79 THE WEST SHORE. June, 1879, THE CAUSE OK CONSUMPTION. Dr. Itollin l(. Oroiiii. of Iluffalo. Now York. ia confident tint ha has solved the myatery of oonautnption. Itegular physicians will be apt to ) that ha has mistaken condition for a ceue; nevertheless wa am inclined to think that good may oomo from the emphasis ho layi uxn that condition, it seems calculated to work a Iwmoflcial change in tho ouatomary treatment of tha disease. Dr. Oregu arguce that aa tha Iota of albumen from the l,li.,..l tl. I. Ill- t m.1 , , , - "a, aMmmwa of Dim kiilueya in llrigl.t'a liw, rapidly anil 1.1. 1.1. aL . r ' 11 1 j iionvaa vno lyavoin, mucii inoro mult tha mora rapid loaa of alhumon through tlio muooua mamhranoa of tha lunga In aarioua in all ila stages and apeedily fatal in ita roaulta, if ronr itioaenraa ara not lakan to atop audi waste Iwfore fatal condition! have ariaon. Thu nMM'loralioin of oonaunihtivoa, and all thair otliar catarrhal or muuoua diacharuo. from wh.t. vr organ, ara mostly alhuman and a direct loaa of to much of thia onuatituaiit from tlio U Is una wantage which cauaoa tin ..rent emaciation eli.r.et.iriatii, mm. 1:.... m - --. ... v'iiiiiii...iiii, and not, ha tliiuka, any failure of the ayatom to ...,, ii.ic io.ni. aiiii una loaa ol albumen dooa mischief not only in robbing tho nmaclaa of their proper nutrition hut alao in throwing tho ' 1,1 iomhI into dinproportii.ii. Tha loaa of one ounce of alhumou doatroya i.oatly a pound of 1.1,., -I fr all punniaoa of healthy nutrition, and laavea in tho I.I I , relative aioeM of oiiuom ol water, 7 mggaj nl hlood ooqiuaclea, II grains of fatty matter IA Kraina of lllirm, ami 41 grains of aalta! Thoaa elomanla 111 Hcjajaj aot tlio aame aa foreign ...vara in ma nioo.1, and diatiirh the entire economy of the ayalem. Night awoaU and rov art the reault of tha eicoaa of water. I lie IiIimmI nil lmk. I. I. Ii ... . I 1 1 1 .'...- .ro nocoior- nod by tha too waUry Mood, and are deinisiUxl in tha oaptlltriea or amalleat blo.nl voeeels, where tho, shrivel and beooino lulwrculoua . orpuaclaaj an the fatty tnatUra in excess oauea tha (aUy liver. wl other fatty flwmig bona attending tha diaeaae; the oaoou f libriti UJ' "',,n U'e pleura to the inner .'Si.'"' "" neart. or u. each othor, nlUn among the moat aarioua of the complica U.me of oonaumpuon; and, llnally, the oicoaa of aalta cause, calculi, enlargement of the joints oaaihcaUona, and aimilar morlnd development..' In audi caaoa ul miiiiinx.1..... 1 . - , - -...-.... mruiiuilir iwd in their earlier ate lay an alaen.ee of ! . "I"'u"ii, nr. uregg would at UihuU the beginning of tha diemva. to a Ine. of ,l..... ,, through ....no other organ or organ., the .I.1..0W blood owiuwUa l.nlgino in the lungs, eUrUng tahanuU there ami Mtting m a dry cough, HI, the resultant irritation ol the inucoua memliraoa and outporiug of nmoous. I-rem this point of view, there mi ouree ..I hope to tha consumptive in any atae the .u.. ... . sad that ia through tha fieaW l the muooua meinlraiM and tho at.,,,,,,,,,, the of 1, Hi meani, in U.e WMMtapitJ the Bum ttt all l,o hav. !k 'u ,U' m.UluU,. TIT " 10 ""P ,nm J"a treauneut WhaUre may U the ,bnniary oauaa d cm aumntion. Mil oretly o.nleol that tha mucou. die. harv. which altenda the diaoaae and Hnda reliai m eiu torau, U to be reproo, rather Ihaofrocwrafod; d to do thia muat ra.lallv '" "auaJ treaunoot of the diaoaa. 2 P rty Ma. fteaafytV Am,. WnW (liaraaa. -II jarUra are vnn i( UwporUal to know bow to am.lv then. 2ah Ua Uaat ruk d harm. At tha Uod of th. waw we aupaninaj vaa of the le unit, ,1 tUJy lV the undo, .art of the llth tw.eath the ham atnof trndwa. Thue a lioa Ura below the kae otatruiU all the eniartu ial vaaaai bat if the oootnraoo. ia a Lure, th. ham atrial tanlia keep the ureeeare oft th. ,n0a whieh retara tha la 1'afurt.aeWly, mmi ft m UnM a the U ta ....j tha fartar balow the kawa. I PAINTINO WALLfl -PSBFtJL HINTS I PBFSFP, VIVO TIMBER AL . n FORD PROCESS A FAILURE. n courw, aa,a me vimrroo. itutuirr, every body knowa, or ought to know, that walla and ceilinga are liuialicd with plaater. But every-le-ly may not lie aware that plaater hu tho property of ahaorhiug moiature. Thin, perhapa, will not tako place in rooma where a fire ia kol.t ntoadilv: hut ill rooma loft. a. 1. often thn caae, for woeka without a fire, the walla will take up a coiianloral.le iiiantity of damp. The .ilfei't ,1 ill I..- inii.ririn. tjt flw, I.. .1,1. nf ,1... iuinatea. There are few Hiraona who have not 1 ' irom a myaiorioua com, caught thoy know not how, though, perhapa, damp in the t.laator hail aomothimr to do with it. The eitent to which damp ia abiorlied in a plaatorod wall may bo diacovored by noticing what ao often takea plucu in roomi whore the walla ara painted and have become chilled hv a I ...... .L A i in nh. winuiur. a a aiKjn aa am Bam par ature iM.comoa warmer the atmoauhero ia con- donaod on the walla, and at timea in audi iuautitioa an to run off in atreama. Now, had it not lywt.t fur fhe Mini .iin I " , -. mo .vt.vi'i Liur.iou o. thia moiature would have been aheorbod bv the Lit. I ,. a. . . (loiaiurm. wa.ia. Aim aa a conaequonce the IlllalitV of tho ol.lt.ir urimlil I,., ... I....... ............ I , - --- ... . . in j. u , . , , and tho room made uiiwlioluaomo. In view of ll.m ellc t ll. ., antern una it .. ....... tion well worth conaideriim. whether, in lininh- in( a houae, the walla aliould be papered or !.ailltcil. If in, in, i ilnei.li.il M. :. i. t - i m . ii.Mi.a .i, in in guiy ii.cuaaarv that tho luintim. Iu, .1 r : : r. , .. ,B - rav " h "-i iniB u...i.oyeil. lo Kkmovk (Ihkahk ani. Paint Sp.rn. Th. aYllajfliMNW ami HuiUrr givea the following ...etui inula under tl.u aln.vo head I Tho treat.. niont vanea aooonling to the material; white linen can atand alkaline lyea, whila cotton, eapaoially when colored, duea not atid it ao won, ami wool or ailk not at all. To take greaao aimta out of linen, eottmi nr .,...l aa . .... , ' .. nv nil. i- audi) if theae do not Uka them out perfoctlv you may uae a potaah or aoda lye for lino,..; for Wlkill It I. luut ... .... I . . . ' T . . " u" ainnionia, or atrong aoan auda imio.1 with ammonia. If the greaao ain'ta aro),nHliilw,l,y tlll,(ri,..inkTiofaatoarinoo.n,ll,. winch often hapueua, uae atrong alcohol; thia ia , , ,? """nary greaao cauuot In, taken out wiLh I, ..I. i. 1 . . nocoaaary lo uao athar or benaina, and in any caae U. rub carefully with a dean rag, ao aa to remove the diaaolved greaae. Do not (aa we have often notio.l ....... i " merely pour aoino u n ,,,.. n, greaae a not and lot la ,lrv ,.. 11 .... .1 1 . , 11 out tha whole operation ia of no uae Silk require, great care, aa alao doe. p.p.r, audit reomre. aaaaa ,.,,. 1 t- . , , -" wii.,w au exnen. On. meth.nl ea,-xally .Uptoj for remoWng irreaec .pot. from llght oolored .ilk. and valu Tyalwt- pa-W . , .-..or oann, or pitwc av lay a oaimr ovar 1 .,,.1 it. STT TJ h-' lt r l VrrV rMU 1 u .1 X. la no ITS "i ?" nacommemU for -. . .o wnen uaod with care. In roij.ril I., . .rni.l.e. h . ..n nl, , .. .. ' "auaiiy aolul. 0 Ti . . V ,""v"oi man aonie oil rja It ITS lffil ' lht U,Ur h ut hu h. ... cmlnnauon with linaal oil, forma a hanl whiu. emit -Kiek la ' . -I all I liiff ' mUruJ m-.take. remarko.1 ,1., "'" hu atover may be thought of the merita 0f infuaing creosote, sometime! called carbolic acid, into tho fiber of timber for its preservation, we know that either the material or the method adopted to infuse it into the pores of the wood uaod in the construction of the U. S. 9, Van ilalia, was a total failure. In some cases the strength was so completely destroyed that planks broke into two lengths while being trans ported on men's shoulders from the tank to the vessel. The effect of the infusion of this material into the liber of green timber, on ita strength, seems never to have been thought of, much less tested. So far as observation could determine, the strength was impaired in the ratio of about the amount of material infused. It was found by the workmen, who left their dinner baskets standing in contact with the timber so treated on the Vandalia, from roll-call to dinner time, that the food had acquired a greenish hue, and could not be eaten. The most sensible method of seasoning timber, so as to make it durable, is to extract the poisonous juices drawn up into tho fiber by capillary attraction. If thia ia nronorlv done thn timbor will K. than when in its green state. There are several .. 1- 1 L t I il I uoinoue ny wnicn mis desirable end may be secured, at reasonable cost, and the timber made secure against rot for the third of a cen tury, at least. American Ship. SVYKKriNII CARPKTH. An.k.1 (I An.!e.f i. recommended to sweep her carpet with a wet u.uoiii, in omer to prevent tno dust rising. To prepare tho broom for sweeping dip it in clean water, let it l.ccoinn urfflu ri.. .., jar the water off so thoroughly that it will not .,noo. a ureauin, or part ot a breadth, then give the broom another bath always in 'It mi water, and nroee.nl Rh. ill l iiriaed at the quantity of dnst that has found .m.giiiaiK in tne Droom which changes, m a twiiiklimr. the nail nf ,....r .,t- ...... ,.,.,,1 puddle, and which otherwise would be sailing about in an untrammded freedom quite beauti ful to see, if only it wasn't dust, .intimately to nettle hint where it wnn r.nt lnm-ul nee,. locting to settle a portion of itself upon the e -I moon oiw oi ine wiidwood that have been in fully and nrti.tioallv nrr,..,,l ..,., the pictures in the sitting room." The most deli catolv tinted rinwtntn K. 1 tk. --- y . , r wmm . unwu .u hw ui.ii ner described without injury, always bearing in mind that no dripping broom must oome near it 1 1. . TH ,',..ii T... ........ .. . a. 1 " , rnuw . nil. MA. III.. A oSISl oSOTena Ol W Alton, Delaware oounty, died on May 1st of InnUioM, Although this is a rare occurrence, this i. an mnlim, ,,....) ..... ,.r J .1. Hfruvwu mwj ui uca... ic.u.vinn Irom aa exoruciating toothache. The victim, Who Ufa ...... . A ; t J : i ,1 ' Aiuonoan woman employee, ia a family in Walton, had suffered some days U'llk . . : 1 . 1 .. A At A .... . r i -"ii"..- looinncno, wnicn aocompanien ... tl I .r..l Iau A. ..... a I . j..n . au an cm pi was mane vo aa - tract the troubleaome members, but her teeth were broken off and her face was too sore to wrmit their removal by the painful prooass of cutting away the gums. The girl suffered eu dr.. - .. a" aj .P . , . - H''rauoo irom tne extreme pain, and gradually aank under it until death ended btr sufferings. An army aurgaoo, who atteaded her, pronounced her aymptoma the same as those fdlowing the amputation of a limb. to. If. T., Pnu. A HIIAI.I llOV I, A.I lii. .k.. n. .r that had been badly eaten by moths. Shortly afterward he waa in his father's stable watching the prooee. of currying his pet pony. Tke aw mat was ahedding ita ooat, and consequently Urge bunches of hair oame out with each appli cation of the comb. With teen in his eyes the little fel n.U 1... ... 1. - . . , '..imii iuui wie ouuav Mia claimed, "Oh, mammal rnaanma! the moths nave sot into m. I I ' .fU k' minej!" ' "