May, 1879. '34 THE WEST SHORE. (III. HUM llll. All. i ... wkl.i.GN. 1.1 1 1 ADM KAFAIL, The hand of the office dock were jui pointing to the hour of (It when I locked the lin'iks, thus ending my duties fm the day. Ah 1 emerged from thr office, I saw passing along the other side nl Ihr itfMt mi Old Oregon pioneer, .111.1 IHtnd of my youth. I battened after him Mid took him by the hand. It hod hceii Mime lime llnCC I hint saw liim, and us our acquaintance had been during my boyhood day, I was not at nil surprised nt hik ilowtMH in recog nising me. It took, however, hut a few early reminder to cause him to ex claim, "I declare! declare I Howdy do, hoy? llowdy-do? (ilad to see you. (iiown up to he 11 man. I ticclarcl I declai. if! "Ye,"iul 1, "boy are like weeds, they will grow." "That's a fort, Rafael; that's n fact." "When did you come in town?" I atked. "Just got In I came down on the cnr. Lei's sit. It's heen ahoiit ten years linCt I was lu re last. Hut what a dif ference U'twecn now and thirty years ago, when I use to come her in a canoe. Bhf "Yes," I sniil, "lime eeps moving on, lending the march of improvement, and drags us along with it. Hut let's not tnp in r. Come and stay with me to-night." "No, thank yon, Rafael, I'm regis- tared il the Clarendon'1 "Will, come and take dinner with Mil nn way, end I would nlso like to have you go with me to the thvnter tO night." "Theatet' well, I would really like 1.. z there. 1 guess I will accept, for its been nlmul thirty yean since my last attendance at uch a place, and that was the fust theatet in Oregon." n. Wi ll, come along with me," said I, "I would like veiy much to hear about Oregon' first thintei, and must insist on your lelatiug it this rveuiug.'' When dinner WMOVei I wheeled the arm-chair out, saying, as I did so: "Now, Mr. Newell, 1 want to hear all altout that eatly theater attendance of yours. We have plenty of time be tween now and the raising of the cur tain at Ihit evening' performance, to ait right down here and begin." "Well! well! but you must know thai il was dilTticiit iii those days from now." "Yes, and that's just why I want to hear about it." "You'll excuse me, then, if it don't Come up t your expectations, and par ticularly if I relate it in an off-hand sort of way?" "Oh, certainly," I said. "Let me see," said he, "I believe I told you thai it was about thirty years ago." "Yes," said I. "Well, it's a little more than thirty years. Just trot back with me over the past to May, 1846, when I was Cap tain of the 'Great Mogul,' running from Canamah to Champoeg) on the Willamette." I For the information of such of our readers as are not Oregon Pioneers, it may lie well to state here that the "(ireat Mogul" was a flat-lottomcd scow, propelled by oars, but at that time considered the crack craft on the river. Eo.J "Well, in May of that year, Her Britannic Majesty's ship "ModeRtc," sailed up the Columbia river and dropped anchor at Vancouver. That place, you must understand, was then included in Oregon. This vessel was officered and manned with a happy and jolly crew, and a they tarried, they received much hospitality at the hands of Oregonians. The jolly tars took it into their heads that they would make a theater out of their ship for the timc bftngi and extend in return, hospitality to their many friends. It would have done your eyes good to have seen the scenery that these tan painted for their stage. I tell you! Mt. Hood was no hole in the ground in those days. It was just as big then as it is now, and a representation of it on canvas formed the drop curtain. Their first entertain men) waaa aucccas; also their second, and the news soon spread throughout thl QQMlre of the good times on board the hip "Modeste," and cvcryliody wanted to go. 1 remember I got the fever bad, and 1 told my girl if you w ill allow me the expression that we would attend the next, sure; and she teemed delighted at the idea, as she had never attended a performance of such a nature. It might Ik- well right here to say that my girl's name w as Annie, and that she was then attending Ivoarding chool in Oregon City, her folks living on Tualatin plains. Well, it was hut n short time until it began to be circu lated that the grandest time of all was going to be had at Vancouver, about the middle of May. So I told Annie to hold herself in readiness. It gener ally took U the best part of a day to make the distance between Oregon City and Champocg, and well I re member the last trip before the affair; how hard I worked to enable me to (. et back early, so as to get everything ready for an early start next day for Vancouver. But the harder we worked the more difficulties we met with. Iking pretty well loaded, and the water quite low, we often dragged on the shoals, and it was near Rock Island that we stuck fast. Darkness began to gather about us. I thought about my engagement with Annie for the theater, and felt like jumping out, wading ashore, and footing it the balance of the way to Oregon City, leaving the boat in charge of the men. But on second thought I resolved to stick to my "ship," and ordered the men to shift cargo. After this was done wc all got out into the water with hand-spikes and began prying her off. By this time it was far in the night, but after a great deal of hard work wc succeeded in getting the cruft once more into deep water. However, it was then too dark to navigate, so we tied up to the bank and turned in for the night. In my dreams that night I was wading to the theater, carrying about one hun dred and twenty pounds on my back. At the first streak of day I was astir, and had my men on the move. We got along all right the rest of the way, arriving at Cancmah about 8 o'clock in the morning. There was no time to be lost, and I did not remain to give any orders, but rushed frantically along down the trail past the falls till I reached the door of Annie's boarding house. 1 had caused the poor girl much anxiety, but whether it was from fearing that something serious had hap pened to me, or being disappointed at the idea of not being able to attend the theater, 1 will leave you to judge. I told her, panting, and in broken words, that we would go if it took us till mid night to get there, and that I would call for her as soon as I could get things ready, and then rushed off. The Calipooia, plying between Oregon City, Portland and Vancouver, had left the day before, and the regular