The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1879, Page 171, Image 9

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    June, 1879.
Mttle Ooldlooka ut on a orickot at har
mamma's foot, hearing papa read the Bible. He
read all about the Hood, and the ark, and Noah,
and the animals. When papa shut up the
t U, Ooldlooka sat with her chubby hands
folded thinking very hard.
"The rain fell and fell," she aaid to heraelf,
"and then the ark went into the deep water,
and Noah and his folks and all the oattle and
sheepe went, too. If Jimmy will be Noah, 1
will be Noah's wife, and we oan have the Ut h-
tub for the ark, and the shower-bath will make
rain nough, I guess.
Ooldlooka didn't aay one word out loud, but
she eat there on her orioket, thinking and think
ing. At last after everybody had left the room
she went to look np Jimmy. He waa only four
years old, and (ioldlooki waa aix. You am,
she waa two years older than her little brother,
and ought not to have led him into misohief.
"Want to make a Hood, Jimmy?" asked
"What kind of a fnd?"
"Why, like Noah's! We'll play that all the
folks in the houae are naughty, ami we are good ;
and I 'apoae we might have the canary for a
dove, aud the geranium for an olive-tree to light
on. Come up here to the bath-room, and 1'U
show you."
So off trotted that littlo miachief of a (sold
I L- ... L .,l. mm tmmt mm k .I.....
IOC., up w Win Ufcll-IVU1M, im. mm , nin'i
fiit legs would carry her, and Jimmy trottod
after her.
"Now, I'll show you," she aaid. Then she
got into tha bath tub. Hut aha aoon saw that
shn wasn't in the right place.
"The wicked folks ought to be in here," she
said, " oauao the good onea didn t got wet.
We'll have the clothes basket lor tbe ark."
Ho Jimmy 0 limbed into tho basket, and (iold
locks turned on the sliower-nain.
"Whore am the bad onos?" asked Jimmy
"We'll have the gray oat for one," said Onld
lucks, "'cause she scratchod me t'other day."
"She acratchad me two, free, aix times,' aaid
Then Ooldlooka oaught tbe gray oat and took
her oldest dollies, and pat them in the Hood.
Jimmy sat in the ark, and laughed and clapped
In hands. Kitty didn't like being a sinner in
the Hood, and ahe strugglod hanl to get out
but the little girl held her down stoutly.
"Jumn oat of tha ark. Jimmy," she said
"and open the bird-cage door; we must have a
dove. 1 00 can climb on ino sewing marmot.
Munmi let Dick out uuite often."
Jimmy obeyed, and then ran hack to Ma
refuge But just aa he waa safely seated in his
ark then waa a splash and a ory, and nothing
waa left of Miss Ooldlooka but her feet sticking
up in the air. She had fallen into the Hoot
lunmv as sJ aa hard aa be could, and
... amine came in a ureal fright The poor half
drowned cat rushed out as mamma opened the
door, and the canary came very near going too.
"What's all thud" aaked the mother, aa aha
pulled poor streaming (lokllooka from the
It', tha fud. and I'm Noah." eaid liinmy
"A,., I I .... sot to be Noah's wife,'' said (iold
locks, "and the oat waa one of tbe sinners."
"And you got into tha sinner's plecef aaid
We give on this page a deaign by J, H.
Hobba A Hons, of Philadelphia, which may
please some of our readers, who enjoy the or.
ameutal iu house building. Although this
design inclines toward the elaborate and the
ornate iu the style of its Hnish, there is nothing
excessive or not in keeping with the general
plan. It ia well adapted for a suburban or vil
lage cottage, rather than fur a more etrictly
rural situation. It form gives the exterior a
variety of outlinea which would distinguish it
from most village housea aa they are commonly
Ky refer 'lice to the ground plan it will In
seen that it is arranged for comfort and con-
V " Uml the child.
"Well," aaid mamma, as she put the birdie
hank into hi eaf) "Ton war dotng jost as the
twople did in Noah a time. They disobeyed
Oodand yon dieobeyed me; er. yon got in the
nghtje altar all .
"Wsll, I dose I'm saved, anyhow, aaid
limmy, eornmbling ont 01 tbe an. -aire. at.
Hutu, M t, arias sssgoiw.
It will require years to flood the Colo
rado dsaart, aooordlag U rrsowol's olaa, so
snsLoi AnaeUe mathemaUnan We can t
wit "
entrances to the upper hallway.
( 'oncoming painting a houae with such a varied
outline and uneven aurfaoa, the architects write
us aa follows 1 "The paint should be ouly of one
color, and truat to nature by the force of shade,
sunshine and reflection to gild, darken and
playfully light up and tint the various parts,
whiah aha dooo with far more delicacy than the
patchy red blues and other striped colors, we
so often see disfiguring otherwise good and
beautiful designs."
It should be remembered when the mind ie
occupied with ornament in architecture that
good architeoture oniuuata in so arrauglng the
Cirts, their projeotioue, highta ami uantitise
pi ...luce the effect of fltneea, propriety and
elegance, not in having a handsome cornice, an
eiiiieite bracket ur any dalioate carvings, but
a oortain modesty should pervade the whole
and uothlng should stand forth eo ostentatious.
MKjBPmm if ll l' 1 Jl aB I' Ifl I' bbI bDL
MM MUI rlaalBBMsialBBBIBTeilt 'Balnel
6B4''lffl 'SafSalll '''l 'I wBr ' BW rW
B JJnl II "''rsljLjLKlH aBanal
vonience. There la no waste mom. The three
dnoipal rooms open directly Into the front
I, which being room-like and large in its di
mensions gives tha impression of spaciousness
to one entering the honse. There le also a line
stairway upon one side of the hall Attached
to the kitchen, there ia a large store-room, eleo
a pantry. There cava he a back stairway ar
ranged ltweea the dimng room and kitchen, if
Tbe escood story, nut shown in the engrav
lavas, ia Inlasjll J to be divided into fosr large
cbaaabers, each basing a niepiaoe eawi
pries. All the rooms are free east hews 1
It as to rob the rest of their Juet power of attraction.
It wdl bo nolo e. I that Una plan baa the
square bay window, We cannot refrain from
speaking a good word lor this farm wherever
it la lu harmony with the general design We
have found it muoh more satisfactory than lh
octagon shaie, both from the greater Interior
)" enclosed, the greater I llliy lor viewing,
Mid the harmony tbe shape Willi I
1 a r.-Tnu
a plat of the first AW given In the en
, the following are the rooms and A. front porch; H, hall. II lest
lar room
In lh.
II inehee by 17 leet II laches V, parlor, I lest
liv .11 leet , lichee; '. allttog r.ioi. IU feat IU
inehee by IU feel; It, dialog-roots, 17 fast II
iii. hcs by IU leol; r, atluhea, in leet ay it less
II inchesi II. store runes, V lost I iasa by leet I
taehi , aids porch.
Hunts asi Hnoaa wtra Hmsa Itouav Tha
XeiNvr etatea thai a f leraaaa lar so lor eswaaass
to make boots with atoae solas la the follow lag
maimer lie asiaea a suitable qaaality ei eiaaa
quarts aaad with a water prool glee, aasl spreads
it .... a thin leather aula, whiah sf en. play -I aa a
f..lalio. These quarts soles are aaid to be
rumble aol alawet iadeatraetlbss, while they
liable the wearer to walk safely ever slippery
Carta Han aa. A aanjaiitory
brwrae has bees started ia Vi e
isl I le stsaedmgly durable and
proof. Tha are also Urges than Iks
.lay artless. What aesf