June, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. 169 imi viuou, ba .m.'m 1 VYUMKN. A strong, free and happy womanhood seems to demand in addition to moral, mental and physical culture, tuoh a direction of prautical energy as will make self-support as easy as it is for men; Anna C. Oarlin. Whether woman ii inferior, superior, the 'ual, or the complement of man, it still remains true that each human being would thrive best I'nder the fullest culture and with tho largest liberty to grow. Grace Anna Lewi. Girls in their teens should learn the worth of money and the judioious use of it. If poor, they should earn it honestly, and then expend it in gaining an education, save it for the emergen cies of the future. Sarah M. Perkin: The field of literature is conquered for wo men. There are no longer bars or obstructions of any sort in the way. A woman who has any thing to Bay i privileged to say it; and if it is worth hearing tho world will loud u attentive ear. Mr: E. B. Duffry. What is noeded is free, untrammeled access of womon to all fields of labor, aad equal indus trial training with men. No girl should be con sidered educated for life till sue is in possession ot a trade, profession, or business that will give her a living. Mr: Lktmort. The charitable institutions of the future will doubtless be practically managed ohielly by wo men. Let ui see to it that these women have ininda so carefully and perfectly organised that the charity of the future shall uot wi only emo tional, but wise and reasonable Anna V. HrackeU. It is often lamented that the female teachers in our publn- schools change so often, because they leave the schools to be married 1 but I be liuve this is far from being an unmixed evil, bat that on the contrary, this fresh young element has its value in the schools, and that whatever evil arises is more than compensated by the knowledge of the schools which is thus gained by the future mothers of the community, who can exercise so powerful an influence upon edu cation. Hdna D. Vhenry. Moan Ohnamrntx. A beautiful ornament for the sitting-room can be made by oovering a common glass tumbler with moss, the latter fastened in place, by sewing cot ten wound around. Then glue dried moss upon a aancer into which set the tumbler, filling it and the remaining space in the saucer with loot earth from the woods. Plant the former with a variety of ferns, and the latter with wood violate. On the edge of the grata also plant some of the nameless little evergreen vine, which bears rod (scarlet) berries, and whose dark, (lossy, ivy-like foliage will trail over ike fresh bl an and white of the violate with beauti ful effect. Another good plan ia to fill a rather deep plate with tome of the nameless but beau tiful silvery and light green and delicate pink mosses, which are met with in profusion in all the swamps and marshes. This can be kept fresh and beautiful aa long as it ss not neglected to water it profusely onca a day. It most, of count, bo placed in the shade, or the mots will blanch aad din. Ia the center of this, a clamp of large aaora violets should be placed, adding ome curious lichens and pretty fungus growth from the harks of forest treat, and a few oonee, sheila and pebbles. Tut fair tax in Guernsey is not to be trifled witfi. Ala fancy -drees ball given there recently by the subalterns of aa infantry regiment. lady noted for originality and wit was brought by chance to the sidt of out of the chief mili tary Minorities of ant place Said she to Colonel Z. : "May 1 ask, Colonel, what yoa are " "Oh," answered tilt Colonel, who was evidently not ia one of bit happy taenia, " I an nothing f What are yoa ? "I a next to nothing," was tat prompt rejoinder MAKBUi CANYON. In Powells "Kxploration of the Colorado River of the West," is given a view of Marble canyon from the Vermilion cliffs near the mouth of the Paria. This engraving is also given in Lt Conte'l "Klemonts of Geology" (Applelnn ft Co.), from whioh we take it. In the distance, the Colorado river it seen to turn to the west, where its gorge divides the twin nlsteaus. On tho right is seen tho Kasteru Kaibah displace. I ments, appearing as folds, and, further in the ' distance, aa faults. ffriio general surface of the country between of Marble canyon, and look oil down the river, over a stretch of country that steadily rises In the distance. Ulltil it loaches ail altitude far above even tho elevated point of observation, and then see meandering through it to the south of the gorge in Inch the river runs, everywhere, breaking dowu with a sharp brink, sud 111 tho perHelive the summits of the walls aptwaring to approach until they am merged iu a black line, and yon can hardly resist the thought that the rival burrows into, and la lost undor, the great inclined plateau. TmMUM, At a recent meeting of the British Arohioologieal Association, to statement made that these articles were o( a recent date, BxttHftnaBBBBBaW. xW jKmm- " ''VanaBBaftsnaxatM. ' AvVSBftBKUBX SsxssxsanaaMT" - -.tCaBnajannBxW." tswS -SBIl'aBXBane. L1MmmflVSBK jjjjuihflnjbaL- - .Saw 1 1 .jBBaW- mms SXBBBBwta 1 'ISXBBBBBB Jsjmm - ueBjiXHBffinw BIllhH KYE VIKVV Of MAIIBI.K CANYON, the month of the Paria ami that of the ('.dorado Chiiuite, is the summit of the carboniferous firaiatkin. At tbt mouth of the Paria, this It at tbt wattrt edge, at tat month of the I talon 00 Cbiuulla, it u :t,) fart abuTt tbt rlvtr. Tbt fail of tbt river, ia tbt tame distance, It a boat COO feet, so that the wh.de dip of tbt rook between tbt to nutate Is shoot .i.Kilot Tbt distance bjr river it ti miles; in direct Bat, to milts late Wt bare therefore a dip of , feat in 48 mikes, or shoot 70 feat to a milt. The slope of lot country to Ike north is the same ts tbt drp of the bads, for toe eoaalry rum to tbt sot til as Use beds rise to tbt snath. Stand tbt Ventrthoe dials, at t! vidence was addnotd to tiww that lbs Were wll known to tbt Unmans. The earliest at am) l, bwer r, In Kngland and North Kurope appear to have beta of leather, one of that material lieing shown It was in use la Coaaly Corh an lata at IWX A large namer of ts Sat plea of brans, d sting front I WW vara ex hlldtrtl They were mostly found M Uiexbm. awl some of Ike eevtntoenlk center? have inscription To partly rancid baiter, work It an with a enleUoa of at streaks af an la, chloride af Ba tata, sugar aad tartartt aevC A patent baa beta taken oat far Use sassitn, wbita It It , burned will rattort lave awel raaetd bailor.