The West S h o e E Portland, Oregon, July, 1879. VOL S No 7 I L H pnwuiwr, I&ITISH COLUMBIA. As the first of u scries of engravings of British Columbia buildings and scen ery which will appear in successive numben of The Writ SiionK, we furnish an exact copy of that magnifi cent structure located at New West minster and known as St. Aim's Acad emy. It is one of the principal places of instruction for young ladies in the Province) and is under Catholic aus pices, being in charge of the Sisters l St. Ann, who also have similar acadc- mies at Williams' Lake and Kamloops City, H. C, together with a very pros perous institution at Victoria, Vancou ver's Island. The building is constructed entirely of stone, and its interior arrangements are modeled after similar institution! In Europe, having all the modern lm provementa for the health and conifoti of its inmates. The building, OXclu sivc of the furniture and Interior fit tings, cost $jo,ooo. It is under the di rection of six Sisters, with a number IVl Annum. I Slnl nwtet ' I oik of assistants, anil has accommodations for two hundred day scholars and fifty hoarders. The site upon which the building stands is one of the must eli gible in the city, as the institution can be seen at a great distance by passed geis as they ascend the Fritter Itivt-t. Although we. sre a fasiei ptopie we haw Vel many things to leal u li om QUI British cousins; and ve should pon sider it a good investment if our Chiel of Police, with a si pi ad of his pallid men, could be shipped over to Vnt I1'! ST. A'K'6 ACADEMY AT VrW WESTMINSTER, fc C.-fw t Houpt W K. Mr).