The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1879, Page 175, Image 13

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    June, 1879.
I olly wu going into the country to aUy (or
a whole summer. There were plenty of green
Heidi end cool, rnnning brook at Unole WiU'i
uid Dolly wu a happy little girl the morning
that the stood on the front atop of her city
home, waiting for Jamee to oome around with
the horses to take them to the depot.
"Are yon aura that yon have every aingle
thing, mamma?" asked Dolly, aa papa lifted her
into the carriage; "my doll with the pink euh,
and the aandwiohet and. everything!"
"0, yet," aaid mamma, "I'm very rare noth
ing hu been forgotten." 80 Jamee touched
the horaca with the whip, and away they trotted
down the road. When they reaohed the depot
there' wu only juit time to buy tioketa, when
the train came around the curve a little distance
"0, mammal 0, papal I've left topey abut
up in the pantry I"
Topay wu the black cat, and Dolly wu going
to take her into the country, too, and there ahe
wu abut up tight in the pantry at home, after
all: The train wu vary near by this time, and
noor Duaav'i ohanoe of getting out seemed vetv
alight indeed; while Dolly wu crying aome real
teara on the sawdust bahv'a uink sun.
"I'll toll you what," uid papa, "I've aome
bunneaa in town, anil 1 really ought to attuiul
to it; an I'll atay aad oome down on the after
noon train and brins Topay with me."
"You dear old kind papa," cried Dolly. But
ahe didn't have time for many thanks, for the
train wu at the itation. A minute later the
engine wu nutting away at a great rate, and
the can were whirling along so fast that the
treee outside the windows seemed to he dancing
round and round.
Bv and bt the conductor oame into the oar,
"Tickete!" he shouted, and everyono began to
feel in his pooket for hi puree, u the conductor
paeaed along the aiale, people Mgan to laugh
and if I gave you a thouund gueeees, you
couldn't toll m why they did it. He hail
aomething in hi arm or rather on one arm,
for he had to punch the ticket u they were
handed to him,
"Whv. there' Toner!" screamed Dolly -and
all the paauDger turned around to an what
little girl tbat could tie with ucn a nig vnioe.
"It's my Topay," oried Dolly, again, "and
ahe' shut up in the pantry at homo. '
This made every one laugh, of oouru, but
they didn t know, u I know, that the puuy
limped ont 01 tne pantry winnow wnen n
ieard the carriage drive off, and ran all the way
to the atation uid sprang on the train just u
it wu moving off. What do you think of that
forapuy oat! Q. M.S. H in Trtbvnf,Jr,
ti u. vit. Wt h..t.,r Tlwimann
IXUts 11 nn v m . -" t
taking once for hi text, "lok not upon win
1 X 1- a L ...... " ...I... .1 ........ II..
When 11 IS m w sees e iies
evil effect of drinking upon the head, heart and
puree Aa toe oongregauou neparteu, two ok
cmniea, gives to taking more than a "wee drep,'
ialkn.1 over the term on. "Did you hear von
Johnnie!" quoth one. "Did I near't! vYha
AiAmm. bear't! I ne'er winkad an '." "Awul
aa' what tfaooht y o't!" "Aiteed. Davie,
think he hu been a 11 in hie day, or I
ooaVdaa ha' kea'd u wee! aboot it; be' Iwen
ely hand hu the minuter :
Mat year ago a oertaia Kev. Dr. Htowart,
famoua for hi long emoaa, wu in oaargo ol a
.-,..1. In BiMikiliini four tuilae Iron Belfast
a. i.t mnkmrttmA from the ohurrh door
before the esTvtot wuover, aad 00 of the livery
. . .1 I f ..k.
earvaaaa, us comae m
(Jat outeide, addreeaed bar is Coaaly Antrim
HootoB: "Well, Jinny, as use ueew saan
din" yet? "lie's in au aotaoa of beviu' dia
Ilea suinain' awa and apumia awa ; bat
tow aia' half aa 'oer ago."
The study of men' names i interesting, u it
how that they all had their origin in aome
lilting fact. A writer in the New York 7Wi
preeente aome of the fact which gave birth to
the more common uamea now in UM:
Many Kngliah aumamee oipreu the county,
Mtate, or reeidenoe of their original hearer; u
Rurgoyne, from Burgundy; Cornell or Comwal
lia, from Cornwall; Kleming, from Handera;
dukin and (lUcnyiie, trom (laaoony; llanway
from Hainault; Folack, Inun Poland; Welsh
Walsh and Wallia, from Walu; Comb, Comp
ton, Clayton, Mutton, Preston, Wuhiiigtoii
L & ; . il . ... A M "S
iroui wi vowua m uie county 01 nuaaex,
the prolix atte or at, softened to or an. ha
helped to form a number of name. Thus, if a
man lived on a moor, be would call himself
Attemoor or A tumor; if near a gate, Allegata or
Atgete. John atte the Oaka wu in due time
shortened into John Nuaka. Peter at the Heveu
Oaks into Peter Suook.
In old Kngliah, appUgarth iiioant orchard
whence Applegato and Appletoii; uhue, a for
reat; clive, a hi!, olough, a ravine; txibb, a
harbor; whence thcao iiainu.
The root of the ubiquitous smith is Die Anglo
Saxon amiUii, to smile. It wu applied prima
1 11) to blacksmiths, ulieelnglita, . si pr liters,
masons, anil amitera or strikers 111 general.
linker, laylor, lliltler, t oleiuan (coachmen)
Draper, C'owper (cooper), Cutler, Miller, am
the rcat, plainly denote occuiietiona.
lrimer I a maker ol pur ami bridlelnta
Arkwright, a maker of eheata; I .under, oon
traoted (nun lavandier, a wuhnrwuinuii llama
tor, the keeper of a bath; Kidder, a huckster
Wait, a minstrel; (rocker, a potter.
Such names u Baxter and llagster are th
feminiue of baker; Webster, of Webber or
weaver; which ahowa that theu tradu were
ttrat followed by women, uid tbat wliou man
bgan to take them up they for aome lime kept
the eminiue names.
Steward. Stewart, or Stuart. A bled. Kuigh
Ixird, Bishop, Prior, Chamberlain, Falconer
I'mim xi i IX Pi i.mon xnv DiaaUau. The
following i( e traded f nun the ttullrim if Thr
nivNifjuc "Dr. BUehe states that a rentier
ietnileum having been prohibited hyajnvW,
11... ........... ..1 ....... . 1 .... 11..
iatribution of petndeuin in medicinal dusu,
hi led hi an luiiuiry being made u to It
lleged utility in atfedinn of Uie chut The
native petnileum fnim Pennsylvania and Vir
ginia wu that experimented upon lint. It la a
leggett (legate), either aignilled what the pel
and I'ope.
on so tyled were, or they were give them
jest or derision, like the names rung, I mice
The termination wanl indicate a keoiier, na
Durwanl, doorkeeper; llayward, kwper ol II
town cattlo; Woodward, forest keeper.
Iteail. I; I, or Keid. is ui old form of spell
ing rel, and wu bMtowed, u vt hits, Unit
uid lllack, were to denote the color worn
the complexion hail.
Hogarth, from the Dutch, means generoua,
high nature. I; Ituah i nubile, Buwne, ready
llonner, kind, gr. ions; r.ldrnlgc, wild, ghastly
Many Welsh name ualuraTueil in Kngliah
are from personal traita, u More, greet; Hurt,
black; Vaughau, little; Ijuie, slender, Mole,
bald: (lough, red.
Surname, now apparently mneoiagl, had
meaning in old Kngliah aud provincial .bale. t
Hrock, lor inelancc, signiiies hanger; imikii
niaatiil; Todd, tot; Calver, pigaoai lleuehaw
young heron; I oka, cook.
Two old Teiu rangers, who bad jut helped
bury a aaigbbor, were talking about religion
and on uked the other how pi.o he thought
it wu isueaibl for a man to get in this world, if
be wu ia re "Wa al, eatd the other, r
flectivaly, "I think If a maageU so aa ran ewe
teen or trade bureau wilhuat lyia', 'at kW
better pull out for the Utter land aore be
a relapee."
! Sumatra, whenUlagraph
layed or fail to be toaaamitted, It u
win are down or waa'l work, u elan bus, 11
it is not attributed to Mora. RlepkaatB aad
tiger apart the peea and Bonkers Wan t
nre by taking gymaattle xi rules ea tsnav.
very safe aiibslanee, for even large iiuautitlaa.
hen drunk by error, have caused only a little
nausea. In chrome limiiuhltia, with abundant
expectoration, it rapidly diminialiM the anion ut
I the secretion and the iiaroxysiiis ol coughing.
Mid in simple bnmuhiti, rapid unelioratlon hu
been obtained, lta employment in phthisis hu
been continued lor loo short a time u yet to
allow of auy opinion being delivered aa to It
etlkiciicy, fsayoud that it dimiuishee the eipee
loratlou, whb h also loau lta pan'ulenl charac
ter. The petroleum la popularly taken in diseae
of a teuponiiful before each meal, ami after the
flrat day auy nauaea which It inav eiolla In
oino per. on dipiear. M. (lardy, a Pari
1 on mi, 1. -11, hu piepare.l capaulu, each oon-
laiiiing eenligraiiiinee ol petmleom, or, U ha
cell it nil" UaHion, from the name of an
ancient pi tmleiiin apring, ami tins Dr. Itlauh
oiisnlera as the moat lavoralile mialo ol admin
isteriiig it,"
Kr.l'sllilNi. 1111. K. Some eurioiie fails
have come to light about the regeneratloo of the
eye .lining oiparinionU niasle bv M. Phlllpeauti
facta ol a very pleasing kind II we ouiy Inter
that what appllea to inferior animals la appllea
file also to man. M. I hllilieaut hu Mas, II
seems, anxious to discover whether ou mini
plelely emptying the eye of young rabbits uid
guinea pigs, the vitooua humor would ha reor
gMilaeil, and whether even toe uryatallln would
Vhi reprilucd. With this view, he hu been
..imIu. ting hi operation, always, of course,
taking oare net to touch the crystalline capsule,
for experience hu ehown that in enter that aa
organ shall regenerate, a portion ol It must lis,
llt lii it place, II aeein that a muntk after
the mutilation wu effected, Iba experimentalist
wu aide to htl that the eye, winen nan naen
almd, were lined airesii, ami inai ine . n
talllne wu re. onstitiiUKl He oparaU-d mi VI
animals, and in each case the nmllltated eye
revived. Una would seoin to allow thai the
optic organ hu (ha same capabilities U the
bnuw. I h organic pro. ess repair mi vii ami
reponalructa, more or leu ouajuktoly, that pnr
lo.n wblob tlU be.11 still, k off f nut. lb w hole
tafMff Ui rlal . Pat tie oartoiaa
to leak ia lukewarm water, turning over aad
clapping between your hand two or three lions
during th.. 'U hour that th. remain la the
water. Then if you have a wringer, I.. I.I
smoothly ami put through louulvi repeat lor
two or three day if very mock euiied ami
smoked. Th lut time tkey are pal to uak,
ahl to ovary galbsn of water two oaaou of pul
vertaxl bufaa, after which pul tbem on to boil
la this water. When enabled a short tune rtiuw
thoriiugbly, ami make a thin elan L, with a
tnfl of blueing 10. Now uia at awt to yoar
carpet eoeae ahnela, which (tone, wring out the
curtoina, aad pm right side down upon Ike
sheets, putting la pla la every two lavehee.
SuaUib them evenly, bat lake oaf art to draw
..ut ..f h. t tbeat be until dry, when go
over with a hot HeUroa, kaatstag a thin cloth of
paper between la Iroa and curiam, thna re
move the put, aad yuar urtoia are ready to
Mi Kales sari tbal m dredge boat ku beau
aud at Ike South pans Jetttoa during the put
tea BMaata. all report to the eoalrary art
wlthstemliog The channel la aow ante to lake
eareef Itself
TNaia 11111.mi1 akllUd rtbboa weaver have
left Mulboau. Alaaoe, im Iba New J.rtey llk