May, 1879 1 5- THE WEST SHORE. ORKOON 1 ITV. PlotafMMtj I"' it-'I immediately below the falls of ll Willamette, slid fourteen milx above Cortland, U Oregon Ultjr, the at ol government for I'Uikamaa loimly, tha oldoat town 111 Oregon, ami for uutnhar of years Its capital It has now a pulatlon "f about 1,,'iOfl; haa numerous ihurchas, eocietlea anil aeyrral msuufarturiiig Uliluhmriita, wliilat busmen I urtuila of all Hindi arc wall represented 'Ilia lint nwa)iaM 1 1 vi r pu Mmliixl on tlio IV ill, iimuI waa pllltlt-il line long before the lilt' novnry of gold "' OtMfOffwUll tt wan mimril 7ki deeon Smiiitor, and th. tint nuinlter waa lanued on February ',, IM', A moat esrellsiit anil ably ruhdui lad wi-ekly ii w injiwr4 7'Ar (hrtim Otif prevent! il ir in ahuwing the falls. On the right may he MM a distant riew of ttm locki, which want constructed at mi expense of half a million of ilollara, ami which allow the passage of steamboats from the uper ti the lower river, anil rico vena. On tho loft liank of the river, about 0110 mile dis tant, ia aeon the auburban village of Canomah. No. Illl view of Mm atroet, looking north. No. ; shows p hi of Main street and a steamhunt juit deareuding through the locks on tho opiiosite bunk of the river. No. I is a general view of tho north ltd portion of Um town, whilat No. .'1 ihowa the fast One Imperial Mill". They wero liuilt in I SOS, gnntly enlarged in 1870, and hare aeren runs of bura, with a rapaiily of from MO Ui 100 luirrida per day. That the rapacity ia mud nearly to its lull limit, may lie judged from the fuct that from graving of which may bo seen in view 1, and again in view 2, is a fine four-atory brick struc ture, and ia the moat expensive building in Ore. gon City. This establishment is a oredit not only to Oregon City, hut is something the entire State inny woll fool proud of. The company was organ ized in lfiGA. Tho I'resident is Mr. Ilalpb Jacobs, and his brother, Mr. I. Jacobs, is the Superintend ent. The mills employ 1,10 hands, who receive anuually about t7ri,(MM) for wagos, whilst about JI.IO.OOO of the company's money finds its way an no illy to the Oregon wool producers. With the well known reputation for excellence of Oregon wool in the markets of tho world, and the superior facilities for manufacturing possessed by this com pany, it is little wouder that they produce blanket! ami flunnels which, for softness are unequiled' 3' 7yyiiiBiMawxfr -Tiu .mmi 1 iiiiiitiiyiiiltfW No 1 A in OREGON CI IV 1 IV .1"! I'l l I fafwjM.w, la (,, Kdasld. lledeway TV. trawlmi ami atiippinf la, an sxoel sat Ik. O a 0 It It , which ...nh tn., I'. .itlaiol h a distaa. ul :M0 a,, Us. paasas through war, whilst hMSa thro, to n. steamers ,. I, Ike low at and uppar nm, totrek ham dally. Tka W illasaatta 11 w lakaa a nl ejhsj to tort br, furnishing alseus ealltailrd asl.l powaf, wbtrk. lh.ltt.alh of Ik. Mat. tad luliudu, tl,.n of oapstal. will see U ulitired, aad esshc Ian, a laaanlerUnsuJ town, will, a ptspwUlkw, of at lee, t 1MM- Oar eagrevusg will give oar raauWra a aarracl swam of UW (aararal appearance of the town .No 1 i a use Hues Mm , lilt, touting south. I ha the J;' I ol Augu.t. ih;h, ta the loth of April. UT1), Ik mill, tarnad ot TO.OCll latrrala of "Ktra'' m. I whirl, (v.,00,, harrtd, war. ahipprd to Liverpool. Knglaml, a her., in fact, the hulk of the product,,,,,. o this aatabliahm, nt find a ready aiark.t Tha Imparial brand haa a World-wide leputaiioa. and tka quality never van,-., but is alaay. kept up to its high standard of excellence Th. hra.1 ajtller, Mr. A. Ooaaatk, ud foreman, Mr A J Ap,roB, bav. hoU, rmp, J 1 iU ",,U ,u l yvra. The proprietor. Mr. IV W. ) Uafaaal.. u a pl,a,r of tka HUto, and cam. her. in IN.;, his ofttea la in I'orUand, at No. 10 XorU, Kroal alh.t. and a Islsnkniis enai,..i. ha. land otl. atth tka milk whilat their rlotha will outwear anything that hu ever rome under our observation. Connected with the null is a rlothing manufacturing department, giving employment to a number of skillful ontters and about M Uilors. The superior finish given to clothing manufactured in this department la, on examination, apparent even to the most care leas observer, whilst u, price it is far below that of eastern make. Katablishments of this kind kelp to enrich our Slate, and it is (ratifying to know that this clothing is fast gaining in favor wherever It bas been introduced. The merchant in the North went who does not have it for sale ia atmply behind th. limes, whil.t the farmer or in 1 t. line whn niir- UAhiu4 muui4Ktur abruiU, UcvrUioly