The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1879, Page 167, Image 5

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There are nearly forty known khuls
of Toucans, most of which live in the
depths of South American forests, in
small Hocks. They are remarkahle for
the immense size of the hill, and the
strong contrast in which the different
colors of the
plumage, red,
black, white
and yellow, ap
pear. T h e
tongue of the
Toucans is very
long, narrow,
and singularly
f e a t h e red on
each side.
When one of
the birds takes
food between
the points of the
bill, the tongue
is immediately
applied to it, as
if to test and en
joy it, and after
wards it istossed
into the throat
by a sudden
throwing back
of the head.
They are fond
of making a cu
rious clattering
noise with their
great bills.
The colors of
the bill, in most
of the kinds,
arc very bril
liant during life,
but they disap
pear from stuff
ed specimens in
thl m pnNMfry
rrr r A.'nafrrM
To illustrate
the advantages
of this country
over that of the
Eastern States,
wc copy the fol
lowing from a
report made by
the Agricultu
ral Depart
mcnt :
The facilities
Oregon for raising slock have been
boiled heretofore in connection with tin
soil and climate. Hut in .0 illus
.r.,-tl,. ,. feili.:. more elearlv. refer
encics had .0 the
ernmcnt contained
and a comparison drawn between the
cost of raising stock in Oregon, on the
n it
statistic, of the Oov
in the census reports
north-west coast, and in Maine, on the
north-cast coast of the United Stales,
both States being about in the same
latitude. Maine, a few years ago, pro
duced 9715,716 tons of hay, feeding
690,148 head of stock, embracing
horses, cattle and sheep, Oregon, the
same year, produced l6yf4 tons of
hay, feeling J$ 4. -
The average ,on., I bay for
- each animal in Maine w. t,ufl pounds,
- auain.i 1,17 iiounds consumed 11 Ore-
- 1 gon. IMi'nuting
l, per Ion, In
j animal in Maine was Jc;o; in Oregon
1 59 cents, a difference of $6 per head.
the bay to be worth
cl 01 wintering an
The animals in Maine were worth
t'SrtftSttt or '7-.V The
stock in Oregon was worth ,.'-j , S. , . .
or $J,vi'J each, a dilferencc ol $b,i
per bead; in which add the difference
of $( I'm feed, and the result ia $11.15
net value in favor of each head ol
stock owned inOicgnn that year, over
k3fine?7mrJ!!L 42?.
the enure rev en,,,-. he building ami of a country taMkMM
government of Bombay 10 7S,.
j No wonder there .
Faith, gravel trains and hard work
will remove mountains.
and above the
net value of
each head own
ed in Maine.
A gill of raw
(unboiled) I'll-
send oil given
to a sow just be
fore and after
farrowing, will
prevent the dis
position to cat
li e r offspring.
This habit is an
iu,iiiicd one,
and is caused by
keepiiigthc sow
with nt hen of
her own sm-, u ,
who worry and
annoy her.
Perfect ijuict
and isolation are
which should
not lie neglec
ted. Many people
and "blunt" are
merely coarse
and boorish.
Such per
sons are con
stantly infill
ll n g wounds
whieh neither
time nor medi
cine can ever
Which la odd
est, the one
who asks an
odd ,ueslion
or the one
who answers it r
The one who
ask il, because
he is thopicrM.
The cost of
ihearmvln Brit
ish India even
in time of peace,
a Oencil in revenue