The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1879, Page 177, Image 15

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    June, 1879.
The leading Vermont breeders of Merino
heep have done a good thing for the fine wool
intereet of the country by tome mieroaoopio
investigation! into the fineneaa of American Me
rino wool at ootnpared with that grown in other
wool countries, aud the reeulU show a gratify
ing high atandard in our sheep. Mr. Mnrrvll'i
"American Shepherd" ii tjuotvd aa giving the
French and Herman claudication of different
qualitim of wool aa follows :
Naiue. Msssurnuimt.
1. Super-elcgte 1440 ul all lix-ti
1 Electa 1.736 of an inch
:i 1'rltna 1-M0 of an inch
1 Hecunde-prima - I :. n( an Im
:. Necunda 1414 of an Inch
e. Tenia 1410 ul an luch
To obtain data from conipariaou with theac
Hungarian olaanaad I hit
ttunitsrtftn unwashed 1-17M
CapeulOood Mop l-imti
CoUwnld rasa's 1411
Culswukl awe's I4l
l.clteatcr rein'a 1 47
Houthduwn rain'ii 1711
tiuuihduwn two's 1-700
From thoae tiguree may he aeen the high
atand taken by the Vermont Mcrinna, and aa
theae Verninntera are oloeely related to our own
sheep, imiorted thence, we may claim a ahare
in the exoellence. It will lie noted that not a
lock measured from the Vermont heavy tloeced
Meriima proves ipiite aa ennrae aa the Saxon
atandard, Super-electa, or 1-840 of an inch. We
Hnd the average eiae of the wool from the 10
1 UMa tl u 1. ... than f.utr.lltllia tl.M aia.t ill lilM
electa. We Dnd the average e! tlie wool from
the 14 ewea to be leas than two-thirds the ain
of Super electa, while out of only 14 aamplea ac
have four healing wool only hall aa ooarau aa
Super-eleota, and thoae fourare all aa Hue or
SmxTirtc Viawe or Nati'iu. Who doee
not aee that llalileo, Deecartea, Newton, lavoi
aier, laplaoe, have changed the foundation of
liuiuan thought in modifying totally the Idea of
the univerae and ita laws, 111 substituting for the
nfantile imaginlnga of non scientific agei the
notion of an eternal order, in which caprice and
particular will have no thought? Have they
limiiiiahed the univene aa aome think ? For
my p-irl I think the contrary. The akiea as we
aee them are far aiiierior to that solid vault
angled w ith shining dota and upborne sumo
leagues above ua by pillars which contented tlia
simpler agea. I do not much regret the little
'I'm: . that had wont to guide the planeta in
tiieir orbits: gravitation doee tiie work much
In U11, nod it, at times, 1 have a sail retm-m
lirance of the nine angelic ohoira wheeling Mund
the orbs of the seven planeta, ami for the crys
tal sea that 1 11 at the feet of the Klerual, I
' 1
standards, the aesoolatlrm employed so able finer than the Hamn or Australian umplea, si
rmcrosoopiet, I)r. H. A. Cutting, of tarenbarg, ' oepa the luster tWd er let sample is
Vs., who devoted mneh time and care to the j win ailed in flneiiee. only by the MMIMJ
eiaminatinn of aamplea from Vermont Merinos, I pie of very light wool from the I aie of (!
from the M.rinoa 0 Auetrelia, Hileata. tha Cspo Hope, the llnncanao w-ds are the only .,
of frond Hope, and other countries, tad from ' the last aeroed, thai prove as MNI
f'otawolde Iieeetere, and Hoeithdowns of few of our best, though neither eamde of that,
American flocka. Dr. Cutting giree tlie follow-1 lte eqaale our very beet In ...
SJSBSB aa the rtZRS work , When aaoh
Msaoflberle ' to the manufacturers of thie eosmtry. It k Bo
Vaaaosr Mssisea tnariloe ol ae (ark ' strange that Ameri. so fine rhitke have mad.
Oearseet of le nuns ' aueh marked daring the last gen
rkeest .1 10 new ! !! aiwttoa. wool priwu-.r. a.. ir
their ahare toward the rLvattoa ol quality la
American woolens. '
,.f 11.
Ooarejet nl 10 sees
rpm of owss
Aasraew ' 10
Avsrssje ol asj so
Ontea ajatisa
V.rt a-.. amlra'tu.
Var Ria AurtralUn
VI... Mass
I ass
I I asi
I lies
.1 use
A irrrta bay oaoe salted oat to bis father,
.kn hed ruouut-d lo. horse few tlWHi
1 mi , "Good-hye, papa, I love ye thirty miles fcsaf,"
lioua, A little slaUr numbly added. "Ooaad-bye, dear
1 teat PNi you wtB never rid la taw ead af my
1 Itm'UrV"
insole mi self with the thought that the laAmU
into which we loos la really lollnlle. ami all. u
an. I limrs more aublim. H evre "f true
idalion than all the aanre eirelee of Anfellv of
Kuaide. M. Thiers rarely all.wwl a Una night
hi paae without easing ui thai taadlM sa
It Is my saaat," he said. In hnwfarito tha
rhsmiat'e prof. .end vloaa ufeia I ho atom sur
paae th. vag-i. notions of melUr on hleh the
scholastic was fast t-AVaaa.
BaSAsas at a matertal for tha maoafsctere
of si' "hoi ars prnpoaad. II la sahl thai their
(real esuaapSMsa la cMsatrtee where Ikey era
(nnra aad laelr riebaeae la aaejar eminently At
them far this purpose, aad thai a prAtble in-r.-,.i.ti
t ' HamU spMN kl '"'iiol in ih. fMaw
Itehaaeat of aleohot disldlertsa la Vaaesaela ami
other laaxls where this frail Is grown m ahuii
daaesL KsponiaeaM la tha maasfaatara of
sugar frpea las frail have proved saisiseaafiL