June, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. '87 MAMA A POTir. nv o. p. MASON. How re yon this morning, Barkeeper1 -esy, how are you doiug to-day With corn ha now glatioos uoii me, and to me liM nothing to say 1 Perhaps on account of my tatter, or likely my r d pimpled face, For he ia dreiae I up in hie broadcloth, and I am a horrid diagrace! llisgrao !-Alt, yea, I'm disgusting ! -The thought ii near driving me wild ! The wrong! l're inflicted on loved 0110a, my wife and my dear little child ; When I think of the hope that I once had-re- pec ted fair proapecti of wealth Whim I led to the altar that angel, in the bloom of her youth and her health, When there at that altar I promised to love her and shield her from sin, And Uod granting strength to my efforts, deter mined life's battle to win. But, oh, I was sadly mistakeu !-I dreamed not to this I would cornel Whon first with a few boon companions, 1 tipulod so lightly at rum. The appotlte daily kept growing, but I thought I had nothing to fear, My friends and my money both vanished, ami alas ! and alas! I am here To beg for a small drop of liquor, from him who has taken my all ; I know, though, if still 1 had money, ha'd hasten to come at my call. I will try him again : Barkeicr, how an you, good fellow, to-day r He still, in disgust, frowns upon me, and me he now orders away I I suppose, long since, he's forgotten, the moitey I've paid him for rum, Barkeeper, oh please give me braudy! I'm dying- I'm burning ! please, come I He heeds not!he cares not !-Great heaven ! this burning, bow oan I Mdura I The torments of hall are within me, that nothing but liquor will eure. I'd drink, if it were mixed with poison ! Ah ! yea, I do know very well I'd swallow 11 down if that moment, I knew it would send me to hell ! ih, Barkeeper, give me some brandy I for bran dy, Barkeeper, I came I Just one single drop and I'll leave you ' I'm dy ing I I'm burning with flame! Oh, Uod, he heeds not my pleading ! My mind la delirious, I think I I'd give all the wealth af the nation, for one glaas of liquor to drink ! for it I would aacrlHoe honor, aye, every loved ob ject in life. My credit, ay name, mj salvation, aye, even my child and my wife I The viper, the beast, and the monster, ili offspring will die to protect, But I in the jews of this damnum, fur mine have forgotten reaped! Oh, Barkeeper, one drink of brandy, and I swear I will go from your door A nd I pledge you, until I have money. III ask too for liquor no u. .re ! Ha amrae sael-Aed yet, while I'aa pleading, around ess tan demons anas I They hiss, aad they mock at ay garments, and glare with their blood-stained eyes ! Ah' l.ook el Ue eye of that devil' -See how the red lease from It shoots I- Another '-Another ' Oh, tare me '-Ooofl heav- ens, I've snakes in my boots! Take 'em off ! -They are gone !-How they stuug me ! Ah ! an you how totters that wall I Look out! Look out! It is coming ! Twill crush me to death it it fall ! Stand clear! It Is falling! It's falling !-There's a hideous wound in my head ! I'm dying '-I'm dying b- inches I Oh. Ood, how I wish I were dead ! Oh, Uod, la this I f-I'rsy, where am I r My head was all crushed when I fell I Not dead P-Not-Have 1 beau dreaming' I thought 1 was surely in belli Or was It Delirium Tremens r Wee I upon hell's ragged edge, Surrounded, tormented by demons I'll now take the temperance pledge. I'll reform whilst I have the iower, and try to lie manly again, "I promise, Uod help me to kep it, from liquor henceforth I'll abstain ." And now to my wile I am going, her pardon I'll ask on my knee, Ami oh the delight It will give her, her husband reformed to see ! IMMIGRANTS CHANCES IN WAI I A WALLA COUNTY, W. T. The Washington Territory " Aid Sitcifty " addressed u circular letter In the Walla Walla Union, which thai journal answer Ha follow : First-What quantity of land subject to pre emption or hnniesle..d, and suitable lor terming or grating ia there withlu easy reach of your own home t W Landi contiguous to i hi city nrr near ly all taken, ami are being cultivated, that is lo say within a radius ,,f MVffl In ten mile. Seonuil- (live particular description uf each MO acre tract, soil, timber, water -whether level or rolling. Ulve distance to navigable water, and describe mads leading lo the land, with ' o.t and best manusr of travel, (live um ber of neighbors within a circuit of say Ova miles school houses, stores, ohurcbee, mills, etc. Are there My water powers, and If eo, desert be them, with estimated cost of Improvement t How es lo building aud fencing material ' Hcyond l)rv creek and between it and the Tom-bet river, there are large tracts ot laud covered with hunch graaa, which support large numberi i stock annually, of both t.iltle and horses, na also sheep. There arc drawbacks to its settlement; sin l .is remoteness from timber awl lack of -tier. These lands, too, are suitable for raising grain) in polnl f fertility, hut little inferior lo tli.it in 0111 mole immediate vicinity, upon which thirty to fifty bushels of w heat to the acre is taiscil. J his N il of country is from ten to Iwcltc miles wide, by about fifteen long. The farms in the whole district are confined, at the lower end, to one awl a hall mil, alon' the water course, ami the graa for a distance of thi, c 01 loin mlleesTom water is yearly fed olT. There is another large scope of coun try lieyoral the Toochet, and south of .Snake river, where Hie lawl ia rijually gooil, but more remote from limlstr, .-v,-,.,.l t,, , ,,. ,, r,r(,, n SWUM river; anil ilu- ililticultics of get. ling wiitet by digging are, perhaps, mattr than on the land more con UgUOUa, The li-t 1 ict is Iron fifteen mile wide b) twenty in length, Kit rcka flat, situated a! the upper end, Within the last ye n , h is bean claimed, and 1 belli,? rapidly brought into ctilti ration, with very etwouraging result a to grain raising. These hinds me atvessihle to Snake titer nut ig.uion, awl are front seven to fifteen miles dis taOt All the lands uliove desciihed ale rnore m less rolling, it would u ditii- cull to particiiluiie a to uuv small tracts composed ol mhi acres, hut the soil i gtnerallj good, The Tom-bet l quite a streain, with great fall, and which in the settlements, near the mountains, fat utillaed, and ba several saw nulls, and there are three flouring mills, In a distance of ten miles. There are roads radiating iVoin this city a. mas the unsettled dislnct above desciihed. There are no school h es nor store nearer than from live lo twenty miles. The same is true a to chinches and mills. As to fencing and building, the mountains, di-l.uit from lilleeit lo thith live miles, have (0 Ik- dcH-mlcd upon. Third - Are there Irarls of laud in your victnlly iiiUble fur a wilutiy, sey uf In.m (en to Ihlilv fsmillea t ' There are no land in close proximity for sitchpurMie. Indeed there ia , arcc- ly a ifio acre lot vacant within Mten miles of this phice, except schwil or tailioad hunk It must Ik- remarked here that all the lands unsettled in tins county arc within the laihoad limits. Fourth Whal advantages dues jreur ntlghhnr. his! offer for stork-raising ' Her whelhei I., .1 for sheep or relUe and horses The wit. ullage for stock raising are not good, for ins reaena tint (bj gra is nil eaten out, awl the w bolt i ounti i in diatcly arnund Walla Walla i fenced up and mulct cullivati et.rpi such as is too gravelly to be plowed. We would remark, however, iimt the whole of the country spoken of above is auaceolible of Ihiiil' dWidnl I..,.. farms of acres, or If' water can I oht. lined bv iliieuns. - Ss -'ilirill ..cpu.-, In! jr IuiimU of .tiNk ..in . - 1 rc . renreo, 1 ne wain 01 walei is the only drawback to sm.essful .i, k raising. Three winter out of (but, wnh wttm plenty, stock COUW lie hrrt during , old we.illui without ih.it oi the native frees ee. Awl during witnei mere is senium in,,,,, than one moiilh. at ant lime, ol 1. . .In, ...i-.i . , to , .nit ,t,Kk through. The present year i the eighteen hundrrth anniversary of the deslrm Hon ol Pompeii and Urn tilaucuin by Mount S eauviiis, I here is to In a sci entific ermi me moral ion of the event in l'nmKii in Sot, iiiher, Victor Hugo blue pajicr. cannot write with