May, 1879. 136 THE WEST SHORE. DtfTtMOl isiii i Visitors, Hon. I'. ,M. Pixley, tlx accomplished eat tot of the Sin Francisco Argwdi ami Hon. A. A. Sargent, laic 1 . s. grantor from California, arc honoring ii Northwest with visit, Both gen- lli 1111 11 arrived here on tin- new steam- .hip "Siaii- 6fCallrbrnia.M 0KE0ON WHKAT WHO AN BEAT IT? V hereb) ctrtifj thai we recently ground mmm ninety-day or Centennial whoalt for David l. Prettyman, 1., I Polk countyi urcgon, ami mat tnc aid wheat made forty six poundi of ilnur in tin bushel atcettalned hv ac tual weighing. The Hour whh of the best quality. Hi 1 KIMOHAM iV Smiiii, of I'.x- celaior Mill. Sai.i w, Ohm. on, May 14, 1S79. VVIien Disraeli took his scat in the British Parliament, both the Jewish and Oeotlle world looked upon the redemp tion of Palestine as near at hand; and when, during the darkest days of its last sore tribulation, tile Sublime l'orte, 11s was said, made definite overtures to the Kothchilds to sell for ready cash feruialeoi, and so much of Syria as would comprise Galilee, Judeu and Samaria, the long wished-for year of 1 deliverance was thought to be at hand. Hut so surely as the Turkish power is waning, so surely will this priest-ridden and enthralled country, ere long, arise from 'ts slumber of ages and take its place among the civilised, if not enlight ened nations of the earth. As a whole, its people are civilized already, and a totype. Between friends and strangers, the line of demarkation is nicely drawn. A Syrian, meeting either a fellow-countryman or a foreigner, salutes him by touching, with his right hand, his breast, lips and forehead. Thus signifying that the person saluted is cherished in the heart, praised by the lips and es teemed by the intellect. A greater deference for fancied or real superi ority is shown by lowering the right hand almost or quite to the earth, thus honoring the ground trodden upon by the person encountered. The highest respect of all is shown by kissing the hands and feet. A stranger entering the tent of a Bedawy or cottage of a Fellah, is sure to be respectfully re ceived, notwithstanding what may aftcr- 1 1 As l l 1. Ill MN SYRIA. COM ION OIUM tl'OMUl N'( I is (L-Mni Ak. Nia lit sis, Svnn, 1 Mnh 1 j, 1X79. 1 I 1.1 1. .11 Witl BflOll : If it lakes aiintliti RuMoTurklsh war to o im poverish the Ottoman empire that the Sultan will lime Ml Othei N XJtttM but to tare ovej tc Hoi) Land to Jewish hanker, orieitl louiil will nut t .Hi how m.oii it cunii'i. 1 .mi inclined to I the Wlirf lhat many of tin mmr intelli Mil Mohammedan who have valu-l able MesioHN scattered through ihisc legions, would gladly exchange tin htarctt deotmn of thru land fur anv foi 111 of government that w ould eman cipate ihcm from ihc abject servitude that goad them on everj tiek. few roving bands of Bedouins, too indo lent to woik and too ignorant for busi-iii-sv, ;ire its only tramps. The cas anti v of Galilee and Judca are, to-day, in a far better condition, financially and socially, than similar classes in there lined nations of Northwestern Kuropc. This may sound like a broad assertion. but my fellow-travelers here, and unong their number are several Eng lish gentlemen of high culture, fully endoisc all I have said on this point. The common eople of Syria retain and cherish with almost religious fidel ity, oty many of the ancient customs 1 and usages. Let us take a single in- stance. The act of salutation adheres strictly to its original and beautiful pro- wards transpire. The population of Palestine mainly comprises the three religious denominations, Jews, Chris tians and Mohammedans. The Jews i throughout the country would number, perhaps, from 10,000 to 15,000, and are mostly of Spanish origin; they reside almost wholly in the four cities, Jerusa lem, Hebron, Tilicrius and Safct. The Christians are generally of the Syrian race, and In-long, nominally, to the Greek church. Their "Patriarch" re sides nt Jerusalem and has ecclesiastic dominion over the whole of Palestine. Under thb functionary there arc eight bishop, whose sees are Nazareth, Acre, Lydda, Gaza, Scbustc, Nabloos, Phila- iCoMludol ua pt Mi