The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1879, Page 133, Image 5

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    May, 1879.
milli an represented by Brown Broa. i Co., and
in Portland hv Jacobs Broa. A Co.
Major Thomas Channan, one of Oregon City's
most successful business men, has been eatabliahed
here sinoe 1853, and r till does a large business in
general merchandising. In anything that ia likely
to benefit his locality, we find Hr. Charman always
willing to assist. He was one of the principal
projectors of the Woolen Hills, and also helped to
start the Clackamas Paper Hill, located two miles
below Oregon City. He has ofteu served the
poople satisfactorily in places of trust aud honor.
No. 2.
scrupulous honesty have secured for him a large
share of patronage.
8. Ackermau oocupies a handsome corner store
40 feet front by 60 in depth, where he was just un
packing hia summer stock when we last viaited
Oregon City. His facilities for purchasing are
such that he successfully compete with Portland
Arms. Having done business hare for twenty
years, he is well known and liberally patronised
Johnson, HcCown A Hacrum, attorneys-at-law,
have been eatabliahed here aince I80.V Mr. Mao
rum, who represents the tlrm in Portland, waa ad-
ami haa been eatabliahed here for fifteen years.
Iln haa a verv ailaneive practice, and Is also a
member of the tlrm of Chance Welch, whose
elegant dental parlora are located in Odd Fellows'
Temple, Portland. We ran ieraonally apeak In
favor of Dr. Welch a skill as a surgeon deutlst
Some sis years ago we suffered from a ipso lea of
lock-jaw, brought about by affeeiad teeth, and un
der the moat unfavorable circumstances, tti
Welch attracted three teeth for 11a. Our attend
ing phyaioian at that time, ectally pialaed Ihla
as a Hue operation.
i il
No. 4.
No. ft.
VIKWS IN OKMiON ITY Prmoa n C. M. Kmtm.
In Febroary nest his son. Fred 0 , will be admit
ted as a member of the Arm.
Jobs Myers has been aaUbliabed here in general
merchandising since IHflO, does an eitensive busi
ness aad is also part fanner, as be la the owner of
900 aerea of aa In land aa ran be aesa ia Gleeks
maa county. He has served aa Sheriff it bla county
for two years and as State Senator for four years.
B. A. Hugbaa, dealer In general msreaaadais
aud farming implements, has been established In
business sines 1M0, although n of lbs
lace since lSi3. Strict attention to hoaiaeaa an 1
mitted aa partner four years ago The linn et.oy
a lucrative practice, taetr ten In las Oregon 0
Oiks sione amounting to tl.'W tot l7s. A.
ags U for different part lea, they handle annually
about 1200.000, and they have the names sf over
three hundred swear leasers This la the pile
dpal law rm in the sonnty, and we Judge that
las ad v toe Ussy give taetr cletats Is suend, froan
the fact that far so terse a annate sa Chukamee
there is comparatively ItitU litigation They ere
also agents for Inesranee Coespaalee, sad do s
general real estate asstasss
I Dr. J. Wetes, assttet, is asanas enUUsonet,
The prior, pel Mel hers le lbs CtI flsass," at
which T. W. Haasitss Is afopitotor. 1U baa bee
established I r Uml years, and must bs ,'iviag gen
stal aatiefeetloa, as he ev ideally deas a good be
lasss. 0-..rg Fo. bs as the aaaaafaclarer of las Wit.
laawtte Fails cigar. Ws sever see the weed,
therefore ran hot bs eosesdetsd a lodge of the at
taste; bat aa be received las tret preesleaa al lbs
Oregon Mate Fan. and em slots s Chlasae, hie
. igaraebonM have lbs prelates' from lanes wan
will slobs,
(Csasleded ea sage IM)