The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1879, Image 1

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VOL. 5-No. 6. jL Mgiggfcf?, Portland, Oregon, Juno, 1870.
IVr AnotiM. Ml
iss. I
Wc present to our readers, in this
issue, a correct engraving of Nahl's
celebrated painting of the spot where
the first discovery of gold on the Pa
cific coast was made in 1S.18. This
miner's ax, pick and shovel have de
stroyed the heautics and transformed
the features of nature till not a single
trace of her appearance remains a-, ittn
hefore the world-icuowucd discovery.
The written history of the spot, and
'50 and '51 an exact copy of nnturc, an
the scone appeared before its sulme
tuent destruction by the gold diggers.
The sketches were probably taken in
the spring, or hefore the drowth of
summer had destroyed the verdure of
tr' MBrUSr( . Ik '"t flflRHH
picture is a true copy of nature in its
relations to the past. It is the only
correct representation that remains of
the memorable spot where the golden
fountain was first tapped from whi h w
piany rich streams have flowed. The
thi beautiful picture alone remain to
enlighten the world on this important
matter. Hut history ami art are twin
sisters; one is tbe trcasurc-trove of
knowledge, the other of beauty. It
is pronounced by the old pioneer of
winter, and toiiM-ooeiitly there t a
fre.hiitss ami auty about the paint
ing whir h ian lie found in the foot.hills
oolv lefnre the dry weather seta in.
Sutter's Mdl, which is the principal
feature in the picture, w located u