The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1879, Page 203, Image 11

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    July, 1879.
Monarch of Utt realms supernal,
Hanging over land and .
Mymbol ol the treat Kepithllc.
Who so noble and ao fre!
Thine the boundless fltltls of ether,
Heaven's ahyKS uiifailtotn'd thiu.
Far beyond our fechlo ittlon,
"n thy hara lt luntteami ahiiti''
Home on Iron-banded pinion,
On front Kle to h1 you sweep;
O'er aoa Islands, craggy mountains,
O'er the hoarae re Him deep
Now, thy fanning plumes o'erehadnw
Northern cliff and Iceberg grim;
Now, u'er southern, aoft savannahs,
With unflofiilug circuits skliu.
He that feeda the t mdar raven
And the tea bird of the rock,
TtMiiiera the inclement brctos
To the shorn end bleating flock
Leads thoo o'er the waaiea of ocean,
(luklee u'eraavave flood and wood,
And from bounteoiui nature s store houaa
Foeds thy clamoring, hungry bood
o'er the mountains of Caucasus;
Over Appeuinu and Alp;
Over Hoi:ky Muunta, Cordilleras;
Ovr the Andes' herhlets calp;
lliith alnive these snowy summits,
Whore no lit lug thing abides,
lie, that notes the falling
Kctals ill" , fotrs thee sud guide
Thou wlngest where a 1 1 "1 sky
Itentla o u thee Ite celeatlal dome;
Where sparkling waters greet the eye,
And genlleat breezes Tan the foam;
Where spin breath from grove- of lm,
I... I. alth aromatic lalm,
lllowt ever, mingled with h rfume
of luscious fruit ami honeyed bloom;
U recti shores, adorned with drawing wn.nU;
(lay grottoes, island solitudes;
Havannaha, where pilmolloea avrecn
The Indian's hut wltli lit lug green,
ItchoUi thy pinions aa thev sweep,
Carerlug In the upper deep
- tutnc W. .. Iliiii
(iraudmother givea a lecture on babiea in the
Itural AVer Yurktr in theea word: The other
iiiy. N i ll in Gray cam to our hoiiM to viait, ami
aha hail this ctinningoet littlu buudle iuhar arina;
there waa edging, rulllra, tticke ami ombruidered
blank, ta, ami tuch a pile of mualin anil riblaina;
wall, if I hail not heanl ahe hail a littl baby, I
could never hav., gueeacd what it waa, eroept
than waa a continued Hiieeking away down in
the deptha, that eounded no more like a liahy
crying, than it did like a tnouae in tha wall.
"8akaa alive ! Nellie, give me the baby !"
"Oh, grandmother : I ahall In ao glad to; .nl
.1.. ti ll ma what I ahall do with it; cry, cry,
from one day'e end to the other. Ain't there
work in taking care of babiea, though I hut it ia
a darling ? .1 u,t aee !" and ahe took off a cloak,
twobtaaketa, and a veil; and emoothed out the
baaattfal dreaa that ewe pi clear ou to the Door,
aa tha littla thing lay in my lap. The bahy hail
on a thick crocheted aadue and all you cuuld
.. . ..I the little mite, waa it. bare head, puck
ered up faoe, aad the tlpa of lU litUe red tin
"Oh, how warm it ie :" eaid the yoong mother,
aa aha wiped the dropa off her lace; "I hop.
baby baa not got 00M; it ia tba Hrat time I have
carried him to rida,"
"Nellie Oray, ait down, and let me tall you
aomething. yoa don't know no more than a call
a boat Ukiag care of a baby; no w nailer the lit
tle thiag onaa ! I wonder it ie alive : J eel look
here ! tSa thermometer ataoda at W ia the
ehade, and yon are about melted la your mualiu
dreaa, and hare ikia wee baby, baadled ap
with aa many wrapa aa It woald need in winter,
and a thick aaoqae, ami a pinning Maaket, two
Haaoe! pettier ta. a oottoo owe aad a dreea; aal
aa aura aa yoa are alive, eocka oa tba little feet I
What oa earth are yoa thinking of, to pile all
thi. .tulf lb a two in-ntha "Id Ul.v
"Why. greadaaelhar t t euppoaed I
"And Nellie; you have got your waiata au.l
lianda ao tight, that liaby can hardly draw a
breath. No wonder at all, that baby criea !
more wonder that the Imby don't die I Now,
juat takt' oil all theac eitra tiaiuge; one akirt and
the dreaa, are enough, ami Innacti your waiata,
and lut the little atom have one good breath
and a chance Ui atretch iteelf. "
Ita mother did aa I told her, ami 111 a (aw
miuutca the littlo thing cuddled down to aleep.
"tat me lay It down, Nellie, I'll ahow you how;''
and ao I laid it down on ita aide, a little curled
up like a kitten, ami there it lay ami alepl, two
long houra, ita mother going every fw mm
11 tea to aee if anything ailed it. "Yon let it
alone, Nellie ! Iel her have her nap out, ami
ahe will be happy when ahe wnkua up, and you
will lie reeled too."
llaby never cried again all day; ahe alepl two
houra at a time, and her mother waa aa happy aa
could be. She kiaaed me when ahe went away,
hecauae I hail taught her to take . are of her lit
tie one.
It ia a regular aciencc to bring up babiea, am)
f;irla ahnuld novcr gut married till they have
earned how to take care of children. Half of
the hahioa that die, are mat killed by ignorance,
and half of thoae that live, are made aick and
miacrnblc, juat hecauae their inntheia did not
know how to take care of them properly. Three
hnl. 11 are little precioua crealurca, and if they
are rightly taken care of, are but little trouble,
till thuy are old euoiigh to creep about, and then
the joy of aeaing them active and well, iiaya (or
all the trouble they make. Some mother are
ao fooliah, that they will not lei the little mica
creep, hecauae they anil and wear their clntlica,
I '1 Kir women ! No wonder their ehildrni ate
Imw legged, and have weak baoka ! They have
110 chance to develop ami atrongthen then limba
and Biaaolil. Nature kuowa U l how to man
age children, and they luii.t have a chain to ile
velop their powera. They do uot want to bo
encumbered with long clothee, they want room
to kick and atretch; a .mart, healthy chllil, la
far better than a puny, feeble baby, trigged nut
with all tha llncry that faahion dictatea; ami lm
mercy'i lake, don't roaat your liabiea alive in
hot weather, by bundling tliein up ao inry . all
not have a chance to breathe. Their blood 1 ir
uulatea faat, and they require but littlo clothing,
if a ouot day cornea, it ia eaay to add an eitra
In the eourae of hia oration at Daa'af. N II .
1 m hecoration Day, the Itev. A. II. Voiut.anl
Between eight and nine o'clock 011 the numiing
of November let, 1 777. the ontim ulal ahiu-of
war, the Itamyr, 1 guna, t'apt. Mm 1'aul
.loaea eoniinamler, weighed ain-hor and tailed
out of I'ortamoiilh hatleir. It waul out on that
gallant ciuiee on the Kngluh eoaat, in which it
met aud captured the Ttriliah war vaaaal, tha
hnil', .if auponur force, both of men and guna.
Tha Hnxifr waa built ID a New llampahire
harlr by a New llainahire mechanie, and
uda.1 from a New llemiiehire inrt It waa
11, mm., I hy a 1 f w "( the 'i-on.eo, awl
largely by hardy inartnera frmn thia tuan
Kualiraca, tba aurgeoo who miaialered to the
wounded in that iherp aud blondy aea light,
waa a citien ' f lKei ahem you aad I remain
tier aa ha walked tha atraeta aa old man ia oar
Itaiy hood, who elrrpe in thia hwtorie ground;
ami ita )i.ung c-.mmander nf n.annee. killed la
actaoa, waa Samuel Walliagford, of tha llulbaa
ford (awtof aucieol I lover. Why do I aail
yoar alUnlx to the faat that I lovae uwa were
part of the ere of tha breve I'aal Juaeef ba
raaaa oa tba very day on which Joaaa waa
a.aiiined to that veeael t'oogieea ailoptad tha
Dag of tha Sura aad Htnpea, aad hiatory Ulle
aa that wkea that '" r' weal oat of Varta
moatb aarlxar, for the nrat Ume oar aalu.eal
Hag Itoatnl apoe the Ueaae. Oa live Uth of
Keln-uary, 177, it reorlved a aalata (nan a
Preach admiral, aadijobtodly, aa oa of the
JT ij-1- aSkaM wrote that day, Tba Aral
aalaU ever pay d law Amervoaa lag." Men of
our own town and of our own blood manned the
vraael which lain for tha Ural time ill hiatory
the Stare and Stripee, which thenceforth went
on iu the career of national aohiavemenla until
it la-came honored and feared throughout tha
world. Ami never have you or thoee departed
lieen daetarda when the honor nf that llag da
mantled your eervica.
Our an. e.l theoriea of ilivorea and free
love, making the matrimonial relation merely a
rtuerahip to 1m dlaaulved it pleaaliru, what
ever elae may la aald in their favor, ilrlka a
deadly blow at an element in it which waa
meant iorhaat to be aupreine above all ..there
What ia the awaeteel charm a) all line marriage,
what the greateat advantage, what tha meat
iniceleaa happiuraa, take life through, which It
inn., to the human hrart " Not tha flnah and
apletidor of ita eaily lovei But tha richer devel
opmeiit which it bnnga to the eharaoleri Dot
even the childreii vilin ate galhereil around III
ahrine. No, hut the intimacy and reliability of
Ita compauinnahip ; the fact that II itvea thoae
who enter it, each in the other and through all
aceura and chaugra, a near and bleaard .land by,
Marriage in eome of ita aaiecti ia doubtlaaa tha i. nf an iminetiae amount nf unhappineaa,
crime, injualtce, blight ami down. dragging, rasa
i.f the in,,.i rrplrtng aiH'iety baa
t" deal with only tha hlmdeat aenllinenlallal
aill deny that, On the other hand, howevar
and Una la not mere aentiment bill enher fact- -of
all tha evideneua of tlod'a giaalneea to be
I., 1111. 1 in thia lower world, all the priaifa that ha
carea for ill not only with the wiadnin of a
Creator, but with tha inlaraal and Iota of a
Father, there la nune iiilte eaal to hla aaadlag
human laiing! iuto the arena of Ufa, aot to
light ita UlTea, wiu ita vlctortea and endure Ha
Borrow, alone, but giving them, aa they go futth
mil ol their 1 hildhiKKl a home, a relation In
which each two of them are taiand together
with the rloeeit nf all tiaa, live together under
the name naif, have their lahora, their proaartv,
their inti-irati, tli, n 1 an utal affeetlona all la
iKiiiiiiir.ii, and are moved t.. aland by each other,
hand tn hand and heart to heart, In ovary aor
row, no. 1. 11 tune, trial and etnrnty day thai earth
an brlug. It ia an ideal. If ant alwaya realieed
111 fall, which ia laated aveti now, amid all that
ia aaul alaiul marriage miaartee, more widely
lierhapa than any oilier bappineae ,Vaaody
Ki.triuara ah lm It. H 1 a A rnrreauaiid -
ellt nl the I'hlladelphia t:r,mj T'l'lTOpl !
BriMaa Mo'iuah wrltaa "The other inomiag al tlen llraul and party were lavitad
Ui InijaM't a leak aaw mill, to aee the wonderful
intelligent of the elephanta lhal are need la
,rry and pila the loga Teak, you kaiw, la a
very heavy wood -ilia one gral aoiirea of rev.
inn- to Hurmah bal to work for In. mahout
the animal will lift the ami uf a heavy log by hla
luaka, placing hla trunk on II to kaep ll etoad t ,
than gradually working hla way Inwerde the
center, finally balaneea Ilea log and carrtea II
arefully n a pile even higher than blmaalf ; or
if it la anted t" aaw tba log, be will paeh it
alnag beaealh tba clrratar aaw, hla Irani later
Mad balaeaa but fool aad the bag. Tbey will
do almoal anything, and from their Iramaadeua
trength yi u can aruleratand what lhay eaa
ai eomplieh. Al a fxaaeh mill al Monlniala I bey
Wead them for thia parpnaa, bal II labea 10 yeara
before aa elephant can do hard labor
I'aoraariaaor lii 11 raiaa lilyrartae aboald
not be rabbad mi the akla la aa aadltalad itala.
Oaa of Ita remarkable propertlea la ila pew to
aheoth anilalare, aad he Bee ita iriiUllug affaat
oa tba ekia. Al-ul three Dald oaaeve of water
t oaa of glyeetia will form a mlilare whicb
will aeatbar attract awielure tm evaporala, tba
aaigbt aoaraaly art lag from weak t weak,
eiUerr la una direct or tba other. Tba all
lata aboubl be kept la e4. ana at plaaa.