho ateadv
Moving current in that direction. In fact, then
.' .' Vi-,7 in .lay ,jkrr .iVr.-f ion . Th.
1 .oar current all crowd to the east on the
American coast, under the inriuence ol the
earth a rotation, anil baoaua the Atlantic is th
ooljr . uilet, the ahallon, narrow paaaage of
IWhnttg a strait preventing them Irom sinking
under in warm Japan current, o that from
the IVilie to the ArcUe ocean there is a 000
alaal tasWtan rarrravl, ami from th Arctic to
the Atlantic a i-onatant oafaWian rarral, icaaon
enough why th Jr,mrtt should succeed if
Mmvaaa will .vtar attend a Polar expedition.
The) asaenlitu leatur ol tb expedition will be
i Use high eat order. No obavrvaUon will b
covered, the fate of the crew cannot be con
sidered hard.
Tho route after paaaing Rehring'i strait wil'
lie governed entirely by crroumstancee -notn
haa been or can be determined noon. The uv
tluenceol the 0.1..1. 01. current will be permitted
to determine the direction, for it is expected
that this current will solve the problem of the
Polar region. After leaving San Kranciec the
ship will proceed to Alaska and receive addi
tional suppliea from her oonvoy, and then weigh
anchor Inw TLihpino'a strait. Suc
cess to the JriinKtttr aud to her 1
BmniiT litUe girl: "The robber oan't steal
my mamma' diamond earrings, 'cane PIJI,
hid them.'' Visitor: "Where haa he hid them,
l ittle girl: "Why, I heard him tell mamma h
had put them up the spent, and he giieeeed tby
would May there."
' Ion sMi. what ita noun!' "Name 1 0
person, place or thing." "Very good, Johnnie,
give an example." "Hand-organ gn""er;.,
"And why is hand organ grinder' a noon -"I
cause he'a a person plays a thing. "