June, 1879. THE WEST SHORE. '73 THB TELRORAPH AND TELEPHONE. I THE " COUliXIX' " fiV JliUA oMUH. Fleeter Ciaii time. acroae the continent. Through unaunned ocean depths, from beach to beach, Around the rolling globe thougtu'e courlera reach. Tha new-tuned earth, like eoni vaat Inairuuioiil, Ting lea fmm anno to tone; lor art baa lent New iieriea, new pulse, new motion all to each And each to all In awlfl electric ipecch Bound by a loroa nnwearled and unspent. Now lone Kalalidltl lalka with Caucasus, Tha Arctic Ice-flalda with tha aullry South', The lun-bathtd palm thrilla to the tiine-lree'i call. Wa for all realmawere made, and tney (or ua For all there la a soul, an ear, a mouth ; And tlnieatid apace are nought. Tha mind la all. -Atlantic JfenlAlp. SHALL THEY BE OUR CONQUERORS Wa mem oor fooliih, improvident mil health dsatraying hnbite. It ii reduced to just that alternative. To go on without change ia aimply to pariah. We may talk about land grabbing, and monopolies and a took, gambling, all bad enough, but it ia the evil habit of the maaaea that are their real oppreaaora, and unleaa they oan find emancipation from these their dam nation ia certain. There oomea up from tha million a moan of want and a pleading (or work; but thia aame million the moment they have earned a dollar will ruah off and aond tha major part of it in some inexouaably fooliah or criminally wasteful manner. And thna their time, etiergiea and means are conaumad to no good, but very often to only a bad purpose Over a thousand men are idle on the Comatock For months thev have been without work, liv ii,'. frniii hand t.i mouth, and moatlv on credit. Then they get employment at four and five ,1, ,11.11 s a dav in the Sutro tunnel. Thuaa are good wagea, and with economy they could save more than one-half their earninga. But the moat of them save little or nothing. The oanihWa and aalnonkoriwra get 75 ; of their wiicee. Half the buildings in the town of Sutn are devoted to dioe, card dealing anil the liquor traffic. A new whiaky ahop ia oiened there every day in tha week, and a place of thia kind having been opened nover oloaea. ' It ia run day n,l .11.1,1 week dava and Sundava, aud will so go on till tha town euffnra a oollapse and the miuera, joining the brigade of the deed broke, decamp in search of other quartan. Ho addicted ,. thi. ,.laaa to thoao unoiulthrift ways and vi cious pastimes, that the buaineee prosperity of a mining camp can wall be measured by the uutnber of these dene it ia able to eupport. But theae and like folliea are not confined to in. .nut am towns and tha minora. They are indulged in by tha maaaea everywhere. II 11 tha city a manor woman ia advertised to walk on a wager thonaanda (look to sea them, gaping and gassing and working thameelvea into an escitemrnt, even though tha thing is a sell throughout And ao of tha horae races, billiard ......... 1 mat, I. in and other put no I11U of CZ t',.l start anything of the seuaalional order and it ia easy to wnng a few thoueaiida out of the hard flats ol tna woraing peopi.. If ,.11.. fellow iteU him nit-' an India robber sack and floato down Western rivers the n.nl. mM salher in crowds and receive him wilt acclamations, firing rockete and ringing balls sa it soma great conqueror had arrived at their place. . Tha misery and impoverishment of the meases an due mainly to thai exoreeee aud follies. They are slaves to their appetites sod pasepue, and from this bondage they oan alnte set thrin selves free. Wa have nursed into s trouble eoraa vigor too many ewperfiuoue stints and asset aet about getting rid .4 than. We moat rad.ee the calendar of or idle days, curtail unnecessary eipeneee sad learn to live mora within our means or onr eondition as a geWtf to k. iMssnkaenl And in ffr. lu.g this arresodmsnt It will not do to rely .pen the 1.1 ... l.Vww nl others, every msa Will WKUinii. ' ' - :- . have to be hia own Many readers will remember the Smith sisters, of Ulaatonbury, Conn., who did not believe in taxation without representation, and allowed their oows to be sold by the sheriff rather than pay the taxea aaaaaaed against them. Tha Smith aiatera are no mora one ia dead, the other married. The 'oourtin'" of Miaa Julia Smith begauin a literary correspondence, "I ft summer," said the venerable bridegroom at tho wedding reception, "when I read that her ais ear had departed, I wanted to express ray aym- pathy in aome way, nut knew not now to no 11 xactlv: hut hually sent her s volume 01 111 luteins, having written on the margin J .1.1 f At iL ' Tt.H jeep eympautio. 01 mo buiiht. sent me a pnuiphhit entilleil, 'Ahoy Nmllh ami her Cows. On the cover of of my With '1 'hereupon ah that pamphlet aaw an advertisement saying that Miss Julia Smith, unaided, hail traiislateil the entire mine, and that it was for ssle at Hartford. I inline- listclv arnt for it. and found that it waa unlike the uaual version, or King Jamea'a lllble, as it ia oalled. I then began reviewing the llible, and tha lint thing that 1 110ti.nl waa the taueea how different they were from inoae in mo common version. I then wrote to tho trans lator, and aha replied. Then I wrote again ami got another reply; and finally I wrote to her that anoh a largo book aa tha Bible could not be gone over hy correepondence, and ssid 1 would Ilk. to vi.it har. She then uordtally and frankly invited ma to come. I came, ami we chatted together. I think on the first visit we chattel three houra at one Billing. 1 out i" axpeot to oall again. And at laat, whan 1 got ready with my satohal in my hand to walk down to Uks the atage, I found a carriage at the door. I aaked her who waste uriver nne aaid, 'I must, aa you would not know wnsre 10 go.' From that time I found har acquaintance an pleasant that I aaked leave to call again, ttho thonoht it not adviaahlo to marry at all; that alio hail liettor wend her way through the r .m.lnr of her life s one. Hill St last I coil 1 ' h.r that 1 was a man of honor and some what of a scholar, and not a tramp; and ao aha finally aaidi 'Upon the whole, il wa can live happier together, I don't know why wa should not TheTiouee is large enough lor Isilh of us A nl an aha twit tha rue into Inv hand", and, hy the help of Or. Koudder, aha ia my wife. An rnormoua cake 'waa preeanted to the married nair bv divers friends, who ornamented II with this genial inscription: "flood wlehee end v to the new marrle.1 pair, Mua JulU the brave and A. Parker, Ken What II, ...mi . or tub Biaits - "A tlsrman dealer recently received S2,(i dead Inn ng birds, 80,000 dead aquatic birds, and HOO ISX) nana of wings ol luMs as all ainna i"r in" Lieta Thia U a Met but significant pare- graph. All theae binla are eaeriticed tha ?i. ' .. 1..1.,,.,. Hhonl.l tho faahion Iw miieh longer continued our birds may all fall victims to ft, and than the inaecU will have their own lively time of it. The only salvation from such a threatening C'mtinjraaey ia In tusking the wearing of inseota faentoMhle by Hie whole pen ..I. Il..l..,,i, Unmet oriialurllts might l i uu.h .1 out of grasshoppers. ook r. arl.ee. huttetfiiee ami molba; and eplendbl Jewelry oat NOBODY TO BLAME. Yea, I know it Tom and Isabel are divorced. Rut what are you going to do about it? There ian't the amalleat filament of any sort of mutual feeling or Internal to hold them together. You might as well eipeot two grains of eand to make rock, by being blown about in the winds of San Kranciaoo. People used to marry with the eiieetation of being helpful to each other. Y'ming men made sums ostentations and prepar ations before marriage. Oirla had store of hoiiiekeeplug tlilnga made up, and lying ready for uaa. There waa a roof over tha heade of young couplca in those daya, meal in the meal, cheat, and hlauketa, feather bede and house linen to the fore. Tha young folks mule a loint atock company, and ware willing to work to aave, that the'i'nmpany'a affairs might prosper, and the firm remaiu aolvent Hut Tom and Bel I Tom badu't a dollar that he didn't gel bv chance. He went through tha high eohool and came nnt with Juat that kind and amount of knowledge that filled him to be taken care ol by l.. ..l . Instead ol acquir ing some Iniaineae enperionoe, or learning a trade well, before he was il, or being appointed to a BjeJejajM and working hia way up to a good holding on place, he came out of action! to hang ,ti . inn. I hla mother a parlor or pernsia o. . oomere, to "look for a situation," without really wlalilug to get it, and to fall In love ami man into mslrimouv. mil "I nir iiiicueee. Aim net, why Bel aupiMiaed that marriage nonlerred aome aiipomstural pnwars of gelling a living, I euii- ttoec, or elan ann never nsn an me auuwe saw matter. 1 would lika to know how people are to continue living together wben Uiey are tired to death of each other's helplesaness, and when they haven't a aingle mutual interact to anchor to. Bl Hied to get a "situation, aeeing that l oin couldn't, and auulled for a oerlllleaU to leaeh 111 Ihn schools lhal tlnialieil her off. Did tin gat In? Not a bit of it She oouldn'l be- gin to pees an inanimation. oat .n. ewfeei" to .I.., now aha ia divorced, gootlneaa knowe ! What aha aaajW do it would 1st hard to tell And Tom ! why 1 suppose ha will U fas; acwi that ia aa faat aa he can be without any monev, hut that which hia friend fnrnlsh him. A mis take in the matrimonial line ia auppoesd MM t perinll Ui go to the Isnl. It eannoi tie neipeti, 1 ,.....o.e Yerdiel Nolaely l n AWii rwroa, Is 'H'l' "ernl V. rformer,-JiV mmd A Wonu tu laauaAHit Orrnaa. The CI..W f SaU,ttf Kt!r anggeaU to Ufa Insurance companies, that Instead of merely hammering al a man's eheet to find if he hat a tendency to any disease, would it not be wall for Ihe medical eamlners of life insurance com panic, to inquire if he has nut got a aeml leak log into hia well, or unlrappeal plpea be neath hta Itaaina awl eb-eeU! More par sons .lie of .ym'itlc diseaass ia New York than Irom alinusl any other malady, yet a man living in Iba mldsl ol Mmlagloos leflueneea, and hsnea dally liable to lake diphtheria or lypbcid fever, would yel hud lillU trouble in getting a heavy policy on his life If insurance nfllcsra would viva n.ia aubieel their altenli m tl"y ml(jhlae ol l lorad polato Iwtb, l urculM-. appU Ire. 1 m,u, h-. u, lh.tr MMMM an. si- aw 01 iwie.ii'r- , .. .. . ..ullw . .', ... 1 (,,.,( men foilin that borers ami 1 lunch uugs. we mmmm - , nt ins pwitiu g 11 - - . ,r V. II Ihlnge ennltii. ae iney asw . lu. h.-mes were ratwo m ni-.- , - Ibis will uliinaaUly I- oor owly aais- mua mMm Ugm to thlak ..f finding a ra-4y ....oarer (. ,!. .Ulbiull. what wa aa g.niig now guard against Nrarr. ".,w ranch do yon ask for thai I qsiraal a cuatomar "f a market wooiso &I0 . iioi I ,r tha two." raullad lb. "flat f want only ," aaid the cuaUwwr can't help il, aoaw.rw.1 in. woman, a g..iu to sell una without taw other ,r In- Seven (.. is Itsisrii'S r. Hasi.r. Iler.tolora Ml haa l.o o.aplefal highly don-laclvn Ui hMlth tballlisanesccavlinglyalhlnlrli- . ..i. ,. tk. .ito.i.h.t.. hot sevatal aesantasii aave I ami MKwetJy Uk.o lb. opyuwl. view, ansa M)be t.M; ...suing i-iuwha .. U.-e .bo believe .oa-me aawf " aWlHtV1 certain knowUdge. the, era gwraa have hat .Ua are aOa aalvaaaUy vgcibar for mors n 13 ysars. ami I am I a-gmn , l 1 I,, !, ao eeieaua' sa to asperate 'am new. I"""""